Monday 21 November 2011

Just Another Manic Monday....

Monday again, and another week has begun; let's see what it brings!
I didn't get much done yesterday, just finished some journal pages and made the Decmeber calendar sheet for my friend. I think this is the first time that I have been finished so punctually!

I started the journal pages on Friday, using some paper napkins with images of Buddha, which I applied after painting the background with red, yellow and black acrylics, sprayed with spiced marmalade ink. I then added some sayings of Buddha. I am linking to AEDM at Creative Every Day

And this is my big, fat journal, almost full. When it is full - I have another 10 pages - I will paint the cover so it doesn't look so shabby!

And Narda sent some jokes yesterday, so here is the first one for you:

A Couple in their nineties are both having problems remembering things. During a checkup, the doctor tells them that they're physically okay, but they might want to start writing things down to help them remember ..
Later that night, while watching TV, the old man gets up from his chair. 'Want anything while I'm in the kitchen?' he asks.
'Will you get me a bowl of ice cream?'
'Don't you think you should write it down so you can remember it?' she asks.
'No, I can remember it..'
'Well, I'd like some strawberries on top, too. Maybe you should write it down, so as not to forget it?'
He says, 'I can remember that. You want a bowl of ice cream with strawberries.'
'I'd also like whipped cream. I'm certain you'll forget that, write it down?' she asks.
Irritated, he says, 'I don't need to write it down, I can remember it! Ice cream with strawberries and whipped cream - I got it, for goodness sake!'
Then he toddles into the kitchen. After about 20 minutes, The old man returns from the kitchen and hands his wife a plate of bacon and eggs.. She stares at the plate for a moment.
'Where's my toast ?'

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for dropping in!


  1. Very nice December calendar, Valerie. Your Buddha journal pages really speak to me. Oh My! Your journal is getting nice and fat .. it's been fun to watch you fill it up. Hope you have a lovely creative day. hugs, Donna

  2. Lol! Christmas is coming - the journal's getting fat! Love your buddha pages. Have a great day.xx

  3. It sure is!! (I'd better not look to closely where my waist used to be either!)

  4. Magnificent nearly full journal and these pages are beautiful Valerie, I love the cubist shapes and lovely warm colours:0) Thanks for making me smile today! Narda's joke did it again, Gay xxx

  5. Morning Valerie. Love the journal pages especially the paint effects in the background. The journal itself is looking pretty fab.
    Have a lovely week.
    Regards Florence x

  6. Love your Buddha pages, and the quotes, The calendar is a really jolly, old-fashioned Christmas one, love it! Hugs, Sarah

  7. Gorgeous card and I love the Buddha journal pages, Valerie! That journal is looking pretty full :)

  8. Lovely, the red is very catchy yet not overdone. Beautiful technique as well. I'm very much admiring your blog overall too!

  9. Your Buddha napkin journal spread talks to me! I love how the paint strokes give it a great sense of movement!

  10. Loving the joke!!
    Your calendar page is beautiful and so, so appropriate for December.
    Great journal pages too.
    Hugs xx

  11. I am really loving the journal pages!

  12. Super joke, it is definately a hearty laugh one.
    Great art creations, love the pages.
    Yvonne x

  13. Wow Valerie, great journal page and that journal is getting really fat. LOL
    Thanks for dropping by and hope all is well with you.
    Time to change that background soon??
    Lesley :)

  14. That is one, chunky journal!!
    Great pages from you Valerie.
    P.S. Never said Thank You for continuing to visit me when I was unable to visit you as often as I'd have liked. Appreciate it so much.

  15. Love a "THICK" art journal, full of yummy painted pages! :]
    Thank you for sharing and making me laugh! Happy Monday. *hugs*
    P.S. please let me know when your package arrives, sorry for the delay.

  16. Lovely pages Valerie, can't wait to see what you do to the cover! Tell Narda, thanks for the joke.

  17. Your new journal pages are beautiful. I love the eastern color scheme with the Buddha. Also enjoyed your joke!

  18. cute joke, lol. Nice, zen journal pages!

  19. Well done on your journal, it's looking fab. I really like the buddha pages. x

  20. Really really love those journal pages....I can' believe that the Holidays are right around the corner and I'm nowhere near being ready for them :0(

  21. good jump on christmas! Hey, weren't you just doing Halloween? Time is zooming by! Love your journal, Val. :0)

  22. Gorgeous and you always do such a beautiful job on your journals!

  23. Gorgeous journal pages Valerie. Love the paint effects and warm colours.
    Great joke too which really made me smile.
    Hugs, Fliss xx


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