Wednesday 16 November 2011

Frosty Wednesday.

Hi everyone! It's another cold and frosty day here, lovely weather for crafting and painting.
I had a good, crafty day yesterday, making cards for my neighbour who needs a batch of Xmas ones, and playing in my journal, which will soon be full.

For the journal pages I stayed by my theme of the poor geese getting fattened up ready for holiday dinners. This time I sprayed the background with blue, and painted the geese with acrylics, adding the details with felt-tips. I am linking again to AEDM at Creative every day

The cards are all about 7" square, and I used background papers from the DCWV Christmas stack. I think I prefer my little tags for myself, but if I am making things for others it's best to make what they want! I have used vintage German scrap for the images. I still need to do a few more, so will get to work on them later.

Hope you all have a great day. Take care, and thanks for dropping by!


  1. Your cards are lovely. I'm sure they will be pleased. Love your geese, they did make me giggle. x

  2. I love your witty geese, too, and the cards are great! Hugs, Sarah

  3. ha ha re your geese. Did you draw them from scratch. They are very well done - made me LOL. The cards you made are exquisite. Your neighbour should be over the moon. 7" square -- I'll bet they really make a statement. Enjoy your arty kitchen today, Valerie. hugs, Donna

  4. Those geese are great fun Valerie and your vintage cards are beautiful. Wishing you a happy Wednesday. Suze xx

  5. Beautiful cards, love the german scrap images.
    Glad to see the happy geese are booked on a vegetarian train, super pages.
    Yvonne x

  6. Beautiful cards Valerie and I love your geese. Have a good day.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Morning Valerie Love your geese so glad they are making their escape! Great vintage cards too.


  8. Your geese are looking happy, they don't know what's coming :)

    The Xmas cards are gorgeous, Valerie. Are those Santa's all hand cut?

  9. Goodness 7" square they are quite big cards! and all of them are smashing.

    Your journal pages just crack me up so witty and clever love them! XOXO Zoe

  10. Very cute...not cold here yet, just in the 50's but raining...ugh. :-)

  11. Great cards Valerie, I love them all and your cute journal pages
    Hugs June x

  12. Okay, so I LOVE the cards and those geese look amazing!

  13. These are great cards! I like the use of a touch of ribbon and the vintage Santas are beyond cool! Wish I could cross stitch one. You're getting a nice head start on getting your cards made.

  14. Love your journal pages ~ So adorable! Love them! Xmas Cards are very elegant and creative ~ namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey and A Creative Harbor) ~ enjoy the day ~ ^_^

  15. Hi Valerie, You always cheer me up:0) Great Christmas cards and a wonderful 2page spread of art and humour on your journal pages,, brilliant, have a great day, hugs Gay xxx

  16. LOL! You brightening my morning with your journal quotes! And the Christmas cards are beautiful!

  17. Hi Valerie. All aboard the Vegetarian Express! LOL! Fabulous geese and painting. Beautiful Christmas cards.
    Regards Florence x

  18. Your geese have such personality in their faces! I love the beautiful Christmas cards you've made, gorgeous!

  19. lucky neighbour,those cards are quite professional, not to mention hand made!

  20. Wow, Val you have one lucky neighbour, those cards are just beautiful. Love the journal pages too, so colourful and quirky. Expected them to suddenly come to life, waggle their tail feathers and go quack quack. lol xx

  21. Another adorable goose journal page! ^.^

  22. GASP! Your cards are absolutely FABulous! I LOVE your use of vintage Santa images (of course my favorite is the one with the children dancing around him ;) and that journal page! I love those big, blue, eyelashed eyes so much! Bravo, xoxo

  23. Oh my, these are all way too cute!
    You are so creative and talented, Valerie.
    Thank you for sharing *hugs*

  24. You just crack me up !! Love your journal pages he is such a cutesy ! Great cards love the nostalgic feel and the great images and you did so many !!



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