Tuesday 16 August 2011

We had a nice summer yesterday....

Well, much to my suprise, the weather stayed nice all day. I even managed to walk into our little town, and had a coffee and a croissant at the baker's - it was their special offer of the day, so I didn't need to get too bad a conscience. And I discovered a little charity shop that belongs to the hospital. It's only opened 2 or 3 times a week, and up till now it has always been closed, but this time it was open. I made a bee line for the place where I saw lace, and found a whole load of hand made lace, which I just had to buy. So what with the coffee and croissant, my shopping money for this week has gone, but I have a few tins and packets here, so will not starve. And I have enough coffee for the week, too, so it should be OK. All in all I have about 12 meters of lace, so I have enough for my next tags, collages and LOs,

And these 2 pieces of sequin waste and a beaded pendant were thrown in for good measure!

And when I got home I decided to make another Family LO. I used the same technique as the day before, stamping with resist ink, inking, spraying, wiping it off to leave just a touch of colour, and then putting on 2 more layers. I stuck to Victorian Velvet, Forest Moss, Ancient Paper and Garden Fairy Spray, as I want the LOs to match. I want to do one more,as I have one more picture to use, and then it will be good. I used a transparency of my Mum with me when I was about 1 year old, and decorated again with lace, sugared vellum, flowers, and leaves etc.

So, that was all for today. Hope you have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for dropping in!


  1. Woooza .. great haul from the hospital shop! That will be fun to use up. What does LO mean? Whatever it is, I like them. Enjoy your day, Valerie. Hugs from Mexico, Donna

  2. All that beautiful lace! What a great find. Coffee, croissant and hand made lace - doesn't get much better than that!

    Pretty LO - sweet photo of you and your Mum, and you've chosen gorgeous colours for it.

    We're still waiting for summer in the UK.......


  3. Donna - LO is short for Layout....lazy speak, so to say!

  4. You were a sweet baby! Love the embellishments you have used! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Lovely lace Valerie, that should keep you busy for a wee while. Layout colours are so pretty and that's a grand bow you have in your hair. Have a lovely day. Suze xx

  6. Sounds like a perfect trip out to me! Gorgeous lace, coffee and croissant...mmm!
    A beautiful LO Valerie.
    Hugs xx

  7. Beautiful layout and the lace is gorgeous.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. Another beautiful layout. Wonderful find in the hospital shop.
    Have a lovely day.
    Florence x

  9. Sounds like you had the perfect day yesterday, Valerie! Gorgeous lace finds and I love what you created with it :)

  10. WOW great lace. I wish I could get lucky to find treasure such as that. Lovely LO.

  11. Gorgeous finds in the Charity shop, love your layout as well. Yvonne x

  12. Lucky you to find all that lovely lace - your card is really pretty; so much detail and soft girly colors!

  13. whoohoo...lucky you! Glad you were able to pick up some good stuff for your tags! Happy Creating!

  14. those laces are beautiful, great find!
    You were a cute baby!

  15. Great LO, and your lace was a wonderful find! Hugs, Barb

  16. Oh my your lace is gorgeous, what a find! Lovely lay out of you and your Mum too.

  17. Wow, what an amazing find!! And I love what you created, Val!!!


  18. Valerie, I would say it was your lucky day. A trip to the bakery and a gorgeous find at the thrift shop. The lace is gorgeous.


  19. Sounds like a great day Valerie with some wonderful bargains. Smashing LO. Annette x

  20. OOOhh I'm a funny colour now LOL Green with envy!! Love the LO Val, very whimisiacl feel to it. xx

  21. Look at you! Such a little cutie ;) I love what you're doing here - and your new lace finds are fab! Thanks for your sweet comment and have a great week, xo

  22. That is a dandy collection of lace!!! And what a nice day, coffee and a croissant sounds delicious! Have a good day Val. xo

  23. Very pretty and I like the way you've added the lace. x

  24. Love your family layouts...pretty colors and lace. All of them are wonderful! take care, gerri


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