Saturday 6 August 2011

More post received and some tags

Good morning everybody! It's Saturday again - just in case you hadn't noticed!
Yesterday I got another notification from the customs office that I had something to collect there. I think they are doing it on purpose to get to see what nice things I have been sent. It was a little present from Lynn, who did a wonderful giveaway on her blog some weeks back, and sent me a pair of earrings. This time I was served by a very pretty young man, and when I opened the little box inside the envelope he started screaming *Wahnsinn! Wahnsinn!* (Madness) The colleagues all came running - including the lady who admired my books earlier this week, and took it in turns to stand in front of the mirror with my earrings to see how they looked! It was really funny. He gave me them back in the end, and said if ever I don't want them, he would love them! But he has no chance, as I ADORE them, and am already proudly wearing them! Thanks Lynn for this very generous gift! Sorry that the first picture is a bit blurred!

And I got another postcard from the *Liberate your Art* postcard swap, this time from Kathleen Hendrick, showing one of her paintings from 2007 called *illusion*

And I made 2 tags yesterday. The first one is a *white on white* tag for *Just for Fun*. Not very original, but white on white is not really my thing! I painted the tag with 2 coats of gesso - without eating it!, cut the birdcage and bird from the cover of my drawing block, and put in a heart which has been made in a mold, and left unpainted this time. Added a few white bits and bobs. I think I will have to give it a big name like *Set my heart free!* The second tag was just because I was enjoying fiddling around....

And the last piece I am sharing with you today is the August page for my friend's calendar, which is a tiny bit late this time....

That was all for today. Here's wishing you all a great Saturday, take care and thanks for visiting!


  1. Gosh those earings are amazing :) I'd so love a pair like that !
    It might not be your thing Valerie but you sure have made a lovely tag for the white on white challenge at Just for Fun:)
    Thank you for playing along with us once again
    Von x

  2. Hi Val, had to laugh over the earring story! Love your tags, too! We are off out again with the kids - sigh! I will be happy when they go back to school! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Can just imagine the Pretty young man at the post office admiring himself with your earrings they are gorgeous congratulations on winning them.

    Love your WoW tag layers and textures is what its all about and you have brought it on, like it or not! Thank you for sharing with us at just for Fun enjoy your week-end XOXO Zoe

  4. FAB. U. LOUS. Earrings! Ok, you can come and visit me, just bring the earrings! Yes, I'll give you a glass of sangria! Love the white on white tag .. the 'play' tag is gorgeous with that lovely German scrap ... and of course I LOVE IT ALL! The little earring box is lovely isn't it! Have fun today, and stop looking in the mirror ... OK, you can look in the mirror and admire them. Have a great day Valerie. Hugs from Mexico, Donna

  5. What fabulous earrings - no wonder the people at the post office all got excited. Just think, you're expanding their world and introducing them to the delights of handmade. :)
    Love both the tags but the second is definitely more "you".
    Hugs xx

  6. Well Valerie, you've given me a smile this morning with your ear-ring story! They are gorgeous. Beautiful white on white tag, scrap tag and calendar page (that really is a wonderful gift to give someone). Have a happy day - sun trying to peek through here! Suze xx

  7. The sun is also trying to peek through here, but is having to compete with lots of clouds and a strong wind!

  8. Hi Valerie. Amazing ear rings. I did giggle when I read your post. Lovely tags. The calender is a fab idea and so pretty.
    Regards Florence x

  9. Lovely work again, and I love those earrings, too! No wonder they all wanted them! Hugs, Barb

  10. beautiful tags you made today and such lovely gifts. The earrings are so creative and I love the painting.

  11. Beautiful earrings and wonderful tags and page! I know you are enjoying your earrings. Your did a great job on your projects.

  12. i like the white tag and the mold! wow, you are so creative - happy weekend, to you!!! xo

  13. Hi Valerie, Gorgeous earrings, lucky you:0)Wonderful painting too but I love your white on white tag, the heart is fabulous, like all your art:0) Gay xxx

  14. Wow Valerie, what a great post to receive and those earrings are stunning.
    Always love to see your take on corrugated cardboard,I think you did a great job for JFF challenge and the last tag is so cute.
    Have a great weekend.

  15. Valerie
    We all want those ear-rings!!!! No wonder you are wearing them they are so fabulous.
    Hope you are feeling much better today.

  16. Great tags and considering white on white isn't your thing, your done a fabulous job.

    Love those ear-rings - fantastic

    Sam xxx

  17. Oh lordy, I love those earrings!!!! I have one pair of hand earrings that I ordered from a Frida store, but I want more. Yours are awesome. What great gifts, what great friends you have. Does your friend sell the earrings??? Have a great weekend.

  18. Oh my... those earrings are fabulous (and I don't even have pierced ears!). WOW. And I'm loving the white molded heart in the bird cage... so clever!

  19. Wow, fantastic earings, can see how they offered to re-home them for you. Love your tags, the White is gorgeous. Yvonne

  20. Wonderful earrings and such a fab box. Loving all your great projects Valerie. Annette x

  21. Now for those earrings, I might even go and get mine pierced! Wow, those are so amazing! As always, beautiful tags!

  22. YOUR WHITE ON WHITE is stunning! What a terrific idea for a tag, too.

    Happy your earrings from Lynn arrived. It always makes us nervous when we send things across the waters.

    Have a pleasant Sunday, Valerie.


  23. wow! so much creativity for just one day :) I love the tag with the birdcage and oooh those earrings are lucky lady! Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)x

  24. Love the earrings and I think the white on white is wonderful!! Glad you didnt eat any gesso. Have a great Sunday. Hugs, Kim

  25. I'm so glad you like the earrings and happy they went to a good home!
    I Love your white on white tag, its stunning!
    hugs Lynn

  26. Fantastic work on all of these and well done with the difficult white on white challenge


  27. Fabulous pieces Valerie ! Great white on white piece difficult one that one. It seems as if you have won everyone over post office and customs ! The earrings are gorgeous lucky you.


  28. Great story about the ear rings, they are fab. Love your tags and the white on white really stands out. x

  29. Like the White Rabbit in Alice "I'm Late, I'm Late" but how nice to find such a lovely tag waiting for viewing. Thanks for playing along with us at JFF. Hugs, Neet x


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