Saturday 24 April 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a good and safe weekend. We have spring like weather just now, even though it's not really warm, but it's wonderful for walking!

Today I have 2 more tags to share for my 'anything goes' challenge at Tag Tuesday. For the first one I used a scrap of designer paper, I think it was from LaBlanche, which I sewed to a recycled background. I hand-sewed the owl charms to the branch.I hope to see some of you joining in, and you still have more than a week to do so:

The second one was made with a sheet of Beatrix Potter cutouts which were a magazine freebie many moons ago. The background is hand painted, and the sentiment was added digitally:

I always love to see the first lilacs blooming:

Blue skies and beautiful blossoms:

The new leaves are always beautiful:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 

Friday 23 April 2021

Friday post - Inspired by

 Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well! On Wednesday I got my first vaccination against Covid, which is a relief. I had the vaccine from Biontech-Pfizer, and up till now have had no side effects. In June I can get the 2nd one. The vaccination centre is in the sport arena in Düsseldorf, which has plenty of space to accommodate large numbers of people. It all went very well, no hitches, and the people there were very friendly.

Today I have another A3 mixed media piece to share for AJJ, for the theme of 'inspired by', chosen by Eileen, who is sadly no longer with us. This was inspired by a piece from Effy Wild. I already showed a similar piece, and this one has the raven looking in the other direction. I will also be linking to Paint Party Friday:

And some photos taken this week on my walks - it's lovely to see fresh green everywhere:

Can you see me on the bridge?

I hope they are still in love!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

This will be another short post, my mouse has 'died' on me and I do not get on well without it!

I have an 'Inspired by' piece for AJJ, this time I was thinking about families. I used photos from my Mother and me.

And some photos from today's walk:

Today was market day:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!