Thursday 1 August 2024

New challenge at AJJ - Wonderfully wild

Hi Everybody!

Today we are beginning a new challenge at Art Jouney Journal , and this time the lovely and talented Jo from  Let'sArt Journal is our host. Thanks to Halle of Halle's Hobbies, who hosted last month's theme!

For my interpretation of this theme I have a collage. The background is a large, 12" page from La Blanche, and I collaged 2 laughing zebra's. I cut into the mane of the Zebra on the left and 'dressed' it to look a bit wild:

And I have some not so wild pictures taken this morning when I was in Düsseldorf for an appointment:

The flowers and little park are at the end of König's Allee, the most exclusive street in town, and mostly very expensive. And no, I don't shop there! Usually there are people sitting on the grass but it was too early for that this morning!

Some of the new buildings are architecturally interesting, but that doesn't mean that I like them!

Mr Schadow also gave his name to another shopping street:

I like the look of this stange pyramid, but haven't walked up it yet:

And some fcunnies and thinkies:

I will also be linking to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fabulous and fun journal page with the laughing zebras with his wild mane, loved the pictures with the flowers and you lovely journey you had to the city, beautiful place..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, they really look like they are laughing! Dusseldorf has a lot of green and plants! Hugs

  2. Oh my, how I love those zebras! They really made me smile and are perfectly wild for our theme at AJJ 😊. Loving all those flowers in the park too. Thanks so much for having me as Guest Host at AJJ and wishing you a wild and wonderful August! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks, Jo. We are very happy that you are hosting this month! I wish I could run wild agzin!

  3. Hi Val, love your interpretation and the laughing zebras. Love how you did the mane, too. Nice pics of Dusseldorf, too, they bring back nice memories of my time there. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I wish I had a man's like that! We had some fun times back then! Hugs!

  4. Spitze und fantasievoll deine Journalseite für das neue Thema, liebe Valerie !
    Ja und diese Veränderung in Düsseldorf sehe ich mir auch gerne bei dir an und deine witzigen Sachen.
    Ich wünsche dir einen guten Tag
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke! Bist du jetzt fertig umgezogen? Ich hoffe es geht dir gut. Alles Liebe!

  5. Such a wonderful fun creation. Hope you have a wounderful week. Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha, glad you like it! Have a great weekend! Hugs.

  6. Those zebras look wild and frisky, Valerie, and I wouldn’t want those teeth to clamp down on my fingers. That pyramid looks really interesting because as far as I can tell it is vegetation. More of this should be done in cities. Singapore struck me as a real leader in that regard. Many of their high rise buildings are effectively vertical forests and hydrology is favourably affected, air quality improves and so on. Much can be done if there is the political will to do it, and some creative urban planning. Tell me more about it. Yesterday we had a couple of avocados that need to be used so we made guacamole. One thing led to another, so I made a caprese salad. Then I went out to pick up nachos (made locally), a baguette, a couple of great cheeses and prosciutto and a bottle of Malbec - and that was dinner. It was quite fabulous, too. And not a saucepan to wash afterwards! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. They have planted flowers and put grass on a lot of new buildings, and I love it. But only in the high price sector! Your food yesterday sounds wonderful, I would have helped you eat it very gladly! Yesterday we went to Pizzeria Roma again, always yummy. And neither of us had to wash the dishes afterwards! Big hugs!xxxxxxx

  7. let's all be as awesome as the zebra! lovely flower borders. Have fun! Hugs, Deb

    1. Now that would be great! Thanks for visiting and hope you are doing as well as possible. Hugs!

  8. Just grinning from ear to ear with those laughing zebras - what a fun creation. Beautiful photos and great funnies once again today. Wishing you a great weekend filled with everything beautiful.

    1. So glad you like it, dear Carol! YOu have a wonderful weekend, too. Hugs.

  9. Love those zebras! What a fantastic find they were and I do like how you fringed the mane of one of them, That background by Le Blanche is perfect and i love the quote you have used. Great fun!
    Those are lovely photos that you took on your way to the doctors, what a pleasure to walk up a street landscaped in that way.
    Lovely funnies - that girl with the umbrellas would make a nice rubber stamp but it is the Zinnis that I mostly enjoy, such talent!
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Ah yes, I love David Zinn's work, too.. Dusseldorf has some beautiful places, and I enjoy walking there. Take cars, hugs, Valerie

  10. Those zebras are great Valerie. It's good to start the month with a smile and a laugh, even for zebras. What a super start for Jo's challenge. And what a pretty fountain and garden. It may not be totally wild, but those are the perfect photos to start a new month with. And I think people who chose ignorance shut themselves off from anything they don't want to really know about. Have a wonderful start to August my friend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, we all need a few laughs! Dusseldorf is very pretty, and there is lots of green. That's true about ignorance, dad but true. You have a great August, too. Take care, hugs, Valerie

  11. What an amazing first entry for Jo's theme at AJJ. Those laughing zebras are both adorable and cute. I love the toucan and how you cut the mane on the one zebra. I love that it truly is wonderfully wild.

    What beautiful flowers and fountain. I can see why people would choose to sit there. Some of the buildings I found interesting. The older I get, the more I like modern art.

    Some great thinkies today. I think my favorites are the age of information and the mask the woman peeled away.

    I thought "failed to publish" had stopped, but I just got it. GRR!!

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth, strange that we both chose zebras! Glad you like my two! There are lots of nice places to sit in town, and a beautiful park with a huge lake a few minutes further. Blogger is having problems again just now, let's hope it soon passes! Hugs!

  12. Gorgeous page and happy FFO! Enjoyed the photos and thinkies

  13. I love those awesome laughing zebras and want to know what so funny? I iike Dusseldorf, interesting architecture, for sure. I wouldn't climb that pyramid even if you dared me to. No thanks!

    1. It's a great photo!! I am determined to climb it, there's a better way from the other side. Next time I'm there! Hugs!

    2. Awesome!!! Do take pictures from the top.

  14. They are awesome, as is that architecture. I love it when buildings are just flat-faced concrete. Beautiful flowers in that sweet park.

    1. We have some wonderful architecture here! Have a great Friday!

  15. Wonderful pictures. I really love the flowers and the fountain. I find the architecture interesting also.

    1. Thanks, Dusseldorf is a very interesting place!

  16. What a great journal page really brought a smile to my face this morning and set me off to a great start to a busy day. Those Zebras are incredible a fabulous created page.
    Beautiful garden pics the flowers all look so lovely and beautifully designed, it would be an amazing place to sit and take time out to relax during the day.
    Thank you for the thinkies & funnies...
    Wishing you a Happy weekend Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks, dear Tracey. I wish you strength for your busy day, have a great weekend. Hugs

  17. Bravo to your awesone zebras and all the other wonderful art you gave us today.
    Happy Friday. Thanks for linking to AFFF


  18. Nice art work and very entertaining funnies!
    best, mae at

  19. Beautiful art Valerie! I love the zebras!
    Great photos and funnies too!
    Happy Friday.

  20. ...Valerie, I wish you an Awesome August. Take care and be well.

    1. Thanks Tom, Awesome August to you and yours!

  21. I love the awesome piece! The flowers are gorgeous. Those memes are great. I love baby ducks. Hope you are feeling well. Hugs, Sandra

  22. I just have to say it takes Awesome to know Awesome and you always do Valerie.

    1. Thanks so much, your words made me feel good! Hugs!

  23. Ahhhh now that made me laugh. Beautiful photos of flowers and town. Thank you for joining FFO.

  24. Your zebras are so much fun! I love them! You have created a wonderful page.
    Düsseldorf has changed a lot since I was there last which is a long long time ago - 35 years maybe? My favorites of your funnies today are the David Zinns - he's simply wonderful.

    1. True, the town centre is unrecognizable, but good! David Zinn is a phenomenon!

  25. Great post! Love the zebra art piece you did! So creative! Very cute! The pics of the gardens and fountain are beautiful! What a peaceful place to go sit and enjoy the day!

    1. Thanks Kim! It's lovely to find so much green a d beauty in a big town! Hugs!

  26. Fun zebras and awesome town garden photos ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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