Monday 8 July 2024

Monday Post

Hi Everybody!

A new week has started - enjoy!
I am feeling a bit better but still having a lot of problems and no energy. I need to be patient - Not my thing!

This is the piece I should have posted at the beginning of the new challenge at AJJ, where Halle is hosting. Her theme is 'I've got a notion', and it's about sewing.  Here my head is filled with all the things I need to get started!

And I have a last tag for Pinky's flower challenge at Tag Tuesday:

And I have a mix of photos, thinkies and funnies for you:

Have a great, new week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hope you get your energy up. Lovely page and tag. Enjoyed the thinkies -Christine

  2. I loved everything!-feel better hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, have a great week, take care!

  3. Hi Val, good morning! Sorry you have been having such a rough ride lately, and hope that you are slowly getting your energy back! Your art today is beautiful, as always, I love both pieces! Here everything is chaos as usual. Please look after yourself and don't do more than you can! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! It can ony get better! Andrea brought me some things I can eat, so I have to try to eat something and hope that it stays with me! Hugs to all!

  4. Hi Valerie, just read your previous posts and was sorry that you have been so ill and back in hospital I hope you are recovering well. Look after yourself.

    1. Thanks so much Yvonne. As we get older troubles seem to follow us.... Look after yourself, hugs!

  5. It’s amazing that you have been able to look right inside Miriam’s head, filled with sewing paraphernalia. I have no doubt that’s what it looks like. I am sorry to hear that you are still lacking energy, Valerie, and I am sure that each day is a struggle under those circumstances. I can only hope that you will feel better soon, with renewed vigour and creative flair. We will all look forward to it. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Exactly, you can print it out for Miriam and show her the workings of her mind! I am taking things very easy, and hope that things soon get better! Hope you and Miriam are doing well! Hugs xxxxxxxxxx

  6. Your "head" with the sewing theme is very clever. I enjoyed all the funnies and inspiration and of course I always admire all your artwork. Hope you regain your energy soon. Electrolytes maybe?

    1. Thanks Judee. I take an eloctrolyte solution twice a day, and I think it is helping, I am just impatient and want to get back to normal! And I am drinking plenty! Have a great week, hugs!

  7. Your artwork is always so inspiring!
    The sewing-themed piece is wonderfully creative, and the tag for Pinky's flower challenge is beautiful.
    I hope your energy returns soon.
    Sending you positive vibes and hugs!

    1. Thanks, Veronica, much appreciated. Have a great week!

  8. The head is so versatile and I like how you use it. Rest up

    1. Thanks, it's good to have a versatile head!

  9. A great post Valerie, your art is beautiful as always.
    I hope you're feeling better soon.
    Alison xx

  10. That cartoon of the corn and the popcorn made me laugh. As for sewing, that is something I used to do when I was in college. Now, I just buy from the Muumuu Factory.

    1. I still do some alterations or repairs with the machine, but don't sew my own outfits anymore!

  11. Every single funny cracked me up today! Thanks for those -- they are sorely needed. Love the art but wish you were feeling better. One day at a time, right? Just take it easy and get well.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, one day at a time! Sometimes we just need to laugh, it does us good, body and soul! Hugs!

  12. Glad to hear you are doing better. Just take the time needed to get better. Love your tag and your media piece. Have a great week. Hugs Anesha

  13. Hi Val, glad you are feeling a bit better, but please take it easy, I know you! Love your beautiful art! Here all is well, no problems! Hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks Martha, and I am taking it easy. I can't do otherwise just now! Hugs to all!

  14. It's hard to be patient...I totally understand. Love the sewing things in your head! As well as the tag. I have to tell you that I always leave your blog with a smile on my face from all the wonderful images you post.

    1. Thanks so much, hope you are keeping well!

  15. I'm glad you're better and hope you won't need to exercise patience much longer.

    I love the head filled with all the things.

  16. Hope you continue to improve. I know how patience is a virtue and so difficult to exercise.
    Great art as always, hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, hope you are doing well! I don't seem to have many virtues! Hug!

  17. Plenty warm here in North Idaho.

  18. Your posts always make me smile, great art work and the little boy and his dog friend could make anyone smile but I do hope you're feeling more than a bit better. soon. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, I hope so, too! Have a good week, hugs!

  19. Your notions remind me of myself - always wanting to stitch and repair things but too lazy to drag my sewing machine out of the closet LOL I'm glad you're feeling somewhat better today and thanks for sharing all those great photos and funnies. I LOVE that house painted with the yellow flowers - that's something I've never seen before!

    1. Ain't that the truth! I need a fixed space for my machine, but where? The yellow house is lovely! Hugs and have a great day!

  20. This is brilliant. I love your head filled with all those notions. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Halle's theme. It was great to read you are finally feeling better, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth, have a great week! Hugs!

  21. I always love it when you share your "heads" and this one obviously belongs to one creative lady. Perhaps she's a fashion designer or a world famous quilter. And you have some great photos and funnies too. Those insects looking over the flower, wow, those big eyes are actually kind of cute. Have a great new week my friend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Those insects really are cute, it's a great pic. My heads are good and very versatile, especially when I need a quick and easy solution! I have us rd them a lot. Hugs!

  22. Two beautiful creations Valerie. I love your gorgeous tag!! Glad to hear you are still improving and patience is hard to come by some days for us all!! Take it easy with lots of rest.

    1. Thanks Pinky. I wish I could buy a large packet of patience, that would be good! Glad you liked the tag. Have a great week, hugs!

  23. Patience is something I don't have - that is why I am not a perfectionist - I try but don't get there. You need to have patience though for so many reasons whjen yoiur health is compromised - please take care.
    Love the mix up of your portrait drawing (in a way) and the theme - such a great idea. So many things are like a jumble in our heads and this is the perfect way to describe them and the feeling we often have. Love the purple in this and the tag - lovely strong colour.
    Thanks for all the thinkies/funnies. Absolutely great and lots to think about now.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    Take a bit of time off and get yourself right.

    1. Thanks Neet, I am really trying to get more rest and quiet and it does help. Today was the first time out for me since the hospital, and it was good to get outside and go for a meal. Have a great week, hugs!

  24. I do like your page and your tag, lovely colours.
    A wonderful collection of funnies and memes.

    I do hope your week has been progressing well.
    Remember to rest a while if you need to :)

    All the best Jan

  25. Thanks 🙏 Jan, I am trying to look after myself better!

  26. Oh dear Valerie, I just went back to read what's been happening - I hope all is going well now. Your head is looking great! .i know what you mean about patience - I'm so looking forward to going out to a park or a garden but I have another three weeks with this boot on! I can still get out for a occasional coffee though if I can be dropped off by the door! Hugs, Chrisx


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