Monday 13 February 2023

T sTands for Trying Hard

Hi Everybody!

Have a great, new week, stay well and fit! I was at home for Saturday and Sunday, which was a nice change. I had left lots of chaos behind me when packing for the clinic, so I tried to clear it away and tidy up and clean in general. By the time I was finished it look like a new apartment, but I was knocked out. Now I'm back in my room at the clinic, and am planning a very early night to recover! But it will be nice to go back to a clean and tidy place when I leave here!

Today I am sharing a collage using lots of red for Erika's  seeing red challenge at AJJ:

My dry goods cupboard before:

And after:

Some of the things I threw out were rather outdated, the oldest one was from 1997!

Forgot to take a before pic here, perhaps just as well!

My cabinet doors are covered with cards and posters:

My lovely daffs:

There was an article in our local newspaper about the Super Bowl, and the images have been projected onto our townhall walls:

This evening we wil also start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday drink link party, so a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang:

Looking forward to summer:

This cat always roams free through our little town:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. So glad you got the weekend at home, beautiful red collage. Tea looks delicious. Good thinkies.

    1. Thanks Christine, have a great, new week! Hugs!

  2. I would have been by sooner, but I had to watch the Superbowl. Nice that you got to go home for the weekend. Looks like you accomplished a LOT, too.

    LOVE that latest entry for Erika's theme at AJJ. Lots of different items that actually went well together. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Love your various drink inspired entries. I like the cold drinks you shared because they make me believe spring will be here soon. Thanks for sharing your art, your house cleaning photos, your daffs, and your coffee inspired goodies with us for T this week, dear friend. BTW, I will link you, but I may be a bit late getting home since I have a hair appointment, then I will be going grocery shopping tomorrow afterward.

    1. Thanks E, glad you enjoyed your super bowl! See you later, hugs

  3. I like your red art Valerie. Great job tidying, it is always hard to get to. Great drink photos too. Nice you got to go home even if you were very busy.

    1. Thanks Sue. When I go home in March I want to be in a clea and tidy place! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Hi Val, good morning. Hope you are feeling better. Love your red art, have a great week, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great week, hugs to all!

  5. Du warst aber so fleissig und jetzt erhol dich gut fürs Heim kommen das nächste Mal!
    Dein Journalseite ist bezaubert, passt zu deiner Sitation gerade und so viele Glückskäfer die hast und brauchst , deswegen viel Glück und pass auf dich auf.
    Schön wie die Lichtshow das Rathaus in Düsseldorf beleuchtet und die süsse Katze die rum geht!
    Ich wünsche dir eine erholsame Zeit in der Klinik!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Hier in der Klinik ist auch eine Katze die herumwandert, is aber ziemlich unfreundlich! Alles Liebe Dir!

  6. Hurrah for having some home time. I bet you must have been happy to be in your apartment. And I had to smile. Now I don't feel like my cabinets/closets are so bad-big smile. It does feel good to clean them out, doesn't it? Too bad they never last that way. Or at least at my house they never do. And your art piece for AJJ is lovely. All those images work together so well and are really interesting to look at. I especially like the woman on the upper right. She has an interesting face. And I'm ready for some summer yummies for T day. They look delicious. You mentioned in your comment on my Thursday post last week you'd rather eat cake than veggies- Me too. And you can add ice cream to that also. Thank you for entry to AJJ. Have a lovely start to the new week , happy early T day and I hope you get some rest too. hugs-Erika

    1. Yesssssssss! I like how they are just now, and hope they will keep that way! Cake and ice cream are really nutricious, who needs veggies every day!?

  7. Your before dry goods pic made me smile. A kindred spirit because my pantry usually looks like that 😺I agree with Maxine about the toilet bowl. I picked out my goodies. I'll have the raisin bread and the pizza. Still too cold for ice cream for me. Take care and Happy T Day

    1. Thanks, you picked 2 good goodies. It will be some time before I can sit outside and eat ice cream!

  8. Mam za sobą bardzo trudny tydzień.Twój post sprawił mi radość. Kot jest cudny kocham koty. Miłego tygodnia😊

    1. Sorry you had a hard week and hope this one will be better for you. Hugs!

  9. I also can't wait for summer, cute kitty <3

  10. this coffee with whipped cream omom:D

  11. It's great to have a clean, tidy home. Kudos to you.

    1. I love a tidy home, I just don't like doing housework!

  12. I can understand you cleaning round even though you probably shouldn't have, you must have felt worn out when you'd finished. I'm also very guilty of keeping stuff in my cupboard for years as I don't like throwing anything away though lots of packet stuff lasts longer than the use by date. Hope you get some rest and have a good week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I think a lot of things can be used longer than the best by date, but more than 2q0 years over the date is perhaps a bit much! Have a great week!

  13. Good morning, that must have felt good to go home over the weekend-and also get some "spring cleaning" done too-that will be wonderful to come home to a clean house.
    Last week I went through a few cupboards and started tossing some really old foods that I am thinking won't get used.
    Lovely drinks, sweet kitty and love your daffodils-a few of mine are beginning to peak through the soil Have a good week-hugs and Happy T Kathy

    1. Hi Kathy, it was nice to be home for a weekend, and I do like it when things are clean and tidy. Have a great week! Hugs!

  14. That is wild about the Superbowl mention in Germany.

  15. Take special care of yourself. Hugs

  16. I love this collage page Valerie! I know how you feel after your tidying session - pleased that you can now go home to a tidy house! It's funny how those out of date items build up! Loving the Daffs, Tony bought me some the other day, Great coffee pics. Happy T Day, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. I often wonder where all of those out of date things come!

  17. That must have been so good to spend time at home over the weekend.
    Everything looks nice and tidy :)

    Lovely to see your colourful art and I enjoyed all of your photographs.

    We've had a spring-like day today, the grandchildren are on half-term holiday from school, so a good start to the week for them.

    Take care of yourself.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, in 3 weeks I'll be home, that's good news!

    2. That is good news :)

      All the best Jan

  18. So many expired foods, so little time and energy! I’m sorry you spent your precious weekend on such chores, though it’s always good to know it’s done. I wish you a good recovery in the clinic…

    mae at

    1. Oh yes. In future I will only buy what I need and not store so many things, as i felt bad about wasting so much!

  19. Your red collage is really lovely. I am glad you got to home for awhile. I am always coming across items that are expired! Eek! I love the old lady and her super bowl. That is what I want. LOL We also have a cat we see roaming around here, never too close, though. I wish you the best. Happy T Day.

    1. Thanks Sharon. That's exactly my idea of a super bowl, too!

  20. I always find old stuff in my kitchen cupboards, not sure how, since I clean them out at least once a year, I think they must hide to avoid the purge lol. It does make you feel better when they are all organised doesn't it. Even though, in my case, it might not last long haha. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Once a year sounds good, I think mine haven't been cleaned and tidied for several years! Happy T Day, hugs!

  21. i am truly in love with ginger cats:)

  22. You have been busy tidying! Everything looks perfect :)

    That raisin bread looks tempting. I'm going to add some to my grocery list :) Happy T Tuesday

  23. How wonderful that you could have a weekend at home. You probably overdid it a bit to do all that cleaning, but as you say, it will be lovely to come back to a clean and tidy house.
    What a difference in store cupboards! Well done you! I loved seeing all your lovely mugs too.
    I love your take on 'seeing red'. And loved the lady with her superbowl toilet. I want one of those too.
    oh what a gorgeous ginger cat! I think if I ever have a cat, I'd like a ginger cat.
    Happy T-Day and Valentine's Day,

  24. Home for the weekend!! Bet you'll be happy when you are home for GOOD!! LOVE your collage! Its quirky , whimsical and just right up my alley wonderful! Thanks for the funnies.. found some smiles in there. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  25. I find it quite satisfying tidying a cupboard out but probably don't do it often enough.

  26. I don't want to sound greedy. I would complete self cleaning house, not just toilet.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  27. Sorry I haven't been around. Trying to get healthy myself. Glad you were able to go home for a few days. I see that you are like me. A bit of energy and we go all out. Nice to have to cupboards tidy. Wonderful art. I love the face. Really nice photos too. Hope you are getting better and better each day.

    1. Thanks so much! Hope you soon feel better, too!

  28. I'm so glad you managed to get home for the weekend Valerie, even if you did spend the whole time cleaning and tidying lol. We've just got home ourselves after some time in Tenerife. I was ready to come home, but now I'm more than ready to go back again - it's so cold here! Your artwork is fab, and I love your photos, especially the cat. I bet you can't wait until you're back home for good! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Yes, it's cold outside! Tenerife is surely warmer and more inviting just now! Hugs!

  29. You did an amazing job on the cupboard. Hugs,

  30. Loving your art and funnies. I agree with the super bowl meme! I enjoy seeing the before and after of your cabinet. I love to organize.
    Happy Tea Day,


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