Saturday 14 January 2023

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

Happy weekend to you all. We've had a cold and blustery day here, and apart from a short walk I stayed home. I had coffee and cake - plum crumble - this afternoon, and then slept for 2 hours, wonderful! 

Today i am sharing an A3 acrylic painting made this week in our creative therapy. there's a huge craft room here, lovely. I took the photos with my smart phone before I wrote the title on it - connections:

And I have a tag for Sandie's challenge at Tag Tuesday . things with wings:

I am very thankful to Sandie for organising everything at Tag Tuesday just now, much appreciated!

The photos were taken at the beginning of January in 2017:

Apart from that, I am taking my medication and trying to get better!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, your art is always so awesome! loving your tag, and I enjoy your photography very much. Hoping your home now-feel better-hugs

  2. That is great you have an art center at the clinic. It gives you something to do and have a healthy, creative outlet. I like this piece with the faces. I like how one stands out and the others are are different. Just like our world, we're all different but can be together. And nice tag too. I'm in the middle of a much needed studio clean, and I hoped to finish it today but I didn't . Hopefully this weekend as it is such a mess I can't make any art. Enjoy your weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. When I'm back home I really need to clean and tidy my arty kitchen! Happy Weekend

  3. Your ladies all have such expressive faces and I love the tag. You take special care and have a relaxing weekend, drinking coffee, eating cake, taking naps and walks. Hugs

  4. Here's to you getting all the way better. Huggs, Me

  5. Lovely page and Tag. Beautiful January photos from 2017, how time flies. Glad you are getting good rest.

  6. Superb art Vj . .loved your clicks too

  7. Ich bin begeistert von deiner Arbeit mit der Farbe , ein besonderes,fabelhafter und Ausdruckstark !.Dein Tag ist so hübsch genauso. Schön dass du ausruhen kannst und wieder so gut geht.Schöne Fotos hast du hineingesetzt!Ich wünsche dir ein schönes gemütliches Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, dir auch ein gutes Wochenende! LG!

  8. Beautiful art. This morning we started out on our morning walk but have to turn back because of a sudden shower. Ended up having breakfast with friends. Cloudy for most part of morning and sunny after that. Beautiful sky shots. Happy weekend.

    1. Tanks so much, nancy! It's grey, wet and windy here today, not good weather for walking!

  9. Hi Val, good morning! Beautiful art, as always, the first piece is really special! It's very stormy here, so think it will be a stay-at-home day today. I hope it's better at your end! Have a happy weekend, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I think we have the same weather here!

  10. Great photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  11. Good morning, Valerie: It's really quite special that your therapy room has the equipment and supplies that enable you to produce art like this. Ladies with big hair and long necks have become your trademark and they are always very appealing. Quite a few birds featured in this post too, so I am a happy fellow. Keep on getting better. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Good evening dear David, the day has flown away and it's getting dark already. I t was very wild and windy at the Rhine, the gulls seemed to be enjoying it! I'm so glad you noticed the birds. there are lots of wrens here in the park, I don't usually see many on my balcony. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  12. Beautiful artwork Valerie, and thanks for sharing your wonderful photos again.
    Wishing you well,
    Alison x

  13. Ohhh a 2 hour nap, how I would love that. I also love the way you create faces. Just beautiful. The tag is gorgeous too. Have a great day today.

  14. Mmmm, cake and a nap. Love that blue and the tag is very sweet. Amazing photos. Enjoy your weekend.

  15. It's been colder here, too, though here in Memphis that doesn't reach the levels of cold many people (including you, judging from those photos) are seeing. That nap sounds like the perfect thing. Maybe I'll make cake :)

  16. it been ages since I made crumble.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  17. I never travel anywhere without m art bag! Enjoy your weekend!

  18. Had my catch up read of your posts Valerie, I hope you are feeling a bit better, its good that you are able to keep on creating lovely pages and the photos as always were good to look at. Stay safe and I hope each day will be better than the last one.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks so much, Yvonne. I hope you bare keeping well, too. Have a good, new week, hugs!

  19. I am so glad the clinic is treating you so well and is giving you time to blog. Take care and God bless.

  20. I hope you are feeling a little better and I'm glad you got out for a short walk 😊. We've been walking today too now it's stopped raining but it's a bit blustery still and we have old weather on the way. Take care and sending happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, we seem to have the same weather!

  21. I love your blues and yellows. They're lovely. And I hope every day you are feeling better and better!

  22. I hope you will be totally better soon! I love your art and the tag. The photos are so lovely.

  23. That is a lovely tag and a colourful art piece, I do like the blues and yellows.

    Very nice photographs from 2017.

    Sending 'feel better' wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

  24. Late is my middle name, I guess. I love the art you created at the clinic. I love the colors you chose and the Banksy type little girl with balloon. That is a beautiful tag, too. Please take care and feel better soon, dear friend.

  25. This is such a pretty Tag Valerie, thank you for playing along. I so love the photos of the trees too.xx

  26. Lovely photos, I do like the watery winter sun, you have captured it so well.
    The tag for the TagTuesday challenge is lovely, such a pretty tag with its flowers and the various winged things. Lovely colours too.
    In contrast is your portrait. I love portraits and I especially enjoy the ones you do. you use such bold, rich strong colour like the blue here. I can almost feel the silky richness of her dress.
    Glad you are able to do your art where you are and the food sounds delish!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  27. It sounds a though you are doing all the right things to help you recover fully - walk, cake, afternoon nap and creating wonderful art like this. Your portraits are always a treat to see and I love this beautiful tag. Here was I feeling as though everything was back to when I had two days of really bad vertigo - catching up again now! Hugs, Chrisx

  28. Beautiful lady, Valerie. I love the colors in this piece. The photos are great too! It's good that you can continue with you art.


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