Saturday 17 December 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's still very cold here, there was a lot of ice on the roads this morning which caused accidents galore. I'm happy I don't need to drive to work in the early morning these days. An extra hour in bed is much preferable!

Today I have another hybrid piece to share for Jo's snowy winter challenge at AJJ. I used a photo as background, and added some digital elements:

Being silly with a neighbour:

The castle ruins in snow:

The ducks seem to enjoy the cold:

And some thinkies/funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for  coming by!


  1. I like your photograph with the added digital elements :)

    Aww your second funny/thinkie is so cute.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  2. We al need be silly at times.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. What a fun weekend post. I love that silly kitty with his tongue out. He made me smile.And it looks like you had a good time with your neighbor. Those are great photos of your shadows. Have a great weekend Valerie. I hope it warms up a bit. hugs-Erika

    1. Glad you enjoyed my fun post, I needed some fun with all this cold weather! Have a great weekend, take care, hugs!

  4. Loved your post today Valerie, great art, photos and memes. so cool you have a castle nearby Happy weekend-hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, we have several castles near here, always so pretty! Happy Weekend, hugs!

  5. What a lovely post, Valerie. Your page is fabulous, I love the combination of photo and digital elements. That cat with its tongue sticking out is hilarious. I dreaded those icy roads - I always left very early for work, usually before 6 am and sometimes the roads were truly hazardous. I'm quite glad I don't have to think about that anymore - neither do I have to shovel snow which I didn't like much either. I've become rather spoiled weather wise here in Northern California. Your sillies and funnies are wonderful - it's healthy to be silly at least once a day! I can so relate with Snoopy! Have a lovely weekend, my friend.

    1. We don't have to shovel snow any more, we have a snow team that does it. And I am so happy not having to work anymore, I was always so scared driving in the dark with frozen roads. A bit of warmth would be welcome just now! Have a great weekend!

  6. Loved all the photos Vj. The castle looks intriguing.

  7. What fun, Valerie! I love the digital cat in the photo and you being silly with a neighbor. We all need fun and silliness in our lives. Lovely winter photos of the castle, the ducks, and nature. But, burr, they look so cold. The cold is bothering me more than ever this year. I have a big puffy housecoat on over my usual clothes and a sweater ~ lol ~ and I'm still chilly. I keep thinking of the suffering of the people in Ukraine. It's horrific. Thanks for the funnies and thinkies. That baby deer is so sweet, and I can certainly relate to Snoopy. Today I am finally able to lie flat on the floor again and get up, so my broken rib has definitely healed. You take such things for granted until suddenly you can't do them.This has been a real learning experience for me! Hugs to you. Have a good weekend!

    1. Yes, we need some silliness in our lives even when we get older. If I fall on the floor I can only get up with a lot of difficulty. Keeping warm is hard just now, even with heating and a thick, fleece jacket! For the people in the Ukraine it must be awful. Have a good weekend, take care, hugs!

  8. Not having to drive in early is nice. I remember back when work started at seven in the morning on a cold winter morning. Burrrrrrr.

    1. Yes, that was awful, I hated it! Hugs!

    2. I get that. When it's cold it can suck. What I did love about starting early though is that the day was done early. And I'm a morning lark so I like that too!

    3. My morning doesn't begin early these days!

  9. I always enjoy your fun weekend posts.
    Lovely photos as always, Valerie.

    Hugs and blessings 💐

  10. Hi Val, good morning! Quick comment today, we're all going shopping (groan fom me!). Have a great weekend, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, going shopping with the kids - not my cup of tea! Have fun, stay warm!

  11. Great creation,love the cat! Stay safe and warm. Happy Christmas. Anesha x

  12. Very nice, your winter art - and I like your collection of sayings too! Unfortunately very true, the last saying ;-DDD
    Best wishes from Austria,

    1. Hi Traude, danke. Es ist bestimmt noch kälter in Österreich als hier. Dir ein schönes Wochenende, alles Liebe!

  13. Now Valerie, my dear, take a look at those ducks and you will see quite clearly that they are all Canada Geese. Yes Canada Geese. Lords of their dominions at home and abroad, and now misnamed, besmirched and downgraded. Shame on you! This morning I have to leave soon and do the annual Christmas Bird Count, where we will doubtless see some Canada Geese and I will go to great lengths to tell them of your iniquitous conduct as it relates to their German cousins. You may hear the honks of protest all the way over in Balconia. Sadly, our counts will probably reveal that both absolute numbers and species mix are declining year after year. What we have done and continue to do to this poor planet defies belief. Have a great weekend - Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa! Shame on my head! I will do a suitable penance this afternoon. Well, a lot of species here are getting less, but your geese are prospering and seem to be taking over our little world here. Have a great day, and I hope the species you count will not have been reduced too much. Today I'm going to make mince pies, a little touch of England here in cold Germany. Have a good weekend, BIG hugs, Valerie xx

  14. I like your winter art. We don't have snow but lots of rain. Love the mama and baby deer. So true about trying to get up from the floor.

    1. Thanks Nancy. I'm hoping I won't fall on the floor again! Hugs!

  15. magical... thank you.
    Greetings to you from Viola

  16. Love the page with the cheeky kitty. Brrrr. cold here, too, though your pictures are more intersting.

    1. Tonight the temperatures will be plummeting really down, but soon it should get warmer!

  17. A great post Valerie, I love your hybrid page with that cheeky cat x

    1. Thanks, that cat is really cute! Enjoy you weekend!

  18. Ice is scary! and dangerous. I'm glad you don't have to be on the road.

  19. Lovely page and photos, and enjoyed the thinkies.

  20. Your snowy hybrid page is wonderful. You had me at the Cat with the tongue out and the glasses. SO cute, adorable, and sweet.

    Always love seeing the castle and those rusty sculptures. Just beautiful. LOVE the thinkies, too. Darling deer. Snoopy always has an wise thought. Have a super weekend dear.

  21. Blödsinn machen ist toll und auch deine andere digitale Fotos sind es und immer wieder zu sehen deine Umgebung! Ich bin auch froh dass wir Zwei nicht mehr arbeiten müssen bei diesem Wetter! Gerade heute am Sonntag wird kaum was gemacht mit den Strassen und Gewege.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen gemütlichen 4. Advent!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Vielen dank Elke. Ich bin heilfroh dass ic h nicht mehr bei Eis und Schnee raus muss. Have a great week, stay warm and healthy, hugs!

  22. I especially love the deer photo! Merry Christmas!

  23. Love the magical snowy background and adding those little 'extras' really makes a fun page.
    Some great funnies and the picture of the little fawn is so sweet.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  24. I love that cat in your hybrid! Your funnies are terrific, as is every other photo here. I love them all. Wishing you a beautiful holiday week!

  25. Love your journal page. That is a gorgeous photo and I do like how you added the colourful funny elements. Especially the cat with his tongue out. I remember one of our cats sitting with its tongue out on several occasions, I used to touch it to get it back in. it was so funny.
    Great snowy photos lovely with the sun shining and the funnies are brilliant along with the great words.
    Hope you are doing ok at the moment - often think about you.
    Hugs, neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! As my cat got older her tongue always hung out, too funny! Hugs!


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