Saturday 12 November 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a great weekend!

Today I have a hybrid piece for Elizabeth's collage fodder / food challenge at AJJ. The background was painted and the circles drawn with a stencil. The scribbled circles and text were added digitally. The face is a copy of one I made last year and I collaged it onto the magazine cut out of the model:

Some funnies/ thinkies:

Some photos from our little town:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I truly love this. Your sunny day pics are beautiful. Seeing the pogo stick made me smile- it reminded me of the day my Gran tried to have a go on one! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. The photos were taken in summer, sunny days are always good!

  2. I don't worry about age...I just work on being the best possible person.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. What a fun entry you have created for AJJ. It's a great hybrid entry. I love the sentiment, too. Thanks for this great entry at AJJ using Bleubeard's and my theme.

    I love the photos from your town, especially those around the wall. and I laughed at the women acting their true age! Hope you feel better soon, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I love taking pics of the narrow lanes and old walls and houses.

  4. Lovely page and fun thinkies. The photos are gorgeous -Christine

  5. I like the sky and river photos.

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well and can enjoy today! Love your fun art and beautfiul photos! Big hugs from us all! Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great weekend, hugs to all!

  7. Lustig ist das Journal von dir geworden und die Fotos sind sher schön , aber auch die Witze machen gute Laune!
    Scvhönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Manchmal brauchen wir eben was lustiges. Dir auch ein schönes Wochenende, Alles Liebe!

  8. Your first funny reminds me of something my dear daddy used to say. Don't grow old gracefully, grow old disgracefully. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs. Deb.

    1. Your daddy was wise. I think I manage a lot disgracefully and I enjoy it! Have a great weekend, hope you are keeping well!

  9. This is quite a woman, Valerie, with her pear-shaped head and gold lamé dress. The first blog I looked at this morning had beautiful blue orchids so this is a stark transition. I am not quite sure how I react to her, but it's not with warm, fuzzy feelings. Your creativity is none the less impressive for all that. Her head looks a bit like Humpty Dumpty now that I look at her again. The woman on the pogo stick reminds me of an old joke - What do you call a nun on a pogo stick? Hopalong Chastity! With that I will leave you to enjoy the weekend. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Well, I wouldn't want to meet that lady either. Nice joke about the nun on the pogo stick. I would like to try somethingv like that again, it looks like fun. I do sometimes go on the swings or woosh down the slide when nobody's looking, always fun. Why do we need to be serious when we get older? I want to have a bit of fun! I hope you will have fun over the weekend, lots of birds to see and good meals cooked by your delightful Miriam! BIG hugs, Valerie

    2. I am sure I am not perfect, but here is what will be dinner. We are just about to have Oka Mushroom Cheese and crackers with a glass of Australian sherry. For dinner it will be lemon/mushroom chicken, with vegetable rice, and broccoli with a cheese sauce made from a very agreeable Pecorino Romano. All will be helped along with a Chilean Sauvignon Blanc. Now that all sounds good to me. Actually I have made it for her before and it is a firm favourite. Since we are discussing the whole thing here I might as well glean all my brownie points. I set a nice table with candles, and we linger over dinner. I make sure the plates look attractive too. Then we will have a decaf coffee. No dessert tonight, but quite often we have a cannoli. That's it!

    3. Oh my, David, this sounds heavenly. I have got lazy and just eat a sandwic h or yogurt while watching TV or reading - sigh, it's not the same. You definitely deserve all of your brownie points, that's for sure. I'll say this again I wish I lived nearer! BIG hugs, Valerie

  10. This is such a fun page Valerie. I love this ladies gold outfit. And the circle theme too. What a great page for Elizabeth's (and Bleubeard's ) challenge. Yes, let's hope it's a nice weekend but it's wet here. oh a good day to make some art though-smile. Enjoy your weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, sometimes I have cutouts in my folder for years, so I'm glad to have a nice selection nows! Here we're still having nice weather, more like spring than the middle of November. This afternoon is a good day for a nap, so that#s where I'm heading just now! Hugs!

  11. Fun post, Valerie!
    Loving your beautiful photos as always.

    1. Thanks Veronica, our little town is very photogenic!

  12. Thanka CJ, they were taken in summer. have a great weekend!

  13. Collage is alwaysy fun to make, you never know how it will turn out!

  14. Thanks for the shares. Hope your weekend is wondrous and loaded with energy.

    1. Thanks Sandra. I'm off to search for the energy! Hugs!

  15. Bardzo ciekawe zdjęcia. Miłego weekendu.

  16. Sometimes I wonder where the time is since again it took a while before I finally came here. That lady I would probably call an egghead. I like your funnies (I certainly belong to the immature group) and the photos of your little town are beautiful as well. Those blue shutters are gorgeous.

    1. Time flies faster the older we get. Whole days just seem to evaporate, and I have nothing to show for them. Yes, that lady is an egg head. We have to have fun where we find it! Have a great day, hugs!

  17. Love how you play with your art. Have a great weekend. Anesha x

  18. Love the art work vj. Also loved your street photographs

  19. A fabulous page, I love it!
    Great photos of your pretty town too Valerie.

  20. Everything about today's post makes me smile. Your wonderful art page, the terrific photos ofyour town and the fun words of wisdom you shared in the memes! Some days it all comes together. I hope you're having a great weekend!

    1. I'm having a slow Sunday with lots off feet-up time!

  21. Love the photos of your town and the funnies - some I must remember the words of as they are so true.
    Great journal page - I love orange in art. Not a colour I can wear so I can get my supplies out and use it in my journal and it is so good to see it here in yours. A great idea for the page, I am going around in circles at the moment with a stonking head cold - at least I think it is.
    Take care of you.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Sorry about your cold, I hope you will soon feel better. I love orange in art, too, but I wouldn't wear it. Take care of yourself and be well soon!💓😘💓

  22. lovely photographs of your town.

    All the best Jan

  23. Lovely photos of your town, Valerie. I love the light in the picture with the bricked arch. The sunlight masked by the clouds is striking. As for your collage, it captures the frustration of going around in circles like a slug to the stomach. Wow!


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