Monday 22 November 2021

T sTands for This and That

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good, and you had time to do things you like!

  This will be a short post today, my fingers are very painful. I am sharing a stenciled mixed media piece which I am linking to Chris' all kinds of weather challenge at AJJ. I'm thinking of autumn here, my fave season! 

Today is also Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, we start this evening, so here a warm welcome to all of the T Gang who visit here!

Help yourselves to a slice of plum and almond cake, and choose your cup of coffee:

And I have lots of jelly teddy bears, please take some if you like them!

Some photos from my walks last week:

The Christmas market is open:

And some funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Those birch trees in your art are lovely. I also enjoyed the background color. Perhaps it is sunset, but either way it is beautiful. And the happy smile on that cup of cappuccino is great. That would be great first thing in the morning, and it would certainly be a cheery way to start the day. Your almond cakes looks yummy. I'll take a piece and some gummy bears too. I hope you're doing better at the start of this week Valerie. Happy early T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Yes, the sun is going down in my journal page! The almond cake was yummy, I bake one like this nearly every weekend. Have a great day Hugs!

  2. Hi Valerie, Your art journal page for AJJ is just beautiful I really love it. yum your cake sounds so delicious and I love the smile on your cappuccino. Had me smiling back. The Christmas market would be fun to browse through, and your memes were so fun had me laughing. Hoping the pain lessons for you-I understand my Husband is in pain all the time too he has had severe arthritis since childhood. Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks, Kathy, the cake is very yummy! These chronic conditions cause a lot of pain, and it always gets worse when it's cold. Glad you like the funnies! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Beautiful trees! The cold cannot help your poor fingers.

    1. Thanks Christine that is true! Have a great week! Hugs!

  4. I like purple touch in your art work.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. So sorry about your painful fingers. Hope your fingers are feeling better now. That is a beautiful piece of art. I would love a piece of plum and almond cake with a cup of coffee. Beautiful countryside photos and thanks for the funnies. Lol!

  6. Brilliant colours, lovely designed post and pics....hope you are ok. x

    1. Thanks Annie, I am not ok at all just now, not feeling good. Have a great day, hugs!

  7. Das Liebe ich diese Art deiner Journalseite mit den Bäumen, so hübsch geworden.
    Mhm lecker dein Kuchen und die Gummipäärchen da nasche ich doch tatsächlich was... danke dir und euer Weihnachtsmarkt ist offen.
    Gute Besserung wünsche ich dir (die Kälte macht mir auch zu schaffen mit den Beinen).
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  8. Hi Val, good morning. Hope you feel better today. Your cake looks very tempting, I would love a slice! My Kids would eat those jelly Bears in a flash! Love your beautiful birch trees, they are so autumn! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  9. You have created a beautiful, calm weather scene in a beautiful birch forest. I see the late afternoon glow of the sun behind the trees. It's a wonderful entry for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Plum and almond cake sounds delicious. I bet it was, too. Blue is my favorite color, so I'll take the blue and yellow smiley face cappuccino, please. I'm not really a fan of gummy bears, so I will leave those for people who really like them.

    The Christmas Market looks a bit thin this year, but I suspect it will get lots of visitors after not having one last year. I hope the vendors do well this year.

    Loved your funnies, especially the cat. SO very true, too! That cow had me laughing, though.

    Sorry to read your fingers are still in pain. I know this weather can't be good for them. I hope you don't have to bandage them like last year.

    1. The Christmas market has been thinned out because of Covid. My Kitty used to lead me to places where she'd wrecked something! My fingers are still very bad, I'm bandaged up and have special gloves over the bandages, not easy just now! Hugs!

    2. Sorry to read about your fingers. I had no idea. I can see why it would be hard to type. I can't imagine how you can make art, either.

    3. I can manage almost everything, it just all takes much longer! I type with my two middle fingers! Hugs!

  10. Good morning Valerie: Those damn fingers are determined not to give you any relief. It must be a truly miserable condition to live with. I hope that the art you present today was completed ahead of time when your fingers did what they are supposed to do. I just typed those last two lines using my two middle fingers only and I can see what a frustration that is; I had to keep going back and correcting mistakes, sometimes even correcting the corrections. Your plum and almond cake looks delicious. If you made that yourself with fingers that don't work, bravo ten times over. If only I were there to make two coffees and cut two slices and sit there and eat it with you. I would pop it in your mouth, forkful by forkful, to avoid the pain to your fingers. We could have great conversation, maybe even discuss the fabulous birds of Balconia. It's a sad affair, Valerie, when there is just nothing I can do. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Don'T be sad, I'm in a good mood inspite of it all. Yes, typing just with 2 middle fingers is not easy! But it's manageable, if slow. Today I went shopping with my neighbour, so I'm well set up for the week. A nice man took the groceries from the cart and put them onto the band, and then he waited - he was in front of me in the queue - and put everything in my bags. It's so rare to experience such nice moments! My neighbour Ulrike made the cake, I just told her what to do, that was kind, and I gave her half of it. I wish you a happy day, take care! Hugs!

  11. Your piece is beautiful, Valerie. I hope that despite the pain in those fingers that you will be able to enjoy the holiday markets and season. I hope that at least one had is still working a bit better, even if it is awkward. Please take care -- I hope you can find some relief soon.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, it has to get better sooner or later!

  12. Hahaha!!! Those two memes got to me. Hoo boy! Love them. I do hope your fingers improve and that you find some remedy for the pain and shakiness. Take care.

  13. Sorry your hands are not doing well. Hope that it feels better soon. Love your painting. Hugs Anesha x

  14. I do wish your fingers would improve :( The cake looks delicious and just in time for breakfast ;) Happy T Day!

  15. I am so sorry about your hands and fingers. Your art is gorgeous as is that cake. Sending healing energy for you.

  16. art, coffee and sweets looks amazing:D

  17. So Sory about your hand/Fingers Dear friend! Hope coffee and cakes make you happy. They look great.

  18. Sorry to hear you are experiencing pain, but your birch trees are very pretty.
    I like your cat and dog memes. Here's a funny story. My son’s cat woke me up early this morning with puking sounds outside my door. It was still dark and he was across the hall, making it appear that his mess was close by him, by the way he was acting. Fortunately, I turned on my light before I stepped into the hall. A wet pile of cat puke was right on the threshold of my door. I would have stepped right into it with my bare feet.

    1. W?what a story. Too funny! Good that you put your light on! Hugs! Have a great week!

  19. Beautiful autumn piece Valerie, love the stenciled trees! Your plum cakes looks delicious and LOL that cow meme is so funny! I hope your hands get better.
    Sending hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, imagine a cow on your sofa! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  20. Thanks for the coffee cake and funnies. I am smiling. Beautiful mixed media art journal piece. I especially like the color. I hope your fingers get to feeling better. Happy T Day!

  21. Love the colorful birch tree painting!! Sorry to hear about the continued hand pain...
    That cake and cappuccino look SOOOOO good!
    Thanks for the funny memes at the end. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, happy T Day, have a great week, hugs!

  22. Your stenciled mixed media piece is lovely. Sorry to hear you are still having pain.
    Your cake looks and sounds delicious. I have never had that combination.
    I have heard about the Christmas markets. My sister-in-law lives in Germany and she LOVES them.
    Beautiful photos from your walk.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate! happy T Day, have a great week, hugs!

  23. Oh yes, I'd like some plum and almond cake. It looks delicious! Do you buy fresh plums? It's not the season. I can only make a plum tart once a year because the season is short and we don't get plums in the supermarket outside the season. (Which is good I think.... huge carbon print otherwise etc)
    Your stencil page is beautiful. It shows what an artist can do with a nice stencil.
    I'm sorry that your hands are still so painful. I hope they will soon get better. You seem to be adapting to this situation and you seem upbeat. (I could be wrong of course).
    Keep smiling! Have a good week,

    1. Tanks Lisca. We still have some fresh plums in the stores, but the plum time will soon finish here, too. My hands are extremely painful still, and I try to be upbeat even when I'm not! Happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  24. Sorry you are having problems with your hands, Valerie. It hasn't impacted your art as this page is beautiful. The colors are gorgeous and look like something you would see on your lovely walks. Great pictures and great funnies! I will have the second coffee and some dessert of course! Happy T-day and many hugz.

    1. Thanks Nancy,help yourself to coffee and cake, have a wonderful week. Hugs, VALERIE

  25. Valerie, your art journal page is so beautiful, and yes, it certainly is autumn. I love all the earthy colors - these are all my favorite colors that I turn to over and over again. Ah Hussel - I told my daughter about Hussel, how my dad used to go there before Christmas to buy all the goodies for our Weihnachtsteller. Just yesterday we received a parcel from my daughter with some sweets from Hussel like the Nougathörnchen and the Schokospritzringe (favorites of my childhood). Advent is the time when I miss Germany the most - those beautiful Weihnachtsmärkte and the music and and and. I don't think there is a country that does Christmas as well as Germany does - certainly not the US.

  26. Thanks Carola, Christmas here is always good! Happy T Day, Valerie

  27. What stunning sunset behind those trees! Thanks for the support of my 'All Kinds Of Weather' theme at AJJ Valerie. Love the smiley coffee and that Plum and Almond cake looks delicious. It's looking very cold to be walking. Sad to see so few stalls at the Christmas market - we went into town the other day - there aren't so many stalls here, although I understand that another area that we didn't go to has lots of eating and drinking places. Do take care of your hands - does heat help or is there nothing to relieve it? Hugs, and Belated T Day wishes, Chrisx.

    1. The Christmas markets have been thinned out because of Covid. But there is a big market in the centre of Düsseldorf. Nothing to help the hands unless I take cortisone, and I just don't want to because of the side effects. Sooner or later it will go away! Hugs!

  28. A great autumn page Valerie I loved the sense you gave us of the light coming through the trees. Super laugh out loud funnies you shared today as well.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  29. Late visit! Cats do not know right from wrong! I'm telling Jinx at this moment to get off my laptop, even tho he knows there's no room. he tries he's best to sit right on the kepboardx ,c.\smga dfxz lvdk;as... oops! Love the coffee cups they look yummy....I'll have to go and make one now! Pictures are fab and Jelly Baby Bears! Love them! Stay Safe! Happy very late T for Tuesday! ((Lyn))


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