Thursday 12 December 2019

Rain's Thursday Art Date - cosy

Hi Everybody!

Rain's theme this week is cosy, just right for this wet and rainy weather here. I walked a lot in the rain again, I think I will soon develop webbed feet if it doesn't stop raining! 

What is cosy? In Germany we say 'gemütlich'. For me it means things like sitting in a warm room, cuddled up in a warm blanket, drinking my fave hot drinks, wearing thick woolly socks, cooking and eating warm soups and stews, baking cakes and biscuits, enjoying flickering candle light and many more things.

Today I spent time with Nathalie in my arty kitchen, baking and decorating cookies. Nathalie had such fun with rolling out pastry, cutting it out and then decorating it with lots of chocolate, icing sugar, sprinkles, stars etc. Usually when I bake I aim to get everything perfect, which is sometimes stressful. Nathalie just had fun, splurging the sprinkles like some rich people throw money around, splodging the icing and chocolate, noshing and finger-licking, and this did me good, this was a cosy way of doing things!

Peeping into lit-up windows from outside is cosy:

Cuddling and having fun - also cosy:

Drinking coffee - cosy:

Candlelight - cosy:

Nathalie having fun in my arty kitchen:

The smell of fresh, buttery shortbread makes me feel cosy:

Jam tarts filled with home-made ginger and strawberry preserves:

Fresh from the oven:

 Nathalie's fun decorated cookies:

Hot Glühwein (mulled wine) and cocoa with Bailey's make you feel very cosy at the Christmas markets even on the coldest days:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

Have a cosy day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You really hit the nail on the head for me!
    Everything on your post was so COSY … I loved it.

    I know what you mean about the rain … and in the UK we have more to look forward to tomorrow! YUCK!

    All the best Jan

  2. A very cozy post, just wonderful. The baking looks fun and amazing!

  3. I think I want to bake with Nathalie. Splurging, splodging and noshing seem great to me, even though I have never even heard some of these words so I am not quite sure what they mean. The important thing is that she is having fun and what could be better than that? And I am sure the results are very tasty too.

  4. Some people have a way of turning that inner light up an extra notch to extra bright, warm and cozy inside. Having fun in the kitchen making things special to share is one of my loves as well. Jill often tells me she is spoiled when I cook for her. Sharing the life given to us is a kind of cozy warmth that is hard to describe. This post shares cozy warmth perfectly.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

  5. Cozy and very cute, love the gorgeous shares here today.xx

  6. I think I want to move into your arty kitchen and decorate cookies with you! Every image you showed here certainly agrees with my definition of cosy too. And that's the best part of this season!

  7. I think you met this challenge head on and it is perfectly cozy. I love your beautiful art, your incredible arty kitchen, Nathalie's cookies, and the joy you share with us every day. Cozy indeed. It's a feeling but you translated it perfectly in your art and photos. Great job, dear.

  8. Liebe Valerie, da wirds mir so richtig gemütlich wenn ich dein Posting lese und an schaue.Du machst das richtig es weihnachtet und ist so heimlich dabei wenn die Kekse gebacken werden oder ihr unterwegs seit. Was warmes trinken und gemütlich auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt geniessen habe ich auch gemacht,
    Dein schöne Kunst ist wunderschön wieder!
    Ich wünsche dir weiterhin so Gemütlichkeit in der Adventzeit geniesse alles!!!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  9. Ich taue gerade meine Rosenkohlsuppe auf!
    Und trage selbstgetrickte Socken von Ingo´s Oma. Mit dicken Hausschuhen und Zimteinlagen.
    Hier kann man tatsächlich in viele Wohnungen sehen, viele haben keine Vorhänge oder ähnliches, ich mag das sehr.

    Die Drinking Coffee-Karte hat mich zum Lachen gebracht, danke :-)
    Schöne Bilder in deiner Küche und Nathalie's Kekse sehen wirklich nach Spaß aus!
    Einen schönen Tag wünsche ich und GlG, Iris

    1. Ich muss mir wieder ganz dicke Socken für Zuhause kaufen, hab immer kalte Füße!

  10. "Przytulne" jest siedzenie na fotelu z kotem na kolanach. :) W tym tygodniu będę piec ciasteczka a kiedy przyjedzie moja córka to będzie je dekorować. Piękne są te dtwoje ciasteczka i kartki. Przesyłam serdeczne pozdrowienia :)

    1. Cats are indeed cosy creatures. Have fun with your daughter when she comes!

  11. How fun. I am ready to make some cookies. These are inspiring and look so yummy Valerie. Hugs-Erika

  12. Oh look, it looks as though you're having a lovely cosy time. We're making our Stollen today (soaked the fruit and nuts overnight, so the kitchen already smells pretty good!), and I'll be doing the Vanille Kipferl and Hazel Nusstaler some time next week.

    Your pages are full of warmth and cosiness too - so many festive delights. Sorry I've been slow in visiting... still catching up with myself after being unwell. I hope the rest of December is a bit calmer!
    Alison x

  13. Wonderful post today. I had to laugh about the drinking coffee cozy. Enjoy the smell of the coffee and especially the silence to enjoy it. I feel the same way about tea. 😺 Your kitchen looks very gemütlich with the cookies. Your kitchen must have smelt heavenly. I love how Nathalie decorated the cookies especially the cookie person with the stars. I love her sense of humor. Have a wonderful day.

    1. There's nothing better than a quiet start to the day with plenty of coffee!

  14. "Splurging the sprinkles" :) Your language is so evocative, and I can picture your kitchen fun in my mind :) even before I see your photos. All those treats look delicious!

    1. Thanks. They are delicious, and I'm happy that Nathalie took most of them back to her place, less temptation for me!

  15. Wonderfully cosy makes Valerie! We have the same wetness here, but I made it to the voting station!
    Alison xx

  16. Wow I would love your short bread recipe. Now that makes me cozy for sure. Lovely post indeed.

  17. Oh the shortbread...the jam cookies!!! The decorated cookies! Yum! I love mulled wine too Valerie, it's so warming! You described a PERFECT cozy day and night for me! I love your first piece with the train, so wonderful! Cuddling (with my man or my furries) is a definite must MANY times a day and yes...a quiet coffee speaks louder than a noisy one lol! Beautiful post today and a stirring quote by Mr. Ghandi, so lovely, thanks so much for joining in!!!

  18. You described COSY perfectly through your beautiful projects Valerie!! I really want to come to you now and enjoy some of those gorgeous cookies you have been making!! I spent the day minding two young grandsons. Had great plans to bake banana loaf but too exhausted by the time boys went home lol.

    1. Banana loaf, yummy, haven't made one in a long time!

  19. A lovely post Valerie and I felt really warm inside as I read it. Especially when I came to the photos of the cookies,jam tarts and hot drinks.
    The art pages were fantastic and if a post could be described as cosy this one sure was cosy to see.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Oh, no. Now I NEED a coffee!!!
    Have a good weekend!

  21. Great cosy themed post! I love shortbread, with coffee or tea :)


  22. You meant to say "Beautiful Nathalie" as she is indeed beautiful inside and out, as are you. Your pictures and words made Cozy more than just a word, but a way of life. Beautiful, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  23. Coffee and lit candles definitely a cozy statement for me.
    Happy PPF. Thanks for dropping by my blog today Valerie


  24. What a wonderful post from top to bottom! Those looking-through-a-window pieces of art are fabulous, and everything you've shared are perfect examples of warmth, happiness, and coziness. Here's wishing you all the "gemutlich" you can handle, sweet lady.

    By the way, since you mentioned Bailey's... I found Bailey's baking chips at the grocery store yesterday. First time I ever saw them, and I sure didn't need them... I already had three bags of semi-sweet chips at home... but of course, I bought some. They should make some extra yummy cookies... :)

    1. Thanks! I would have bought those Baileys chips, too, I have not seen them over here.

    2. Excuse me....BAILEYS CHIPS???? OMG...must find those!!!

    3. I'm going to look for them tomorrow!

  25. Your cosy sounds very nice and I enjoyed looking through your windows.

  26. Wow so much here and boy am I getting hungry looking at all that yummy food!!! Delicious!!
    It is full of Christmas and magic in this great post, your art sings to me and I really love those candle pieces shining so bright, they are beautiful and give me hope!

  27. Hi Val, sorry I'm so late. You've gathered so many wonderful examples for cosy, it made me feel warm and happy straightaway. Lovely work as always. Hugs, Sarah

  28. We just got back from a Christmas Market cruise on Viking along the Rhine. Boo Hoo - I did not mind the cold but it rained every day except one. I thought about how much I missed reading your blog and seeing your pictures. So like a bad penny - I am back! Will not always comment Sugar but I am watching. I do love your blog!
    Sandy xx

  29. What a wonderful, cozy post! I love the artsy kitchen baking and cozy images! Your post was just a little slice of holiday living that makes me smile! Happy PPF!

  30. Wish I was in your kitchen, all those yummy things. Have a great week. x

  31. What a beautiful cosy post!! Love everything Valerie!!!!! Big Hugs!


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