Saturday 20 July 2019

Just messing about by the river

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! Today I have lots of photos taken on my walks by the Rhine - a place where I can relax and just enjoy peace and quiet, wind, water and birds. This is an abstract stitched collage showing an interpretation of the Rhine, the buildings along it, the bridges,  and of course the birds:

Here a few photos taken last week on my walks:

There are even some 'beaches', covered in pebbles and shells:

Love the name of this ship:

And my big feet enjoying a rest:

Have a fantastic weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. That stitching is fabulous. What a clever piece to make and I can pull out the bridge from all your photos. I think it was a smart choice from all your walks. And fantastic photos again too. Those cornflowers ( the blue ones) are so pretty. And red sneakers-very stylish! Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  2. Hi Val! It's looking storm here, so I hope you will be home if it gets bad where you are. LOVE that wonderful collage, and how you made the river, so clever. And the photos are wonderful, it's always lovely to walk along the river, and the flowers are very abundant and colourful. And I love your red sneakers! Have a great day, we're off to my mum's soon. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Hi Valerie what a wonderful collage ,you are very clever my friend.
    Lovely pics of your walk and love your red sneakers,hope you have a lovely weekend xx

  4. I love your wonderful stitched collage and the photos of your walk are lovely.
    xxx Hazel

  5. Love the abstract stitched art wonderful!
    Your photos are always stunningly beautiful...even your " big feet" :)
    The Grace Kelly is a nice name and what a beautiful lady she was.

    Hugs ❤

    1. She was indeed a beautiful woman and I was happy to see this lovely ship named after her.

  6. Wow, what a creative work and magical place☺

  7. What a clever interpretation of your scenery! Your Rhine looks so beautiful with so many kinds of flowers. I'm loving those bushy blue ones. I had a pair of sneakers (tennies) like those! Enjoy your day

    1. Thanks! 'Tennies' is a nice name. We used to call them 'plimsolls' at school!

  8. Beautiful all of this. Love the new red, white and blue walkers...xx

  9. You are such a good walker! I wish my feet and hips would hold out for as many miles as you must put in. Serious fitness. And beautiful things you see, both when you shoot the towns and then this beautiful countryside and beach.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. I love your river interpretation :) and the nature photography is always enjoyable. What a nice spot to put up your feet!

  11. Hi Valerie, your abstract stitchery is wonderful.
    I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your photos of The Rhine. The wildflowers, sandy, shelly beaches, all very different to what I imagined. How lovely to live in one of those houses tucked in the nearby trees.
    I would love to walk there too.
    Your red walkers are gorgeous! xx

  12. Great art piece and I loved all the photos-Happy weekend hugs Kathy

  13. Holy cow. I thought I left a comment many hours ago. Instead, I fell asleep in my computer chair, then left it later to sleep on the couch. My life is in some kind of turmoil I can't exactly explain right now.

    I absolutely ADORE the beautiful abstract journal entry you made of the Rhine and buildings along it. How you interpreted the water and the bridge with your sewing was genius. I am in total awe.

    Loved seeing the photos, too. They were awesome. Nature at its best. The wildflowers and shells made for great photos. Your new shoes shine, too (grin).

  14. Great shoes and a good place to rest your feet. Love your art work. So good to see where you go walking, I like that blue flowering bush by the river.

  15. Its a fabulous abstract journal page, I can see how your photos from your walks inspired you.
    Super shoes as well. You deserve to put your feet up and take a well earned rest.
    Have a good week.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Wonderful photos, and your stitched collaged is gorgeous Valerie! Love the red shoes!
    Happy Sunday,
    Alison xx

  17. Look at those beautiful flowers. Love the red tennies:) Wonderful interpretation.

  18. Oh I love this, what a fabulous collage, I love the textures and the stitching! What fabulous photos too. Take care xx

  19. Fabulous abstract collage! It's so nice to walk by the river and watch the boats go by, I love the photo of you shoes 😉. I hope you are having a great week and sorry I'm so late visiting! Hugs, Jo x

  20. That's a nice collage.
    Super photographs.
    I do like your red sneakers …

    All the best Jan

  21. Your abstract stitched piece came out gorgeous! Love it!
    Amazing photos!! Truly love them all! The Grace Kelly boat was precious!
    I have big feet too! LOL! Love your shoes!
    Big Hugs!


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