Wednesday 6 March 2019

This and that

Hi Everybody!

It's a rather windy day again here, so I've been busy in my arty kitchen, playing around instead of being good and doing housew**k. It's not too cold though,  the spring flowers are all doing well and trees are blossoming.

Paint Party Friday is celebrating its 8th birthday this week, so congrats to Eva and Kristin for keeping it going for so long. It is my fave challenge blog, as there are no rules and no themes - we just need to join in and be happy:

And some pages from my journal:

Some photos from my walks this week:

The seagulls have been very active, they seem to love windy weather:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, I just saw this as I was closing my laptop for the evening. You have made some beautiful art again. The celebration piece with the Haring figures is fabulous, as are the other pages. Great photos as always, love the seagulls especially. Off to bed now so I'll wish you a good night. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Lovely birthday piece for PPF's 8th birthday and beautiful journal pages. Wow spring is busting out all over there! It is freezing here just till Friday hopefully.

  3. I love the photos of your walks, Valerie. You live in a beautiful place.
    As for your pages, they are simply GORGEOUS. I need to try a llllllllot to be able to make some wonderful creations. Hugs, my dear friend.

  4. Wow-8 years for PPF. Wow. Loving the celebration page and your journal too. And wow, so many spring blooms. They are so pretty. It is so nice to see plants 'coming back to life" after the winter. And are your seagulls gulls or terns? I am not sure because I don't know what German sea birds are like, but they look a bit like terns. I hope you had a great Wednesday. Hugs-Erika

    1. There are always various types flying around, we get gulls and terns - and they are all noisy!

  5. Fun pages and lots of energy!!!Love the daffodills and the lady in the window! Thanks for your wonderful photos!!

  6. Great post to celebrate and gosh those blossoms are just spectacular...awesome love love

  7. Wonderful way to celebrate the kick-off of year 8 at PPF. It's a great page.

    Your journal/altered book pages are stunning. So springlike, dazzling, and romantic. Such attention to detail, too.

    GREAT photos today. I think you can say these were mostly for the birds (grin)!!

    1. The birds are certainly very dominant just now, they all seem to have spring feelings.

  8. A lovely celebrative tribute to PPF Valerie :D)
    Beautiful journal pages and their quotes. My favourite is Home Sweet Home.
    Lovely to see the quirky little fellow staring out from the windowsill on your walk!
    The seagulls are all around where we go to walk as well... always up for a feed.
    Beautiful blossoms - enjoy yourself and never mind about the housew***k lol, it can keep for another time :D) xx

  9. fantastic celebration page and others journal pages. I like your photos.

  10. The first piece is celebratory. Love it. And love your journal:)
    Looks like spring there! That mannequin sitting in the window is a hoot.

  11. So sorry to have been missing so much - but this is a lovely catch up post. I'm very happy I didn't miss the Shakespeare - lovely! - and the dancing mannequins celebrating are fabulous. Your photos, as always, capture the fresh air and delight of the outdoors. Amazing tree blossom... and those birds! New York is still definitely in winter - no signs of spring yet, really. I'll keep watching though!
    Alison x

  12. I love the way you're celebrating the challenge anniversary :) It looks like Spring has come where you are. Wonderful flowers!

  13. Your journal pages are very beautiful and your challenge page made me smile. The dancing, bouncing figures look like they're having lots of fun. And I'd rather do art than housework, too. Wow! Spring is so far ahead on your side of the world. We're still under piles of snow and the temps dropped to below Brrrrr this week. I really enjoyed seeing on the flowers on your walk. Enjoy your day

  14. Happy 8th birthday to PPF.
    I did like your beautiful journal pages.

    Fabulous to see all of your photographs, especially the seagulls flying high.

    All the best Jan

  15. OOhhh this celebration page is wonderful Valerie !! I love the so brigh and happy colours of the figures, really amazing. I also love love your Art journal pages, they are Gorgeous, full of nostalgy, love and beauty !
    Thanks so much for sharing those so beautiful photographs with us, they are great ! Love the seagulls.
    I wish you a very nice Friday
    Big hugs, Caty

  16. I love the fantastic celebration page, there seems to be a great party going on.
    The journal pages are beautiful, lovely words to compliment the wonderful images.
    The flowers photos from your walks great, the colours of the sky and the river look lovely as well.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Die fröhlich bunte Geburtstags-Seite mit den lustigen Männchen sieht so schön lebhaft aus.
    Die romantischen Seiten mit Shakespeare und Rosen sind auch total schön. Aber auch die Seiten mit den schablonierten Tulpen mag ich sehr, alles frühlingshaft schön.
    Die Fotos zeigen auch den Frühling, beeindruckend der Feuerdorn mit seinem leuchtenden Rot. Hab ein schönes Wochenende und einen schönen März.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  18. Your journal looks lovely, Valerie, and so do all those wonderful blooms.
    Been thinking of you and hope you are getting some help for your toes.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Still waiting for the last examination, have to wait for the appointment.

  19. I do love these *This n That* posts Valerie. Makes me feel like i've spent the day with you :)) There's so much groove in your PPF page, makes me want to get up and go after i've given the dog her meds of course hee hee!! Love your ode to Shakespeare too, that's a stunning rose.
    The weather has been very strange here over the past few days starting off bright and beautiful but finishing with high wind and heavy downpours. I'm glad this weekends Celebrations are indoors and not out.
    Take good care of yourself Valerie & Happy PPF, i'm forever glad that you pushed me over in their direction. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. And I'm glad you join in at PPF, it's always great to see you!

  20. Oh Valerie I love your projects but the journal pages make my hearts sing they are stunning x I really must get my act together, although I am busy spring cleaning !!!
    Gorgeous photos with stunning skies/flowers

    Have a lovely weekend
    Annie xx

  21. Beautiful journal pages! I love the design with the soft backgrounds and pretty collaged elements 😁. The blue skies and gorgeous blossoms photos make my heart soar, spring just be nearly here 😉. Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊 x

  22. Amazing. I love how you made these!

  23. Love your happy birthday page; so much fun. That red rose is gorgeous and your photos are wonderful. You can tell spring is on the way.

  24. Beautiful art and photos. The page with the ladybugs is my favourite today. Happy you dropped by my blog today


  25. your art and photos are brimming with Springtime and I love it! Beautiful Shakespeare page. Now if only it would begin to look like Spring in my parts... happy PPF!

  26. Such a fun way to celebrate PPF! Great pieces. Thank you for the inspiration!

  27. Wonderful art but I especially like your birthday card. Happy PPF

  28. Can you send a little spring my way please?! :) Love your pages and photos! Happy PPF!

  29. A very happy, loving, beautiful post! Thank you my friend! I love your bunny in your banner too! Big Hugs!


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