Thursday 20 September 2018

A visit to the park

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well, mine is flying by very quickly.
For Paint Party Friday I made another A3 face, with various layers of colour painted, stenciled,  sprayed and dripped over the page. I glued some scraps of a Jane Davenport napkin top and bottom and coordinated the colours to match. A couple of scraps of washi tapes were used as trim. Three stencils were used for the background patterns and birds. I am linking to Paint Party Friday.

Last weekend we visited Südpark (South Park) and the farm which belongs to it. I think I told you before that the huge park, farm, organic shop and restaurant are worked by a special project which gives jobs to many mentally handicapped people, who do first-class work there. First of all we visited my faves, Doris and Heike, who were taking their midday nap: 

 The goats are always fun to watch:

The rabbits were also asleep in the sun....

While the sparrows were enjoying their food:

The cottage garden is beautiful:

The park is beautifully landscaped with lots of wonderful lakes:

More photos to follow another time!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely post and love that photo with the bee. Gorgeous face and colours. xx

  2. Hello dear Valerie!
    Wow!What a lovely creation! Love the face theme,the beautiful colors that you used and all the details of your work! Well done! I really enjoyed all your stunning pictures! Like the fantastic landscapes! Great shots of the pigs,the cute goats and the rabbits! I’m sure you’ enjoyed your tour to the farm!
    Wishing you a lovely day and a happy week ahead ! Hugs!

  3. Another wonderful post Val - I think I say this every time, but it's true. The face is unusual, but gorgeous, and I love the colour combo. Great photos of Süd-Park, I have happy memories of lovely times spent there when the kiddies were small. It really is a fantastic place to spend a few happy hours. Enjoy your day, hugs, Sarah

  4. What a beautiful sheep, Valerie. And I love the photo with the bee on the yellow flower. This seems a great park. Thank you so much for sharing your great photos, my friend.
    As for your page, is is simply adorable and very artistic. Lovely face, great stencils and amazing colours. Congratulations, my talented lady. Kisses!

  5. Such a beautiful face you have painted Valerie and the whole page drew me in-I think blue must be my colour at the moment.

    Isn't it great that the park has mental health patients--Sewerby park has the same scheme here.

    Love all the animal pictures and the beautiful gardens as well- thank you for sharing all of them

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. I love your fabulous face Valerie, fabulous fresh colours, and very 'free'. This park looks like a fun place to visit - those goats look so happy, and their faces make me happy too! Enjoy the rest of your week xx

  7. This is a great journal page once again Valerie. I love the wisps of hair and those Jane Davenport napkins are pretty nice. I need to see if I can find some. I enjoyed the farm animals too. Tht pick looks happy sleeping and the goat made me smile. Have a great Thursday. Hugs-Erika

  8. Hi Valerie wow what a wonderful page ,love the colours and the face is fantastic,love the animal pics ,thankyou for sharing my friend xx

  9. Fabulous page. Love how the birds look like thoughts flying through the woman's mind. The park is so pretty. The bunnies are adorable. Enjoy your day!

  10. I love the colors you are using for this page. The photos are just amazing. You got some great shots of the animals. Have a wonderful day.

  11. Lovely farm photos, and a beautiful lady for PPF, love the blues.

  12. I SO enjoyed the pictures today:)
    Loved your piece. A modern day Mona Lisa, mysterious and all knowing.
    Did I ever mention, our vet tech has a pot belly pig that she brings to work with her. He is so sweet and thinks he's a dog:)

  13. Love the expression on your lady's face, so peaceful.
    Gorgeous photos of the park and farm, the animals were enjoying a lovely day for sleeping in the sun.
    Avril xx

  14. deine lady in blue schaut sehr entschlossen,sie geht ihren weg,der tropfen am linken auge sieht wie eine träne aus.
    es passt zum gesamtbild.
    sie ist bildschön,und die vögel über ihr,traumhaft.
    wunderschöne bilder aus dem park hast du mitgebracht.
    einen schönen abend.

    hugs jenny

  15. Lovin' those goats :) That must be such an interesting place to spend time.

  16. Wow! Such beautiful artwork, and cleverly done with the colors! Isn't it so relaxing to see the gifts of nature close up? Amazing! Hugs...RO

  17. She is a beautiful painting and looks so good with the blues shades of the background.
    Wonderful photos of the farm animals as well.
    Yvonne xx

  18. She's beautiful Valerie, and I love your photos of the animals and birds!

  19. Another beautiful face! I love how you used the washi tape too - wonderful 😁. Such happy photos too, it looks like you visited a wonderful place. Thanks for your liveky comments on my blog and enjoy the rest of your week! J 😊 x

  20. Love your art here.
    So many good photographs too, don't you just love the goats - so cheeky!

    This does look a wonderful park to visit.

    All the best Jan

  21. Oh Valerie, she is so stunningly!!! I love the colors!!!
    Happy PPF 🎨
    Great pics of the critters and nature!!! You are not only a talented artist but you are also a talented photographer!!!

    Big Hugs 🍁❤🍂

  22. This face glows with all its blue and green hues. And I love her flowing hair. Just beautiful, Valerie.

  23. What an absolutely amazing lady. You have a way with napkins and I love how you used the washi tapes, too.

    The farm was SO fun to see. The bunnies were adorable (my favorites), but all the animals looked happy and healthy. The gardens are stunning and simply GORGEOUS. So glad you took lots of photos.

  24. I wish I could tag along with you on one of your field trips. You get the most wonderful photos and I just wish I was there!

  25. I love your face Valerie, the colours are lovely and wonderful photos of your visit to the farm.
    xxx Hazel.

  26. Love your artwork this, Valerie. Those colours and the face are stunning. Lovely photographs. That Farm sounds like a wonderful place.

  27. Let's "face" it... your blue lady is lovely. (But a little "flighty" perhaps? HA) Enjoy the journey, indeed.

    It looks like you had a good time at that farm. I like all of the pictures, but my favorite is of the dahlia and bee.

    Have a super weekend.

  28. Luv the face art. Wonderful photos
    Happy ypu my blog today Valerie


  29. wuhuu, lovely blues!
    It looks your summer is still going strong. Ours slowly fading to autumn...
    Have a good weekend!

  30. Lovely painting. Such cute animals.

  31. Super colours in your journal page

  32. I like the colours on your face art page. Cute animals.

  33. Great face! I love how you used the washitape. Happy PPF!

  34. Oh I love the colors you used for her, she is wonderful! The animals are adorable too.

  35. Oh what fun. I always enjoy where you visit! Lovely lady!

  36. I love love love the colors you used this week, they're fabulous! Happy PPF!

  37. Your face is just delightful! Such gorgeous colors!

  38. She's beautiful Valerie, I love her washi neck wear and the birds flying by just like those days are. I too seem to wake and another week has flown by.
    South Park looks like a very happy place, the animals look very well looked after.
    Have a super weekend with much creativity.
    Happy PPF & I'll catch up with you in the week.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  39. I love the direct gaze of your girl in the painting! I love the farm animals...the goats are so full of character. Their antics, very amusing!

  40. Doris and Heike have inspired me to finish my blogging and take a nap:)

  41. Doris and Heike are so cute. I love visiting farms and the one you shared with us seems super special. I adore goats!

    Your piece is lovely. I really like the blue, birds and quote. Excellent!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  42. I love your blue lady! I love the quote! She is beautiful!
    The pictures are gorgeous! I LOVE those sleeping bunnies!
    Big Hugs!

  43. Dank Jane Davenpoort hab ich auch mal wieder mit Gesichter angefangen...klein und nur wenig, aber immerhin...
    Happy PPF - Irma

  44. You sure are loving on Jane Davenport lately! Another beautiful face Valerie! And I just love how you used the Washis at her neck- I had to look twice as they looked so cool!
    Great photos of your adventure, but I have to say, the goats are my favorites! something about them just makes me laugh so! Maybe it's all the Youtube videos of goats screaming and climbing trees- I don't know, but they sure are a hoot!
    Hoping everything is beautiful in your world, sure looks like it is!
    Jackie xo

  45. Love this elegant lady - great use of the Washi tape! South park looks like a great place to visit - it looks like a nice day too! Hugs, Chrisx

  46. What a so GORGEOUS face Valerie !! I love the colours, the stencils and every detail!! Thanks so much for sharing those wonderful photographs of the farm, this is a lovely place to live and grow.
    I wish you a very happy Tuesday, big hugs, CAty


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