Wednesday 25 July 2018

Mid week this and that

Hi Everybody!
It's still extremely hot here, this morning at 9 am the outside thermometer showed 39° (in the shade!) and inside was 36°. It's getting to be too much for me. I go for my walks very early to enjoy the slightly cooler early mornings temps.
I have another face painted last week, this time using different colours. I think she is an underwater maiden. The background was textured with a brayer and then stamped with a crackle pattern, into which I rubbed some blue with a sponge. I am linking to Paint Party Friday and to Simon Wednesday Challenge, anything goes

This is a hybrid collage:

Some photos from my early walks:

The trees have lost lots of leaves, it's looking like autumn:

I wandered round the castle ruins, it was shady there:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great photos today! It has been a very hot and dry summer here too this year. Early morning is the only time I can get the yard chores done too. I love your face this week. I'm still not doing any art but have plans to work on my craft room and get back to it.
    Need to get back to my blog too as I'm missing my friends.

    1. Hi Carol, great to see you around again! I missed you.

  2. Both pieces are gorgeous. Love the underwater maiden, she's really pretty. Great quote, too. The second piece is fantastic, love the book paper background. Great photos as always from your walks, hope it soon cools off for us all. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  3. Great idea for an underwater maiden in the heat you are experiencing! Beautiful collage and lovely photos today!

  4. Such a wonderful face Valerie and I love the hair........perfect for you mermaid x Your hybrid piece is also perfect as are your photographs x I hope your temperatures reduce soon as I can only imagine how difficult it can be in that heat x 26 degrees is too hot her but 39 degrees is no fun !!

    Sending my best wishes
    Annie x

  5. Fantastic art, the first has a beautiful face and the page has a super quote. I love the second page. with the silhouettes on book paper as well.
    The heat is effecting us all I noticed in your photos today how parched the grass looks like it does here. We need a bit of rain I think.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Your underwater maiden is stunning! She is indeed the color of the sea.
    The collage is also wonderful.
    Your photos are breathtaking in their beauty! Wow, wow and WOW!!!

    Big Hugs 💮

  7. The colors of your underwater maiden are cool and soothing as does the scenery on your walk. Hope you get relief soon. Stay cool.

  8. I always love the photos of your walks, Valerie. Your page and your collage are FABULOUS. You inspire me, my friend. Soon I am going to make my own pages. Kisses.

  9. Well done for getting out and walking early.
    The weather here in the UK is also TOO HOT!
    Your photo's are lovely, and I liked your art too.

    Take Care

    All the best Jan

  10. Auch diese blaugrüne Version gefällt mir sehr mit dem interessanten Cracklemuster. Die digitale Collage sieht auch klasse aus. Schöne Fotos hast du wieder gemacht, ich mag besonders die von der alten Festung. So altes Gemäuer hat schon Was.
    Hier war es heute auch sehr heiß und erst wieder sehr spät etwas kühler. Ich hab ein Weilchen im Dunkeln auf der Dachterasse verbracht, da war es sehr angenehm. Einen tollen Mondschein gabs da zu sehen.
    Keep cool dear friend.

  11. Cool face. I can tell it must be hot because maybe that's why you used so much blue and green. nice cool colors. She looks like very confident secure woman. Nice tag too. You are good to walk so early. We have heat right now too and I am just skipping (and missing) my walks. Stay as cool as you can. Hugs-Erika

  12. Hi Valerie beautiful work my friend,well done. And boy love your pics today ,such beautiful places,thankyou for sharing xx

  13. That's a great quote on your face -- she's mesmerizing. I like that technique very much. And wonderful photos!

  14. I was most impressed with the latest face, and truly enjoyed seeing this one. I also liked the hybrid piece. It's definitely playful and filled with fun and laughter.

    I always love it when we get to wander around the castle ruins with you and of course, share the rusty statue I love so much.

    I wonder if the trees are dropping leaves because of the heat. I swear, I don't see how you can stand it. I hope you at least have a fan for a tiny bit of relief. BTW, your new blog banner photo is so adorable and shows what summertime is all about!

  15. Love your post, photos and your gorgeous face, fabulous

  16. Lovely face! And again I so enjoyed your photos!

  17. Valerie she is another beauty, those colours do depict the look of a mermaiden. Glad you have shown it from different angles as I would have missed those hidden details.
    Glad you are not letting the heat stop you from doing your walking, it makes sense to get out and about early, we would miss your fabulous photographs showing off the marvellous architecture.
    Creative wishes Tracey x

  18. Wow I love your underwater maiden very much and the quote
    so cool to have a castle so close by to walk in always enjoy your photos
    stay as cool as you can my are of the country is finally getting a much welcomed cool down-in the low 90s f but no humidity so it feels more like summer-lots of rain coming in over the weekend loving that too

  19. Oh she looks fabulous Valerie, and so cool in the blues and greens - the crackle looks so realistic! Your photographs make it look as though you're the only person up and about - you probable are lol. Have a lovely week, and try and stay cool xx

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. What a fascinating structure (The arches).
    Same here with falling leaves. If the governments don't get a handle on climate change I hate to think what the summers will be like in a few years.
    I believe she's an underwater damsel too:)
    Stay cool.

  22. Wow and wow again! I love your gorgeous artwork and the colors and designs - such a modern look to your work. And the pictures of your walk about are so sweet - makes me miss Europe so much more!

  23. Great art and wonderful photos.

  24. A beautiful underwater maiden, she looks so cool, a fabulous collage and great photos too.
    Have a lovely day.
    xxx Hazel.

  25. Beautiful artwork, she does indeed look like a water maiden. It's too hot here too, and no rain. I hope this summer heat will soon be over.

  26. Love the hair on your water maiden. It has a great flow to it.
    Happy PPF
    Vicki-Ann :)

  27. Happy PPF Valerie!!!
    I always enjoy your art and photos~

    Hugs 🎨

  28. loveyl sea maiden but I especially like your beach art! Your photos are fab, and oh how I LOVE that ruin!! Happy PPF!

  29. Awesome art to start my day, and that bench is a reminder that I'll be sitting on that bench for most any day with a book. (lol) Hugs and Happy Friday! RO

  30. I really like your portrait in blues and that marvelous quote you chose to accompany it. I also really like your photographs of that old building structure. Happy PPF and Blessings!

  31. Great artworks and beautiful pictures! Happy PPF!

  32. Wow, that's hot! I'm glad you are still enjoying your walks and walking in the cool early mornings sounds perfect 😁. The lady that you painted is a beauty! I love the colours you used for this piece and her eyes are mesmerising. That's such a lovely quote too 😁. The hybrid piece and photos are wonderful; we have falling leaves here too so I guess the heat is too much for the trees too. Stay cool and have a lovely weekend dear Valerie! J 😊 x

  33. What a beautiful quote on your first piece. I really love it! And the portrait is very wonderful too. I hope the weather gets cooler for you soon :)

  34. I love your underwater maiden, and that quote really resonates with me, too. The sea "kisses" me and feels like "home" to me, too.

    Wow, your trees really have lost a lot of leaves. Ours have lost some because of the heat, but we've had enough rain to keep them hydrated. It is soooooo cool that you have castle ruins near you to explore.

    Have a wonderful weekend. Keep cool!

  35. Lovely photos and really nice painting. I'm bad at sketching figures.

  36. Luv the hybrid collsge ans closd up views. Beautiful photos. HAPPY PPF


  37. Love the new colors on the face! Wow...those ruins are beautiful! Great photos!

  38. Awesome art work and beautiful and creative photography ~ Stay cool!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  39. Hope the temperature has dropped a few degrees.

  40. I hope it has gotten cooler for you!! We have had lots of rain and the temperatures seem to be going down. Love both your art pieces. The quote with your green face is fantastic! Gorgeous photos! Love the castle! Big Hugs!

  41. Wow Wow and WOW!!
    I really loved her in green, however these blues and the poem/piece next to her- WOW This blew me away this morn- what a gorgeous piece- so suitable for framing Valerie!
    Please keep cool,my friend!
    Jackie xo

  42. Your piece is so beautiful! I love seeing it from different angles and the quote is perfect! You are so lucky to have such a variety of walks!

  43. Beautiful interpretation of underwater maiden. I particularly love how you for the streaks on different tones of greens and blues on the hair. Such an inspiration. The quote is also so beautiful. Thank you so much for joining us on Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge. xx Ankita

  44. wunderschön ist deine mermaid,sie schaut so freundlich,toll!
    die andre seite ist auch sehr klasse und schöne bilder hast du gemacht,die ruine ist super,so altes gemäuer hat was finde ich.
    einen schönen tag,hier ist es sooo heiß.

    schöne grüße jenny

  45. What beautiful pictures! Your artwork and collages are lovely, too. I love your sea maiden.

  46. Sorry I failed to get here last week - your PPF face is fabulous! Oh Valerie that heat though...I can see why you are not enjoying it! I love your collage and your photos of course! Hugs, Chrisx

  47. I agree- she looks like an underwater maiden to me too! :)

    The walk around the ruins looks lovely.


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