Saturday 3 February 2018

Happy Mail and more

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy!
It's got a lot colder  here, we have cold wind blowing down from the north, which will be bringing us snow, ice and very chilly temperatures for the next week. Hope the early flowers don't all get frozen!

For Sandie's 'Have a heart' challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another tag. The background is a craft paper envelope. This tag can be fixed onto a present and there is still the possibility to write a little card and put it into the envelope.

I recently got some lovely happy mail, which really made me happy. It's always great to find a surprise in the post apart from bills and adverts!
The first one came from Sabine of Art Bee Art.
My fave piece just has to be that camera, as I always wanted a camera stamp, and now I have got one!

This gorgeous and colourful card accompanied the presents. Thanks so much Sabine for this lovely surprise, it made my day!

 This beautiful card and the papers came from LozzyT,
who runs the 'More Mixed Media' and other challenges. 
She designs the papers herself:

Thanks Sabine and Lozzy, it' s little acts of kindness like these that make my world a better place!

Last Sunday we arrived at the zoo in time for feeding time in the penguin enclosure. As I love these little creatures very much, I was happy to get a place in the front row to watch them enjoying their fish:

Other birds also dropped in for a snack:

Does anybody know the names of these gorgeous red billed birds?

As you can see, a good time was had by all!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Loving the tag and gorgeous photos. What a pleasant surprise to find goodies in your mail box, good for you and I also admit the camera stamp is perfect...especially for you.xx [aNNie]

  2. So many beautiful elements used on your tag Valerie, I love it when makes have a multipurpose. What wonderful happy mail, the camera stamp was as if it was made for you with your snap shots of life.. The cold weather is back with us again and I did giggle at those penguins as they too seemed to have to think twice about taking a dip hee hee!!
    Wishing you a happy crafting weekend.. Tracey xx

  3. Hi Valerie oh I do love your card,well done my friend,what lovely mail you received ,hope you have lots of fun with your goodies and I love your zoo pics ,those birds with the red on them are beautiful,thankyou for sharing xx

  4. Hi Val, that's a gorgeous tag, great idea, and lucky you getting all those nice goodies, have fun with them. The camera stamp is really right up your alley! Love the pics of the penguins, the littl'uns are looking with me and enjoying them, too. I've never seen those red-billed birds before, and don't know what they are, but they are lovely! Enjoy your day, hugs, Sarah

  5. so viele tolle intressante Teile die du verabreiten kannst. Die verschiedene Hintergründe sind auch super. Dein tag Bild ist mit so viel Liebe gestaltet, wunderschön!
    Die Fotos von dne Pinguine und besonderen Vögel sind grossartig.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  6. Waue great post , great gifts always loving getting wonderful gifts from good friends..great photos..

  7. Hello dearest Valerie!
    Such a gorgeous tag you made!
    Love all the details!
    You received very beautiful gifts from your friends!
    Love the camera stamp!!!!!
    Wonderful pictures of the cute penguins!
    I have never seen before those adorable birds!
    And i follow many blogs with bird watching!
    Wishing you a lovely weekend!Here its rainy and windy!Hugs!

  8. The tag is so pretty and would make a lovely accessory to any gift. What a fabulous selection of toys you got. Those papers look yummy. the penguins are so cute. I like the color beaded bands they wear, and I've never seen birds like that. Stay warm!

  9. A beautiful tag and lovely gifts from your friends - I love the photos of the penguins and birds with no name.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. A beautiful tag Valerie! And oh my!! Such glorious happy mail~lucky you! Such generous friends to have!
    Those penguins are so silly! And those red-billed birds are gorgeous! How stunning the color is!
    Keep warm and safe when the weather turns and watch out for the ice- it is so dangerous!!
    happy weekend my friend,be well!

  11. I enjoyed your post. your tag is so lovely and neat that you can add a little note inside.
    and wow your Happy Mail is so fun-Love the handmade papers Enjoy creating with all of your goodies
    I love the birds at the zoo too when we lived up in the northern states we would visit a zoo in Milwaukee Wisconsin and really enjoyed the penguins and the bird house.
    Happy weekend! Hugs Kathy

  12. Beautiful tag and gorgeous thoughtful gifts. I notice the penguins all wear colourful tags on their wings, interesting. Sorry I've never seen a bird like that so don't know the name.

  13. Wonderful tag and gifts.

    love the penguins

  14. such a wonderful group of gifts!!! Beautiful and I know you will do amazing things with all of this,,, your photos are amazing,, why do they tag the penguins,, I was just curious,,

  15. Your tag is truly awesome. I love how 3-D it is and how much you put into it.

    You received some simply stunning gifts. Your new camera stamp is perfect, but I love the embossing dies you received, too. How thoughtful of Sabine and Lozzy.

    At first, I thought those birds were red footed boobies, but the bill and markings around the face and neck aren't right. Too bad there were no signs showing what they were. Thanks for sharing thee penguins. BTW, my zoo marks theirs with arm bands, too. They look like they hurt, but apparently do not, or zoos wouldn't do it.

  16. I love your tag! How lovely to receive those goodies, especially when you have been wanting a camera stamp! I love to see penguins! It reminds me of hubby's zoo keeper day- one of them kept nipping at his boots!Enjoy the remainder of the weekend!Chrisx

  17. Great tag Valerie and lovely goodies to enjoy.
    Loved your photos - that bird with bright red beak -
    Dave and I think they are 'Inca Terns'.
    have a lovely weekend.. Gill xx

  18. Great tag!love your happy mail. My favorite picture is the two red billed birds on the green moss covered stone block, live the colors!

  19. A great tag and lovey photos Valerie and such wonderful 'happy mail' no wonder it brightened your day.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  20. Its a beautiful tag I love how you layered it with gorgeous detail.
    The penguin photos look super, it must have been good to see them close by.
    Enjoy your happy mail, I'm sure you will have fun using it.
    Yvonne xx

  21. What sweet friends you have! Love the pretty treat bag and the lovely heart on it.
    Enjoy the warmth inside. That wind can be biting!

  22. Now that was excellent happy mail for sure. And that is a joyful tag too. The silky flowers really add a nice bit of texture to the tag. You've made the perfect Valentine's Day tag for certain. And penguins are always fantastic to see. I think everybody loves them. You got some great photos. Thanks for sharing. I hope it isn't too cold and like you, I hope it doesn't really mess up all those plants that think it is spring. Stay inside and stay warm. :) Hugs-Erika

  23. Oh, my. I love your photos. Such beautiful birds.

  24. Beautiful photos, Valerie, and great gifts! I LOVE your Valentine card. Kisses, my friend.

  25. What a beautiful piece for Have a Heart. Such a special treat to receive.

    Love that you for so many goodies in the mail this week. So much better than bills! :)

    I love penguins! How fun you made it in time for feeding time.

  26. What fun papers those are! But what really captures me are those fabulous penguins with the red beaks and feet. I've never seen anything like that -- they're stunning.

  27. Wow! So much to see! I adore the penguins and your pretty tag Valerie!

  28. I love your Love tag! Beautiful! All your happy mail is so great! What a treat! Love the animal photos! I wonder what the red beak bird is called? I wonder why they tag the penguins? Big Hugs!

  29. A very pretty Tag Valarie..I love those little padded wings..fabulous...
    Great photos as always on your blog..I love penguins..x


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