Monday 15 May 2017

Tuesday This and ThaT

Hi Everybody!

It's Tuesday again, so lots to do here!

At Tag Tuesday we are starting a new challenge, I am hosting,
and this time it's 'anything goes', so hope to see
you linking to us. Projects of all formats are
I made a 12"mixed media tag with many
layers, and, what a surprise, I chose coffee for 
my first theme, as it also fits to Elizabeth's
T Stands for Tuesday, and I would like to extend
a warm welcome to all of the T Gang.
I used stencils to make the cups, and painted them
with blue/green metallic paint from Vivacolor. The
colour changes depending on the light.
I sewed the various layers together. 
The text is from a coffee stamp set, 
the highlights were added with a Sakura pen:

The table cloth also fits to TSFT. It's one of the many I embroidered
as a kid for my Great Aunt. After she died, I got them back,
and they have been in a box for years, where I rediscovered
them yesterday. It's much too large for my table, so I had to 
spread it out on the floor.

I would also like to remind you that you still have a week to
join in our 'Little things mean a lot' challenge at

The paintings were taken at the museum here in our
little town, all painted by women who live here:

Here the artist, Helga Stender, allowed me to take
pictures of her with her paintings, which I liked very much:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love the tag, I'm not really surprised you chose coffee.... The tablecloth is gorgeous, it would fit my table if it ever needs a new home. Lovely photos from the museum, they have good stuff there. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  2. Happy T a Day Valerie and such a great post to celebrate your favourite drink.

    Love the tag and the table cloth and what a great theme for the Tag Tuesday challenge as well

    Fantastic photographs and wonderful to have met the artist and been allowed to photograph her work

    Sleep well

    love Chrissie

  3. Ein wunderschöner Tag, liebe Valerie! Mir gefällt die Farbkombination ganz besonders gut! Die bestickte Tischdecke ist ein wahrer Schatz.
    Ein wunderbarer und inspirierender Post!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  4. I'm in LOVE with that tag because I found it so humorous. It appears I need to laugh right now, so this made me quite happy.

    Unfortunately, the tablecloth would not fit my table, because I don't have a square one. But there's no way I would give it up, if it was mine. Handmade by family gifts are the best to hold onto whether you are using them or not.

    I enjoyed the art you shared. I really like the abstracts, but I also enjoyed the paintings by Helga Stender, too.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful layered and sewn coffee tag and the beautiful art from the museum with us for T this soon to be Tuesday.

  5. Gorgeous coffee cups, love how you decorated them and wow that table cloth is amazing!! Great photos of those paintings too and how wonderful to meet the artist!

  6. Valerie, I love your tag and the words :) Lasted ten minutes, huh! Show off!! You got me beat! I didn't even get the words printed... LoL!!!
    Lovely tablecloth...beautiful stitching! I am happy that it was returned to you but so sorry for the reason that you got it back.
    Gorgeous artwork...all of it! The photo with the artist and her art is a great photo to have!!!

    Great Big Hugs 💚💝💙

  7. Wow Valerie, I love your coffee cups, and the quote made me laugh - ten minutes without chocolate as if! The tablecover is wonderful, I can't imagine making anything like this as a child. Love the paintings too, and what a beautiful, elegant lady the artist is. Have a fun week xx

  8. The words on your tag made me smile ... so funny, lol! :-) Wow, the tablecloth you embroidered when you were a kid is amazing, it is so beautifully detailed. Great photos and how lovely to meet the artist of those fabulous paintings and for her to pose for you - very special! Happy T Day! J :-)

  9. What a fun tag, it certainly brought me a smile. Your embroidery is lovely and what beautiful artworks from the show too!

  10. Its a great tag Valerie, I have a smile at the words you added, all the layers of materials and the pile of cups look fantastic
    It looks a beautiful cloth you embroidered when you were young, I was encouraged to sew as well, but nothing was saved.
    It must have been good to meet the artist, her paintings looked wonderful, as do the other ones you shared today.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Love the tag, the words did make me smile.
    Love the table cloth too.

    It was lovely to see all the different paintings and different styles.

    Sending my good wishes to you for the week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  12. Super tag Valerie!! And how special to have that tablecloth again.
    Loved seeing not only the great paintings but the artist as well. Happy T day!

  13. Funny tag quote! What pretty embroidery you did and those paintings are beautiful!

  14. ein interessantes Posting mit den Tassen und den Zitaten das ist grossartig gemacht und die Tischdecke ist so schön gestickt jeder Stich sitzt sauber da hast du als Kind schon toll gestickt. Die Künstlerin hinter ihre tollen Bildern ist spannend an zusehen!
    All die Bilder sind so schön!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  15. Your coffee tag is wonderful,Valerie. I'd never heard of Vivacolor paint. Now I want some - lol. I know the Tag Tuesdday rules are very flexibe, but I was surprised that a 12" piece could be called a tag. And yours doesn't have a hole or hanging cord. Just call me confused in Mexico ;-)

    No wonder your stitch work always blows me away with its precision and beauty. You've been doing it a long time. Now I'm even more impressed because the embroidered tablecloth you did as a kid look just as perfect as what you do today!

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  16. A fun tag, beautiful embroidery and amazing artworks from the exhibition. Happy T-Day, Susi

  17. That's a fabulous fun tag Valerie. Perfect for t day. And what a cool find. I have some of those in a box someplace too. Love the art too. Sounds like you've been having fun. Especially meeting the artist too. What a pleasure to see the hands and heart behind the work 😀Happy t day. Hugs erika

  18. Valerie, something about stacked coffee I love it! i plan on painting a picture for my wall in the kitchen/dining room before its all over of stacked coffee or tea cups... What a beautiful table cloth too.... all that work. its a shame you can't use it somehow... I like to see the work of local artists and how wonderful you got to take her picture... Happy happy T day hugs!! deb

  19. ha ha what a great tag and lovely art and lady too

  20. Such nice embroidery work! It must have been exciting to meet that artist :)

    Happy T Tuesday

  21. How lucky you are Valerie to stay in such an interesting place. Love your cloth and the coffee cups design and of course the sentiments. Your talent has been with you since an early age then just like me. Enjoyment can be found in simple things. Enjoy your evening. Hugs Rita xxxx

  22. Fabulous tag, and that quote cracked me up! Beautiful embroidery, what a treasure to rediscover...and thanks for sharing the museum paintings. it is wonderful to see these works. Happy T day! ♥

  23. Okay, I've got to 'borrow'--choke choke hack hack--- that first one for a Wacky Wednesday.
    You did an amazing job on that tablecloth when you were a kiddo.
    What a wonderful display for your museum to run.
    Have a great one. 3 days left?

    1. Your can always use anything you like here! :)

  24. Most funny quote on your falling cups stacks. Wonderful artist you share, I like her work too! xox

  25. Hi Valerie, Your coffee piece is outstanding and I love the quote. haha! The tablecloth is amazing and even as a kid your work was incredible. Love the colors too. So glad you came across it again and can enjoy it around your home. Love the artwork from the museum. Very talented ladies live in your town. The last artist's work is wonderful!
    Have a great week. xo

  26. You always have such interesting projects and posts, Valerie! Love visiting you site :)

  27. A great post, Valerie! Your coffee tag is amazing with fun words!
    I also love the fantastic Helga Stender paintings... Thank you for sharing them.
    Hugs, Mar

  28. Your art is perfect today LOL! You had busy hands as a child too. That is a beautiful tablecloth and the stitching is fantastic. I used to love doing needle work but my hands won't hold the needles anymore. Nice photos from the museum!

  29. your tag is huge and perfect -- great for the coffee lover that you are. i'm in awe of your tablecloth. so glad you have it again. xo

  30. What a wonderful post - where do I post. I think of the painting of the older woman painting a woman. I like that a lot. And then there is the tablecloth you embroidered as a child - gorgeous!
    Your tags always interest me - love the coffee spilling out - funny tag!
    sandy xx

  31. Your tag made me smile as did your tablecloth - I too remember embroidering tablecloths, tray cloths, cushion covers etc….mainly to be given as gifts to aunties or family friends! What a great exhibition by some those ladies - I especially love the hydrangeas! Belated Happy Tea Day!!(forgot I was out for a meal with friends last night - fortunately remembered in time!) Chrisx

    1. Same here, I embroidered pieces large and small for all the family!

  32. I love your tag, Valerie. It's perfect for t-day and is just delightful. And the art exhibit -- terrific. What talented women!

  33. Your first art piece is hilarious! Love it!!! LOL! Great tag!
    The embroider is gorgeous! Wow! So beautiful! You did that as a child? Wow!!!
    Love the art exhibit pictures!!! Beautiful!
    Big Hugs!

  34. OMGosh!! Valerie!! That tablecloth is just gorgeous!! Your stitches are so perfect!!How old were you when you made this? and who taught you to embroider? Just Beautiful!!! So happy you have shared this with us ")

    btw- that coffee, sex,chocolate- made me LOL!!! Great work my friend!
    sending hugs & love,Jackie


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