Thursday 20 April 2017

Heads and wild life

Hi Everybody!

For Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin, and for 
Art Journal Journey, 'magical mystery tour', hosted by Hazel,
I have an A3 mixed media piece. The background was swiped
with colour using a sponge, and 'my' heads were splashed and 
spritzed with colour which I flipped from a brush and
scrubbed through a sieve using an old toothbrush.
 The birds and figures
were added using stencils, and brightened with some
white highlights. I am also linking to Simon Monday
Challenge, splash it on

Today I have some more photos from the zoo in Krefeld:

This goat refused to turn round:

This one was more obliging:

This little penguin was lazing in the (artificial) sun in his
tropical paradise:

Beautiful surroundings:

This is just a tree-trunk, but looks like a strange animal:

The sloth was hanging out:

Lots of fish, big and small:

Another one just chilling:

Huge turtles:

Glad this crocodile didn't look hungry:

More pictures to follow next time!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Some amazing effects on your wonderful page Valerie would never have thought of the sieve technique.

    Fantastic photographs of the animals and must have been a great day seeing all the wonders.
    Thank you for sharing it with us

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Valerie, your artwork is so wonderful and the thoughts for young and old...perfect!!!
    Love the photos! What a fabulous zoo that is! The animals look healthy and well cared for!
    Love that tree or whatever it is! It reminds me of a tortoise :}
    The flowers are gorgeous!
    Almost forgot...that one goat looks like a kid will be born any day!!!

    Big Hugs~

  3. Fun post again today! Love your beautiful art, I always love your heads. Great photos, glad you enjoyed your visit to the zoo so much, the animals all look well looked after.
    And you are hopefully looking after yourself, to! Hugs, Sarah

  4. A fantastic page linked to Hazel's theme and amazing zoo photos again!
    Happy weekend!

  5. I had to smile as I pictured you using the toothbrush and sieve for you paint effects. I wish I hadn't thrown my old one out a few months ago after reading your post.
    Its a fabulous page and how true those words you added.
    Wonderful photos, the animals look so health and happy.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Schöne Journalseiten und tolle Tierfotos. Da gabs aber viel zu sehen im Zoo. Da ist deine Kamera sicher heiß gelaufen. ;)
    Big hugs

  7. Beautiful page and lovely zoo photos!

  8. ha- what you won't use for special effects on your art pages:)Great piece! Love your super photos of the zoo animals!! Happy PPF a bit early!

  9. wonderful page... Great so imaginatively i love it from you! The animal photos from the zoo are great!
    Good night Elke

  10. Hello Valerie, I thought your artwork really hits the spot with its quote... beautiful colours and design as well.
    A huge selection of animals here, you certainly had fun at the zoo - I tried to comment on your previous post but some glitches our end, will try again.
    Happy PPF and thanks for sharing all the interesting and fun things you see and do :D)xx

  11. Now that penguin looks really happy and content. I want to look like that. :) And I am so glad you have another set of heads as I love it when you share them. Hope all is well. Hugs-erika

  12. moin valerie,

    deine seiten sind ja wunderschön,aber die favoriten sind heute die wunderbaren tierbilder,da bekomme ich lust auch mal in den zoo zu gehen.
    ein schönes we für dich.

    hugs jenny

  13. Your art reveals how I feel all the time. It is just beautiful. So much fun at the zoo too.

  14. Your page is so cool, I'd love to take a class in art journaling, layering and all the great techniques you've used here! Happy PPF!

  15. I like how you splattered the faces, and I absolutely adore the quote/sentiment. It appears to be true, too.

    Those baboons are really a bit scary. They don't look friendly at all. It's amazing how large some turtles get. I was amazed by some I saw at the zoo in my town.

    I've never seen a crocodile, and am glad we don't have one at our zoo. I did enjoy the lovely photos, though, especially that gnarled tree.

    1. Those baboons were really scary, especially the 'boss', and I was happy they couldn't get near me!

  16. Yes, yes, yes and Wow! Fabulous post full of truth!

    Hugs Giggles

  17. So many challenges and one piece of artwork. That's the way to do it Valerie. Love your artwork. Happy PPF!

  18. Love your art today. A very creative page for your journal. The zoo photos are smashing. The animals all look so healthy. You must have had a great time.

  19. Like Yvonne, your techniques had me smiling, I like the idea of you splashing on the colour using a brush as well as scrubbing through a sieve using an old toothbrush - that sounds like so such fun! Happy Friday and wishing you a lovely weekend! J :-)

  20. Your journal pages are wonderful and I love that there are birds on your page and on your blog page. Very nice! And thanks for the trip to the zoo. I am a great zoo lover but haven't been recently so these photos were most appreciated. Happy PPF

  21. Your journal pages are really beautiful with such an appropriate saying. Love your header banner, too.

  22. Your drawing of the young and old plus all the photos of the animals makes us wonder just what was God thinking:-)

  23. Nice art and photo share Valerie; thanks for dropping in at my blog today
    Happy PPF

    MUCH LOVE...

  24. Great stenciling!!! Thanks for my visit with some crazy odd and fun animals!!!

  25. Love your art today and can so relate to the words too. TOday my body is saying it can't !!! Loudly :( The animals shots are all great... it's been way to long since I've been to a zoo.

  26. Wonderful original art work and love the message and delightful 'animal' photography ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a lovely weekend ~ ^_^

  27. What a wonderful zoo - you name it and they have it! Those first monkey/ape animals look like grouch old men!
    You artwork is so creative - love the colors on the heads. When I first saw this I started singing "Fly me to the moon!"
    Sandy xx

  28. A great journal spread and those words are so true.
    Wonderful pictures from your visit to the zoo, loved the one of the sunbathing penguine.
    Have a good weekend.
    Avril xx

  29. What thoughtful art, I find it both beautiful and intriguing. I love the zoo photos too!

  30. What a poignant quote on your art this week, i love that. Great photos, those baboons bums always look sore!

  31. Your art piece is truly meaningful my friend! Love your zoo pictures!!! Those penguins are so cute! Big Hugs!

  32. Those are some amazing photos, Valerie. The penguin looks smugly content :)

  33. Unlike the thought provoking quotes on the heads.

    The animal photos are amazing, especially the baboons.

  34. what an intriguing concept for your journal page with the heads -- wonderfully done! i love your zoo pictures! xo

  35. Young and old together is a good team.
    I'm not a zoo person but your photos show how amazing creatures there are...
    Happy PPF!

  36. So good to see your wonderful artwork and hear of specials effects. The quote is wonderful. I always love birds flying. The zoo is wonderful, what a glorious day!

  37. You do wonderful things with the silhouette form! And I really do love the zoo pix, especially the baboons. Such great faces!

  38. Lovely photographs of the animals and the flowers ... and the weather looked perfect too!

    All the best Jan

  39. Fabulous journal pages....quite tranquil xx fabulous photographs as always Valerie

    Sending my best wishes
    Annie x

  40. Wow! That zoo must be huge to house such a varied assortment of animal! I do love that the sand and water areas look so natural.
    You really did get some beautiful up close pics of those baboons(?)Their fur looks so silky!
    Great journal spread my dear, and great words as well- too true!

  41. I really like that composition, and the words! Great work! And beautiful up-close pictures of the animals. Wow!

  42. What a beautiful journal page. This is magnificent. The background and design are so original and clever. Thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge.

    Cathie ♥

  43. A wonderful page and beautiful photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  44. Wonderful page, and looks like you had a great time at the zoo!


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