Sunday 1 January 2017

Of dragonflies, strange faces and cracked mirrors

Hi Everybody!

Today is Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd,
where we share a post previously published.
I made the journal page in September 2014, using DP and 2 tags I had made a couple of months previously.  I used the same stamp set from Lawrence and Morgan for both. I added stickles for the wings. The tags were machine stitched to the background. The quote on the right tag is from Leonard da Vinci:

For Erika's new challenge at AJJ, 'Every journal page tells a story',
I made hybrid page where I got carried away, and it ended up
rather differently than I had planned..... 
The background was painted, collaged and partly crackled. 
I collaged lots of words cut from magazines.
Then I added the quote, the strange lady, goggles and hand digitally (Mischief Circus). The ravens are from Dezinaworld. This was a fun and 
silly piece made to cheer me up. And the story? 
Well, I would like your ideas for this! Don't be shy!


The photos today are from an exhibition at the Kunsthalle
in Düsseldorf, 'Wool and water'. It was interesting, but not
quite my thing- I am in some of the photos, rather distorted 
by the mirrors:

 Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The first idea that popped into my head after seeing your page is that she is the head raven in a sci fi world where the ravens are magical spies. They report back to her and she gets to decide where they go, depending on what gossip she wants to know. :) Fun page today. And I love your second on the second piece too. It feels so much like summer-which I could use right now since we have like 20 inches of snow out there! Hugs-Erika

  2. Oh yes, the Kunsthalle often has rather strange exhibitions, K20 is much better value for money. Love your repeat piece, and the strange face page is - , well, strange, and I love it. My story is that it's lady Gaga in disguise as she's fed up with paparazzi, and thinks she won't be recognised! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Your tags are just exquisite. How I love the use of the stickles for the wings. And your page is very striking. A great way to begin the new year!

  4. Oh how wonderful your dragonfly piece is and the new one is very surreal and lovely! The art exhibit was fascinating too. Happy New Year!

  5. What an amazing post Valerie. I loved those tags the first time I saw them so it is a great choice for another viewing.

    I am in awe of the piece for AJJ. I want it be a book cover and I would have to buy the book that would have plots we could only find in dreams. My mind is full of stories for the way out lady and her army of evil crows.

    The exhibition is just my sort of thing and thank you for sharing the things you saw there. What wonderful backgrounds the panels would make.

    Hope you are sleeping soundly while I am watching the darts

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Interesting post, love the dragon{aNNie}

  7. nice work for the challenges and interesting exhibits!

  8. I'll begin with your AJJ entry. I finally got the symbolism, but it took me seeing it twice before I did. It's a powerful piece once I knew what I was looking at.

    As for the exhibit, I have to say, I don't get it. The wall looks like someone took a bunch of mirrors and shot holes in them. I don't understand how they relate to wool and water. I DID like the pieces that looked like rust. I see rust in everything, and water creates rust. The rest, I simply didn't understand.

    Your Second on the 2nd is awesome. You sew SO much better than I ever will. Your stitches are even and straight. Can't say that about mine, of course. I like how the tags became more prominent from the stitches. You elevated this entry because of that.

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful second look this month.

  9. Morning Valerie and what amazing artwork and pictures you have shared with us today. I love Erikas take on the journal page - everyone reporting to her actionable by the level of gossip - brilliant

    The tags are amazing and the stitching certainly makes them pop

    Hilda xx

  10. Deine handgemachte Seite für den "Zweiten Blick" ist ein Traum und richtig cool ist diesmal Deine digitale Seite - witzig und tiefsinnig! Klasse auch die tollen Bilder vom Museum!
    Hab einen wunderschönen Tag!
    Liebe Grüße

  11. I love this post Valerie and the awesome page.
    I am in overdrive to think out a scenario for the page. However, I think she is wondering about the smell of the birds, how dare they enter her space. Don't they know that someone who is as beautiful as herself has a sensitive nose for these things, even if they have tales to tell, they should a least wash first.
    Super photos, but I do wonder about some of the modern stuff and where is the 'Art' in creating them
    Have a good day.
    Yvonne xx


  12. Your dragonfly piece is just beautiful I also enjoyed the photos, what a fascinating exhibition. The lady and ravens is incredible! The ravens look so grumpy and what on earth has happened to the woman’s mouth? Does she have one? Is there a hand growing out of it? What is going on? I hope you will write the story and tell it to us. :-)

  13. My story for your page - "Darn it…here I am all dressed up and my specs STILL keep falling down my nose!" I love your 2nd on the Second page - such beautiful tags! I don't dislike some modern art but I often ask the question 'W.h.a.t?' - I think I would here too! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. haha loved your comment and I wish I could say, your wish has been granted, warmer weather over here....come stay with us.xx

  15. The tags caught my eye right away, images and quote so perfect together. Your quirky woman is fun to look at. Happy that you gave us a second chance to see these.

  16. Loved the look back at the tags and the page created with them. The shiny bits are like true wings.
    The AJJ piece is wild and way out there but I love it!!! Super cool!

  17. Hi Valerie, Your tags are beautiful!! Your attention to detail is always inspiring. So fun to look back on past works.
    Interesting photos from the exhibit!
    Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!! xo

  18. Your journal page, very steampunk. very cool. the four blackbirds with their serious expressions, maybe body guards for the queen. She has a crown so I assume she's a queen. All the senses are represented in your piece. Large goggle glasses to see, a hand for touch, a hand covering the nose, maybe not so pleasant smells, birds for sound, and the hand coming from the mouth for taste and comfort as in sucking one's thumb to self-soothe.

    Wool and water, now there's a smell that's not too pleasant. (-; But the concept escapes me. I do love the colors of the water pieces. At least they look like water to me the blues and browns with yellow sunlight bouncing off the water.

    The dragonflies are so delicate and the quote fits so perfectly.

  19. In the "House of Daybreak, Midday, Eventide and Twilight", the Ravens of the Sun operate a secret society. They travel by starlight, incognito, saving lost souls. Last evening, just after sundown, they stumbled upon the old Dowager Queen of the Forest whose heart has turned to coal. She can no longer speak or see and wanders in darkness, lost and alone. The Ravens lift her by the goggles high into the night sky. In flight, under the new moon she glides back to their House of Restorative Magic. Special twigs, logs and herbs are set alight in the mystical place of fire. A most beautiful ornate chase lounge is brought where she is laid to rest, covered by the golden blanket of stories. Gently, the goggles are removed and to their astonishment ..... to be continued. Love your dragon fly tags, Valerie. Great, fun, post. Hugs, Donna

    1. Your story is *****fantastic*****! Thanks, Donna!

  20. I like the old but the new is bizarre and wonderful! Great use of all media. xox

  21. The dragonflies tags are very beautiful and I like the idea of zigzag stitching the edges down. I don't remember them so it was good to see them.
    The four birds, who look rather naughty, are her servants and I am a bit worried about what she wants them to do next.
    I love your photos and visits to the galleries but I could imagine the mirrors might make one feel disorientated (even in a photo). But good to see something different.

    1. Yes, the mirrors sometimes separated the head from the body - at least that's what it looked like, very strange!

  22. Dein Libellen-Bild mit den schimmernden Flügeln gefällt mir, aber auch die Collage mit der Hand als Nase ist total witzig gestaltet und die kleinen Raben kucken echt grummlig.
    Die Museumsbilder sind super gemacht, besonders die mit den kaputten Spiegeln faszinieren mich.Aber auch die Bilder mit den tollen farbigen Texturen sehen sehr dekorativ aus. Danke für den Kulturaustausch, immer wieder ein Vergnügen.
    Liebe Grüße

  23. Valerie!
    Your dragonfly piece is beyond stunning! I absolutely love it! And your second one,hybrid is fun fun fun!!
    You are so talented as well as inspiring dear friend!!

  24. Love LOVE your dragonfly piece.
    Not sure about the museum pieces.. but loved the three grungy photos
    toward the bottom... was that a huge piece of art?
    Your AJJ piece is mysterious weird (in the nicest sense) and grungy - I love it! I think the hand is replacing her tongue which extends a bit like a Chameleons one..very useful for eating and as a weapon. The crows are her spies and are invisible to all non believers of her power.... the end.. :)
    Gill xx

    1. They were rusty metal paints with a few spots of paint, and the best pieces in the exhibition!

  25. recovering from plastic surgery on her nose - The Princess of Nonsense decides to go to the ball in disguise. "Nevermore quoth the Raven"!!!
    And I say -- never let the raven poop on your parade!!
    Sandy xx

  26. Wie immer: einfach großartig

  27. I love your tags! Beautiful! And, the art piece with the crows is amazing!! I love the quote! Brilliant!! The cracked mirrors are interesting?? LOL!


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