Tuesday 9 August 2016

New Challenge at Moo Mania and More - Moon

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at


As always, projects of all formats and styles are welcome,
and you have 2 weeks to link to us.

Hope to see YOU there!

For my hybrid piece I used a background made from painted, heated and bubbled Tyvek, adding some digi elements from Dezinaworld 15 & Mischief Circus. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, Nature's wonders - yes, I am still on my moon trip!

My walk yesterday led me to a neighbouring village and then back along the Rhine:

The long eared sheep are back again, including some very newly born 'babies':

'If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter'
George Washington

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great challenge and wonderful photos. Greetings!

  2. Fantastic moon page Valerie.

    What wonderful pics of the sheep and I must say I have never seen lambs at this time of year. How cute are those ones.

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. Gorgeous page, a real stunner, and I am printing out some of those darling sheep, the kids will love them! Hugs Sarah

  4. Love your stunning page Valerie, fab background and I just adore those very cute lambs.
    Fliss xx

  5. I have such a soft spot for sheet. And that lamb. Sigh.

  6. This is a fabulous piece Valerie, I love your background and the dark angel. How cute are these lambs, I've never seen long eared ones before, it makes them even cuter xx

  7. A fantastic page , I love how the background seems to shine and sparkle.
    The lambs look so cute with their long ears, great photos.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Loved being part of this mystical moon trip - stunning!

  9. Beautiful Tyvek page, and the lambs are adorable!

  10. I love the moon theme. Sounds like a great challenge. And I love your page today. two moons-its like we live on another planet where they have more moons than we do here on Earth. The angel in black is a fantastic image. And I love those long eared sheep. You got some fantastic photos of them. Have a great Wednesday. Hugs-Erika

  11. oohh was für schöne seiten,die lämmchen sind soooo schnuckelig mit ihren langen ohren.
    besonders gefällt mir dein toller HG auf deiner seite dazu,das thema mond und sterne werd ich mal anpacken,es gefällt mir sehr.
    einen schönen tag heute.

    hugs jenny

  12. Your moons and angels seem right at home with this theme. It's a lovely first entry for MM&M.

    Please, please tell me those sheep are raised for sheering and not for slaughter. They have such lovely fur, and the babies are so adorable.

    I was also impressed with the fields and the road that was built overhead. That would be unheard of in the states. Our govt. would have purchased the land, built the road, and destroyed all that farm land.

    1. The road is the bridge over the Rhine, and was only allowed after years of discussion and the promise to keep the pastures along the river. They are necessary as 'flood-lands' to take up the water when the river overflows.

  13. Eine tolle tolle Seite Valerie und so schöne AUfnahmen - wie süß die kleinen Schäfchen sind! Die Strohballen liegen hier auch überall rum derzeit... sehen so viel besser aus als die Plottegs aus Plastik für's Heu.
    600 kilo hat so ein Ding hat mir WIlli kürzlich erklärt... und trotzdem, als damals der gewaltige Sturm hier war hat es diese Dinger herumgeschleidert wie Wattebällchen!

    Schönen Tag - fahr jetzt zum Einkaufen!
    Hier Regen und WIlli kann nicht zum Schwammerlsuchen- also hab ich das Auto zum Einkaufen frei.

  14. Love the imagery on your fabulous artwork and the gorgeous background Valerie.
    Once again I was sky watching - and at 3am this morning with a lovely clear sky - saw - not a single meteor! oh :( I shall be very grumpy if it is cloudy on the supposed best days and miss the show ha ha

    So many cute sheep and lambs - lovely photos :)

    Have a great day... Gill xx

    1. After days of clear skies we have a cloudy phase, day and night, no stars....sob, sob!

  15. I for one will never tire of your moon art work, this page is so beautiful! I love the blue shimmer and shine of your background and the little cherubs, they give your page such a magical feel! Love the countryside photos too, those sheep are cute with their long floppy ears! Wishing you a happy week! J :-)

  16. Love the lambs and you are surely on a journey everyday into a wonderland of nature pleasures. Love it.
    Your project of the moon is GORGEOUS....love it.xxx

  17. Das sind soooo schöne Journal-Seiten, genau wie Deine Fotos - wie immer - auch sehr schön sind.

  18. Beautiful moon piece Valerie. Great photos, I am very jealous of all your green grass! hugs :)

  19. Hi my friend, this art piece is fabulous. Love the colours and background. Please could i have the credit for the angel girl as it was from Dezinaworld15 not Mischief Circus.? Still i love it lots and as always you are inspiring to me, dear friend. Love the photo's too. Back to blogging full time now, just gave up FB. its good to be back x

    1. Nice to see you back, I thought you had gone missing!

  20. More babies! I love seeing the babies! Just how far a walk to the other village was that?
    Great piece. I especially like the blue background:)

  21. I love the moon moo page with the glittery blue background. I'll have to check into Tyvek - the building stuff?? That's new to me. And I love the sheep photos. They're adorable! Those ears! LOL.

  22. Wonderful blog post today. Love your moons on the creative background and the sheep! I noticed some black sheep. If I recall correctly, the farmers would include one black sheep for every 25 or so to keep track of the total count. Do you know if they do that in Germany?

  23. oooh the lambs are precious... I bet they make a lot of noise too ♥
    Your moon inspired creations are really lovely and this one is so special too.

  24. What a fabulous page! I love your walk photos - I do love sheep (as you will see on Tuesday!) The lambs are so cute! Chrisx

  25. It is always a pleasure to visit your blog and see your latest art work. I must admit though, your pictures make me miss our little goats. They were fun while we had them.
    Sandy xx

  26. Valerie, fabulous piece for the moon challenge!!! hugs


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