Thursday 26 May 2016

A journey from this world to the next

Hi Everybody!

Today is a public holiday here,  and the sun is shining - a wonder!

For Art Journal Journey, Journeys, I made a mixed media double page about John Bunyan's book, Pilgrim's progress, written in the 17th century. He tells about the journey of a man, the pilgrim, burdened down by sin, who asks forgiveness and then sets out for the celestial city, experiencing many hardships and temptations along the way.
I read this book as a child, and was fascinated by the strange language and ideas.
John Bunyan was imprisoned for many years as he refused to accept the 'state' religion in England of that time, the Anglican Church. This was one of the reasons why the pilgrims sought their freedom in America. John Bunyan was buried in Bunhill Fields in London, a graveyard where many famous dissenters found their last rest. (The name 'Bunhill' means Bone hill!) On the right-hand side I used the frontispiece of his book, which I digitally superimposed with William Blake's illustration of the pilgrim. On the left I added photos of his grave, where I showed his pilgrim coming to visit him. The smaller stone at the top left is a memorial stone erected where he used to live. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

(Photos used courtesy of Wikipedia)

Here are some of my balcony visitors this week:

Have a great week you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. A very interesting post today - I remember learning about JB at primary school, and your pages are very well done. Love the birdie photos as always, the really seem to pose for you! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Very powerful pages, packed with some history!

    I also scrolled through what I've missed and found even more beautiful work and photos........they make me want to pack my bags and come stay with you...*grin*

    Thank you for linking me to AJJ and for the T-day visit.

  3. Another excellent spread for your journal and a history lesson as well. The photos are excellent as always. Enjoy your holiday. Hope the sun continues to shine for the weekend.

  4. Ausdruckstarke Seiten Valerie und ganz tolle Fotos!
    Liebe Grüße

  5. What an interesting read. If I recall correctly, Pilgrim's Progress was a blend of fact and fiction. i suspect all great stories are, though. I wonder how many editions this book has had over the decades. Your art was a great tribute to both Bunyan and the book. And I enjoyed the refreshed history lesson, too, since it has been decades since I read it myself.

    You have a way with birds, dear Valerie. I'm super impressed. Have a great holiday.

  6. Very interesting and detailed art today ♥♥♥♥ More beautiful birds shots too's a WIN! WIN! post :)

  7. The birds and flowers are absolutely beautiful. And your piece is very moving.

  8. Sorry it's long time no see Valerie! Gorgeous artwork and love those pics of your vistors - they're all so lovely I'm green with envy!
    Hope you had a lovely day.
    Fliss xx

  9. Lovely educational pages Valerie! Your visitors are so pretty!

  10. A wonderful journal spread Valerie, love the theme.
    Your balcony must be such a pleasure to you with so many visitors, amazed at the woodpecker coming so close.
    Avril xx

  11. Journey from this world to the next....interesting title and fabulous pages. Love your gorgeous birdie photos, how lucky are you to see these fellas,...they are  {aNNie}

  12. Interesting page today Valerie. I think the images are really fascinating and although I've heard of this book, I had never read it or even knew what it was about. Nice to be informed. Enjoy your holiday! Happy PPF and hugs-Erika

  13. Marvelous page. I enjoyed reading the back story of John Bunyan. Hugs, Teresa

  14. I absolutely love this page. It strikes me on every level. Well done my friend.

  15. Fabulous history lesson with wonderful artwork. LOVE your balcony visitors..they're just precious. I could watch those little birds for hours the are so sweet! Great photos!

    Hugs Giggles

  16. what an interesting post - I didn't know any of that so have certainly learnt something new today! Great journal page which perfectly illustrates the info in the post. So many wee birds - It's wonderful!

  17. Incredible work -- very different - stunning. Love all your little birdies. Hugs, Donna

  18. Oh, that book sounds interesting and I love the way your page has taken inspiration of the text you've been reading!

  19. Your journal pages are awesome, Valerie. You've done a beautiful job of melding history and art. I tried several times to read this but got bogged down along the way. The book is truly a classic and a message to be heeded. I love the balcony visitors. I don't recognize the last bird but I think it may be a finch of some kind.

  20. I look at your pages and I wish...I wish...

  21. great digital pages and I love all those birds mine always fly away while I get my phone!

  22. Wonderful post! Those journal pages are amazing! But I always love your birds, such colorful varieties. Happy PPF

  23. Thank you for the interesting little history lesson Valerie.
    Your pages are really powerful and well done!
    Tweet Tweet birdies you have.
    Happy Friday to you oxo

  24. Wonderful page Valerie, I especially like Blake's pilgrim. Blake's always been one of my favourite poets, and I've always been fascinated by his art and obscure printing techniques. And what wonderful visitors you had on your balcony!

  25. WOW! Love the bird photos! So cute!

  26. WOW! Love the bird photos! So cute!

  27. really fantastic interpretation of the read in your pages Valerie! And i do love the photos of all those beautiful birds that visit you. Happy holiday weekend to you!

  28. Your spread is fabulous, Valerie! Thanks for sharing your bird visitors, so colorful!

  29. A fantastic page Valerie and a realy interesting post.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. So far the wellies are still dry, fingers crossed.

  30. it must have been interesting to consider this man as much as you did to create a meaningful piece of art. Blake's pilgrim is a powerful drawing.

    lovely spring photos.
    sweet weekend to you. it is raining here. but i like it.

  31. love your pics of all the birds! my husband and i are bird watchers. we keep bird feeders full and two bird baths...hours of entertainment right in our back yard! happy PPF

  32. Wow, you have so many birds and such variety! Beautiful close-up shots. We manage to attract mainly squirrels to our bird feeders... sigh. We love pilgrims progress. We own several illustrated version, but I have not seen the one with Blake's illustration - thanks for sharing!

  33. Fascinating post and artwork Valerie, great illustrated piece.
    Great close wild bird photos. We have the same birds visit here too, all except the Bullfinch, but I'm hoping they arrive soon.
    Thanks for sharing. Happy PPF to you

  34. Fantastic work, I loved hearing the story along with the art. Your birdie photos are great. I loved seeing all the critters. Happy PPF,


  35. your art piece is exceptional. the birds make me happy. xo

  36. Powerful journal page, Valerie! Birdie photos are delightful :)

  37. A gorgeous piece in your journal to remember history by.

    Whoa - you got a lot of different birds at your house, they're beautiful. We finally got warm weather and sun, too. Every day is in its 30s °C - yay for summer :)

  38. What great history lesson - I know very little about John Bunyan so this has filled a few gaps!!
    I loVe your bird photos today - lucky you to be seeing all this from your window! Hugs, Chrisx

  39. Really beautiful pages!!!
    Thanks for the pretty "tweets"!

  40. Very interesting and beautiful journal pages and I absolutely love all your bird visitors, what a wonderful bunch, each one so unique and special. You must enjoy lovely bird song too!

  41. What a strong looking page, cool!
    These birds are so pretty...I can hear birds singing (sometimes even screaming) but not seen this close.
    Have a good week ahead!

  42. Great page today, very atmospheric! So many wonderful birds, I am envious of the visitors you get on your balcony! hugs :)

  43. I cannot believe how many of your posts I have missed! You have surgery and stay right on target with your art and are so disciplined when it comes to exercise! I have surgery and am knocked out by antibiotics and pain meds.
    You make me feel as I too am weighted down my this man's sins. One can really feel his anguish!
    Once again - gorgeous bird pictures!
    sandy xx

  44. I LOVED reading about this wonderful author. I have a very old copy of my Mom's in my library. It is ancient and the artwork within is just incredible. I loved hearing the history behind the "bone hill." I didn't know that. :D Thank you! I also adore all your pictures of birds. They must love you to let you get that close to them!

  45. wonderful! I haven't read the Bunyan story since school days! A long time ago. Your birds have me captive! What a glorious week it is for birds...even here in the Northwest. I wonder if it has something to do with all the bird families expanding!! Fun day!


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