Friday 26 December 2014

Birds and collage

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all enjoying your celebrations.

We had wonderful winter weather today, cold but sunny, and just right for walking. My neighbour and I were invited to visit a friend in a neighbouring town, and walked all the way, nearly 2 hours, but we enjoyed it a lot, and arrived with a good appetite and were able to enjoy our little coffee party. And we travelled home this evening by bus!

We are nearing the end of our collage challenge at Art Journal Journey, and it has been most enjoyable. I loved seeing all the  different projects from all who joined in. My piece today has once again been made from scraps of painted and printed papers, washi tapes, a crafty individuals image and a bit of sewing and stamping. I used craft paper for the background.

The birds were hungry and ready for their breakfast when I got up:

This wood pigeon is a very handsome chap....

The heron was walking through the fields along the Rhine

So  were the horses:

The birds were chirping in the trees:

The cormorant was flattering its wings to dry them in the sun:

The thrush was singing loudly:

Wonderful weather for walking!

Hope your holidays were pleasant, too!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. HI Val, sounds like you had a great day, give your feet a rest this evening! Love the collage and the gorgeous photos. Hugs, Sarah

  2. That's a long walk, glad you took the bus home. Lovely collage and photos!

  3. Fabulous collage again, love the boldness of the black stripes, making for a great composition framing that wonderful image!!

  4. Absolutely loving your collage. Such a wonderful vintage image and the zig zag sewing frames it beautifully. Awesome nature photography once again.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  5. Wow,eine wunderschöne collage und tolle naturbilder.
    ich habe gestern vanillekipfellikör gemacht,hhhmmm der ist soooo leeecker,eine flasche bekommt meine freundin zu weihnachten.
    wünsch dir einen tollen tag.


  6. Beautiful collage you have made so many lovely ones for the challenge

    How lovely to walk for two hours to enjoy a treat with friends and take wonderful pictures along the way. No buses here on Boxing Day but we did go for a short walk

    Have a lovely day

    Chrissie xx

  7. I bet your long walk didn't seem half as long when you had someone to chat to. Sounds like you had a lovely day, I had a lazy one! Lol! But I'm heading out today. We have similar weather, clear sky but very hard frost. Lovely collage, I hope to do some crafting over the holidays but I got a new puzzle so I'm itching to start that too. Have a lovely Saturday. Xx

  8. Brilliant design, image and papers used. lovely creation...looking forward to the new year and new{The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  9. Merry Christmas to you Valerie ☺Lovely work and design
    Von ♥

  10. I like the colors and the animal print washi tape you used in this collage! After a 2 hour walk, I think you walked off all the holiday goodies you ate! I'm back on the treadmill today!

  11. Sounds like you had a perfect day out. Wonderful journal pages, liked the Russian Dolls from the other day's post as well. Super photos from your walks as well.
    Yvonne xx

  12. WOW! A two hour walk!!!! In the WINTER!!! I applaud you ♥♥♥♥♥ Your birds are so entertaining I need to force myself to get out and walk more.

  13. You live in such a beautiful part of the world. Lovely pics, as always. And the stitching on the collage is fab. Hope you have a very happy new year.

  14. Looks like the perfect weather for walking and I loved to see all the birds.
    There's a naughty lady in your collage - is she a typist?
    I agree, the wood pigeon is certainly very handsome and I'm sure I saw him in our garden the other day, maybe he is taking a winter break in Germany?

    1. Yes, I think she is a typist, and I am sure she will get a job if she wears that outfit for the interview....we have a huge colony of these pigeons here since a few weeks.

  15. Liebe Valerie! Deine Collage ist wieder ein Augenschmaus - zum Glück :) Denn Weihnachten hat ja immer auch ein paar Kalorien mehr im Gepäck.
    Auch Deine gefiederten Freunde sind herrlich getroffen, besonders das Amselmännchen!
    Ich wünsche Dir schöne Tage und ein gutes Neues Jahr.
    Alles Liebe

  16. Interesting collage. I like the vintage elements. I agree, that is a very handsome pigeon. I love pigeons. I love the sounds they make, their iridescent colours and the shock of white that is visible on their lower backs when they take flight. I have a pet white dove (a type of pigeon) and she is my little darling.
    Hugs & smiles,

  17. What a difference a day can make...
    from sunshine and blue skies to sleet and snow!
    It is such fun to see what you create with bits of this and that tying it all together for a fab finished piece.
    Collage is such a great medium.
    Thank you all of the inspiration and fun your theme has given so many of us again this month dear Valerie ♥

  18. Beautiful collage and stunning bird photos too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  19. #9 and 12, 13 is awesome takes.


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