Tuesday 31 December 2013

Frosty weather and a winter landscape

Hi everybody!
This morning the fields were frosted white when I got up, and although it was a clear and sunny day, it was cold an windy. I walked to the sculpture park, and then down to the Rhine damn, and the wind in my back helped me walk quckly. I enjoyed it very much, sunny days are always such a wonderfl gift.

This sculpture is still frosted where the sun hasn't yet reached it:

I don't know what sort of tree this is, never seen one blooming in this weather:

The long and winding road was also frosted, with icy patches, so I had to 'walk circumspectly' so as not to land on my butt:

At Tag Tuesday the theme this week is a winter scene. Now, this is not really a scene, but I didn't feel like making a scene today.... The black tag has been cut from an old calendar, stamped,  and white embossed with my fave script stamp. The tree and fence have been cut from card painted white and glittered, and the bird and snowflake were in my stash.

And last but not least:

I wish you all good health, happiness and creativity  for 2014.
Thanks a lot for coming by so often and leaving nice comments; thanks for being there.


  1. thanks for the picture nature walk and the new year wishes. blessings to you in 2014

  2. Good Morning Val. What absolutely beautiful pictures. Your tag is so effective in the black and white. Wishing you a Wonderful New Year in 2014. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. Great photos once again.. I LOL at the penguin video. Too funny. And of course I love your tag my crafty friend.. Wishing you a Happy New Year.


  4. Hallo valerie,das sind wieder ganz traumhafte Bilder,ich wünsche dir auch ein wundervolles neues jahr 2014,bleib schön gesund und so liebevoll wie immer,wünsche dir ganz viel glück und ganz viele neue creative ideen,dein tag ist sooooo schööööööööön,ich liebe schwarz weiß kontraste.

    GLG Deine Jeannette,die heute ganz doll an dich denkt *Bussi*

  5. I love seeing the photos from your walks Valerie, the landscape is beautiful. Your tag is super in black and white which has produced a very wintry feel to it. Love the tree and the script background.
    Wishing you a wonderfully creative new year filled with love, peace, health and happiness.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  6. Beautiful tag Valerie. Black and white always stand out for me.

    Wonderful photographs and the sculpture is amazing.

    Have a lovely day

    Chrissie xx

  7. That is a seriously good tag in black and white and the tree and fence are just right.
    I enjoyed my German walk, glad you didn't slip on the ice, you don't want to do that.
    All the best for 2014 and I look forward to more of your posts.
    Sent from the top of a ladder.

    1. Thanks! You are evidently going up in the world!

  8. Beautiful photos and a fabulous tag.
    I wish you a Wonderful Happy and Healthy New Year.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Ein schönes Tag und tolle Fotos, Valerie.
    Kann es sein, dass du da eine Hamamelis, zu deutsch "Zaubernuss", auf Englisch "witch hazel" fotografiert hast? Man kann es auf die Entfernung schwer erkennen, aber die Blütezeit könnte passen.

    Ich wünsche dir ebenfalls ein frohes neues Jahr voll Gesundheit und Kreativität.

    1. Ich glaube nicht, die Blumen am Zaubernuss sind anders, aber ich möchte gerne wissen was es ist. Nächstes Mal nehme ich ein größeres Bild auf!

  10. Ein wunderbarer Anhänger! Ich mag diese Schwarz-Weiß Komposition sehr! Auch schöne Fotos zeigt du hier!
    Auch ich wünsche dir alles Gute für das neue Jahr!
    LG, LonettA

  11. Such pretty photos for a cold day! I have never seen a tree flower in Winter--what a treat!
    Happy New Year to you, too!

  12. Thank you for sharing your frosty wanderings with us ~ lovely. As is your tag. :)

  13. Hi Valerie,
    Lovely frosted walk pics today. Always something interesting to see in your posts. Love your tag. Black and white is always a favorite for me.

    We just got back from out trip to The Prairie by Rachel Ashwell and will share pics soon.

    Wishing you a wonderful new year filled with many blessings.

  14. Sunny days are a gift and your photos again are fabulous. It's nice to see green grass and blooms, here it's a lot of snow & ice. My blog header looks how it is. Happy 2014 ! Shirleyx

  15. Fab tag Valerie and thanks for the frosty walk. It is so dark and dismal here today, not a glimpse of the sun. Here's wishing us all a happy and healthy 2014 and lang may yer lum reek! Xx

    1. Thanks, as long as the central heating doesn't smoke! I know that saying from our primary school teacher, a lovely man who sometimes came to school in a kilt, much to our delight!

  16. The sun makes all the difference when it's freezing cold doesn't it? Lovely winter tag. Happy New Year 2014 Valerie!!!

  17. Beautiful tag Valerie, love the frosty black and white, so appropriate for out weather. Beautiful photos from your walk too. I think the tree was a gift to you, who ever heard of a tree blossoming in this weather? Happy New Year dear friend! ~Big hugs, ~Diane

  18. Well first of all we do not want you falling on your butt! I must admit - better to fall on one's butt than on one's head! I enjoyed our walk - I do love that wooden sculpture. Brrrrr - you have me all cold feeling.
    Your tag is wonderful and I think it looks like a winter scene. It is night -it's snowing and the bird is looking for a place to rest his head.
    Happy New Year Valerie!!

  19. I always enjoy your beautiful photos, and they have brightened my year for me. Your winter scene is perfect, so effective in just the black and white. Thank you for the New Year card, and may you have a wonderful year in 2014.

  20. Just been having a lovely catch up on your posts I have missed recently. The blossom tree looks amazing, we have a winter flowering shrub with similar flowers, but have no idea of its name.
    Hope that you have a Healthy and Happy 2014.
    hugs Yvonne xx

  21. Gorgeous pics, Valerie! Thanks so much for the beautiful New Year Greeting!

    Wishing you a super duper 2014 :)

  22. Frosty and beautiful! I always look so forward to our daily walks! Love the wintery tag! Valerie, I hope you have a wonderful 2014! Hugs!

  23. Lovely photos and tag! I wish you all the very, very best for 2014, hope life gets easier for you. You deserve the best! Hugs, Sarah

  24. Happy new year. Love your frosty tag. your sculpture park must be a marvelous place to walk. xox

  25. Happy New Year Valerie! It is hot and humid here, so was grateful for the frosty walk! Love that sculpture. Hugs Sharon

  26. Die Farben draussen bei dem schönen Wetter sind einfach ein Geschenk und Du hast genau das auf Deinen Bildern festgehalten :) Der Tag ist auch so schön mit seinem 3D Effect und dem b&w! ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  27. Loving your beautiful photos and the smashing tag Valerie. Happy New Year, hugs Annette x

  28. Black and white tag - delicious and so dramatic. LOVE. Beautiful pics. hugs, Donna


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