Thursday 28 November 2013

Thanksgiving from the turkey's point of view....

Hi everybody!
First of all I would like to wish all friends in the United States a very happy Thanksgiving Day.

Here I am re-showing a Thanksgiving piece I painted a couple of years back,
showing the turkey's point of view:

This week I have spent a lot of time walking around, I am trying to get in as much as I can in case the weather gets bad! But it does me good to be out. I also made a start on the dreaded Christmas cards - but just a start as I can't seem to set my mind to it this time. And I finished off some more journal pages started 3 years back. The background has been painted, sprayed and then collaged with pieces of a paper napkin.  I then added more colour with pastels, and doodled round some of the figures, and just had fun being crazy. I added highlights with gel pens, Stickles and a white pen, and used a stencil for the text.  But I am glad I am able to get things finished, even if it has taken a long time....

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.
Have a good day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. WOW!!!
    Wunderschöne seiten hast du gemacht,die mit dem Hahn ist total witzig,gefällt mir alles seehr gut.

    GLG Jeannetrte

  2. Fabulous pages, lots if rich colours and details to look at.
    hugs {Brenda} xOx

  3. The turkey/wellie pages are so funny Valerie-but I get what you mean which is sad as well.

    The other pages are amazing with richness of colour and images, you must have really enjoyed making them.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Love your sense of humour Valerie fab pages :)
    Von ♥

  5. I love your turkey cartoon painting, wonderful humour! The other Journal pages are lovely too, such a lot to see! Have a good day, hugs, Sarah

  6. Just gorgeous pages, beautiful background! Nice turkey art too,

  7. eine tolle Idee mit "aus der Sicht des Truthahns!" hihi.. und Deine Dschungel Doppelseite ist verrückt GENIAL...
    sei lieb gegrüßt von Susi

    1. Ich bin froh dass Du 'verrückt' UND 'genial' gesagt hast!

  8. You can't rush perfection Valerie, lol! Fabulous pages. Xx

  9. Valerie. Queen of the journal pages. Fabulous humour with these ones. I think they are all in a class of their own. I also like the Thanksgiving verse too. Hugs Rita xxxx

  10. Hi Valerie, What wonderful journal pages filled with Autumn colors~~ and the turkey point of view is so creative. Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes.
    Have a wonderful weekend too.

  11. I think these journal pages are your best yet, I love all the birds and I am unable to choose a favourite - maybe the one with the long beak (the red blue footed penguin (?)), and the one above the toadstool. I also like the various creatures especially the frog at the foot of the second page (hope he is a frog and I haven't upset him). Fabulous colour choices too. And of course I like the opinionated turkey, nice tattoos, Mr. Turkey.

    1. It's a psychedelic penguin, I think the birds and frogs all ate too much of those magic mushrooms! Peace!

  12. LOL, love your take on thanksgiving and love your fab pages Valerie, happy PPF, Annette x

  13. Fantastic pages Valerie. I am having a good laugh at those words from that turkey. I wouldn't like to be the one trying to catch it for the roast.
    Yvonne x

  14. That makes me smile, I am a vegetarian after all!
    Fabulous pages.

  15. Love love your journal page, so complex, isnt it wonderful to finish something so long in the making. Your turkey make me giggle, still chuckling have a great week.

  16. I love the turkey and his patterned skirt. Your journal page looks amazing! I really like the way you have used the napkin as collage and your doodle characters are wonderful :)

  17. 'it is jungle out there' is beautiful. lovely composed with magical colours. Your turkey, Valerie is adorable and cute. Thank you for lovely post and sharing

  18. Thanks for commenting on my resurrected blog Valerie! Just had a good look through your blog, love all your photos and your AJ pages are just as fab as i remembered!

  19. Hahaha, love that turkey-interpretation :-) Your journalpages are so wonderful, love those colours, very vibrant and alive!

  20. Love the warm colours of the jungle page! It's fabulous and really nicely done! Cute turkey page too. I always feel bad for the birds :)

  21. Your turkey makes me laugh, though I have a suspicion he's going to be the one getting stuffed. Your glorious journal pages lifted my heart, so warm and colourful, and full of detail I can let my eyes wander round again and again. Thank you for the bright moments the bring, and for your kind comments on my post.

    1. I guess the famer will win, too, but at least that turkey has had its say!

  22. I like that you showed it from the turkeys point of view.i feel so sorry for them at this time of year. Your journal pages are wonderful.i really like the vibrancy

  23. Hee Hee.. Love your turkey pages.. And I also love your other pages. They are wonderful.


  24. love your choice of such warm, rich colors! Your jungle spread is like going into a secret garden!

  25. Yeah, good job, I like the colors, funny turkey!

  26. Oh the expression on that turkeys face!! love it :)

  27. Wunderbare Arbeiten sind das hier!! Der Truthahn ist großartig ... was für eine tolle Idee! Die Journalseiten finde ich fabelhaft! Wunderbare Farben! Ein schönes Wochenende für dich! LG, LonettA

  28. OOH love those wonderful journal pages, fantastic texture and color..really really pretty!!

    Hugs Giggles

  29. Your turkey did make me smile, as a veggie for over thirty years I,m rather on the turkeys side :) Your pages are amazzzzing, how I love the feast of busyness, the little birds are beautiful, thank you for all the detail shots as there is so much to see, have a lovely weekend. x

  30. Love the peek into your journal... so many layers of eye candy on these pages!

  31. Fabulous journal pages stunning colours and textures, as for the turkey made me laugh


  32. Your journal pages are awesome, love the turkeys point of view, you are so humorous! All the pages look like you had so much fun making them! ~Diane

  33. Cool journal pages! I am wondering if the quote inspires the collage or is it the other way around? Hugs!

  34. Hi Valerie. Love your sense of humor. Awesome turkey, tee hee. Thanks for wishing a Happy Thanksgiving and you too. All your pieces are wonderful. :) gloria

  35. Wow is right! So glad I did not miss this --- the colors are fabulous and that turkey is quite a catch - that is if you can catch him. So funny. Love your art work!!
    Busy time here in the States - I do not do the sales - I hate shopping and crowds too for that matter. Would rather be on one of your beautiful walks.

  36. your turkey made me smile, lol! Love the journal pages with the bright happy colors. I'm with you on the Christmas cards, I have them all made, but I still dread getting them ready and in the mail. Have a wonderful time out walking! xo

  37. Your journal pages are absolutely INCREDIBLE! hugs, Donna


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