Wednesday 14 August 2013

Journal pages

Hi everybody!
I had a busy day yesterday, and got a lot done, which was good.
I made another journal page, once again with squares - this theme has many possibilities!
I painted the pages with light brown paint, and cut the dark brown shapes out of paper and glued them on to make the chess board. It was more difficult than I thought to get them in the right size and perspective, but I tried! The chess figures have been printed, fussy cut, and given 2 coats of clear varnish to make them look like polished wood. I rolled them over a pencil to give them depth. For the lettering I used some sheets of leftover alphas. I hate throwing them away, and there are always lots of letters which don't get used up. So this time I mixed the colours, added some white alphas to fill in the gaps, and went round them all with a black gel pen to give them a more unified appearance.

I am linking to AJJ - squares.

That's all for today, take care, have fun, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love what you have made Val, a wonderful interpretation of the theme, and a great quote, too! Hugs, Sarah

  2. I do love your lettering and what a quote! I can't imagine how you cut out the squares (on the diagonal too) but it really works. The chess pieces you have made are really good too. Top marks for this "Square" art, Valerie!

  3. Ooh Wie Klasse,die Seiten sind wunderschön,tolle idee mit den schachbrettfiguren,auf den ersten blick wirken sie wie echt,als wäre es holz,sehr plastisch.
    der text ist auch ganz klasse,tolle arbeit,bin begeistert.

    GLG Jeannette

  4. Fantastic project pages, love all the chess pieces, all that fussy cutting as well, must have taken you ages to cut.
    Yvonne x

    1. It did! I couldn't get the squares to look right, either, had to keep trying!

  5. Good grief! What a lot of work. The chess pieces look so very 3D - the whole thing is quite stunning. Love the Quote. I feel like I could pick up the pieces and move them around. Another fantastic piece. hugs, Donna

    1. I stuck the pieces down so nobody could move them around on the screen....

  6. A wonderful journal page and a very good idea!
    LG Barbara

  7. So true! All the work you put in to the chess pieces really paid off :)

  8. superb quote and great square pages

  9. Oh wow - was für ein Fuzzelei hast DU da gemeistert Valerie! Hammerstark ... toll diese Dreidimensionalität die durch all Dein Geschik hier entstanden ist ..und der Spruch-- so tiefsinnig und auf das Leben , die Kriegermächte und die Politik anzuwenden...
    üußerst tiefsinnig!

    Ich liebe Deinen Beitrag!

    danke, dass Du das Quadratthema so magst!

    1. Das Thema gefällt mir echt gut! Dir auch, oder?

  10. Looks amazing Valerie and such a terrific idea for a squares page.

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. beautiful pages, I love how you achieved depth with the pieces!

  12. Great page, love the quote and the squares look fab along with the chess pieces, love how you rolled them. Very clever to use the letters that way too, they look so fun! You always have the best ideas! ~Diane

  13. That is the best quote I have heard in a long time! Great journal page!

  14. Wow, that's deep! Love it, beautiful pages, something to ponder on!
    xx Monique

  15. Hi Valerie. Loving the sentiment to your pages. So true! I've posted a pic of puppy taken today at the park. x

  16. Adore your pages! Thanks for coming my way...taking a break, hope the mojo returns. Hugs

  17. Beautiful journal pages with wonderful effects. Love the chess board and figures, they look so real! Have a nice day, hugs, Barb

  18. This is cool, Valerie... what a fun layout!!! :]

  19. Well at first I thought I was looking at a photograph. You have not lost the ability to amaze! I love your sentiment - so true!!

  20. Very cool journal page! Love the game theme and that sentiment is right on the mark! Hugs!

  21. Yes, it is good, a beautiful chess!

  22. What a fabulous sentiment you have there! Hey, eP is having a games challenge....

  23. Wow Valerie was für eine Arbeit! Aber sie hat sich wirklich gelohnt! Das ist eine fantastische Umsetzung des Themas. Und das Zitat ist so wahr!

  24. I really love this Valerie... especially the thought of all the pieces being back in the box. It made me smile :)

    Karen x


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