Sunday 26 May 2013

When will summer show her face?

 Hi you all. It's still really cold here, but, the weathermen have predicted that it will get warmer - it will also be very wet, windy and stormy, but I suppose we can't have everything!

The theme over at Moo-Mania is to make a storage or box for Moos. I have made another of my pocket books, and filled it with a selection of Moos. I used the leather look paper again for the covers.

 One day I might manage a photo with clean fingers!

I used designer papers from Anna Griffin.

And I have made some more journal pages for the 'Challenge yourself' theme at Art Journal Monthly. My challenge was to make something light and sunny to make up for the missing summer. Every time I painted something last week I wiped  the brushes and the remaining paint here, which gave me a basis which only needed a bit of background stamping / stenciling, and I used some Artemio stamps for the grass and plants over the green paint at the bottom of the pages. I added a little profile of summer, with flowers in her hair, and the two other figures made with stencils. I think a lot of us are asking ourselves the question I have asked! It was fun doing something a bit lighthearted this time!

I like how the colour used for the stencils has remained a bit transparent and still shows the background.

Here's wishing you all a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. Oh Valerie! Ich weiss gar nicht was ich grad schreiben soll?!
    das ist ja wohl alles hier megaspezial klasse...

    das Moo Büchlein sieht wieder dermaßen raffiniert aus.. ein echte kleines Meisterwerk! und auch die Moo(s) alle ..ich kann mich gar nicht satt sehen.. und Deine romantisch meisterliche Sommer-beschwör - Doppelseite macht richtig glücklich!
    Die Farben und Motive sind so soft und schön und verzaubernd beim Betrachten!
    Hab lieben, lieben Dank!

    Einen wunderschönen Sonntag...
    wenn auch hier kalt und ungemütlich ist.. Du hast mir den Tag verschönt!

    lg Susi

  2. Hi Valerie, what a great post, so much to look at. Your gorgeous book and I just love the art journal pages! Have a great weekend, hugs Frea

  3. Very beautiful makes Valerie-love the Moo storage idea.

    Hope the weather does get warmer for you.

    Chrissie xx

  4. Both pieces are beautiful, and the journal pages are totally gorgeous! Hugs, Sarah

  5. I love your moos and their storage Valerie, also great pages from your journal. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  6. we have got the sun today hooray so going out in garden before the rain comes back tomorrow..great pages

  7. You've been busy again, Valerie! I think the little moo storage books are just the 'ticket' - no pun intended. Your journal pages are gorgeous. My journal is being sadly neglected, must get back to it. Hope you have a lovely day. hugs, Donna

  8. Lovely pocketbook and pages Valerie, the pages reflect your longing for a prer spring.

  9. Proper spring I meant to say

  10. It's always a treat to visit here and see your lovely pages and projects! The moo book is handy to keep these little cards safe--I like the cards that seem to be a continuing picture.

  11. Sorry about the weather with you Valerie, I've just came in from the garden as I was getting too hot (have to say that doesn't happen too often in Scotland!). A super little moo book, I particularly love the pretty girl ones and hopefully your summer pages will summon a little sunshine for you! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. Xx

  12. Loving the journaling and your Home for your moos ;) Dxx

  13. Gorgeous work Val, love everything you have made. the journal pages are totally gorgeous! Hugs, Barb

  14. wow - das ist ja alles absolut genial gestaltet - da hattet du einen richtigen Kreativ-Flash!!!!!
    LG Dagmar

  15. Valerie, ich weiß gar nicht, was mir am besten gefällt.
    Dein Moo-Büchlein ist einfach wundervoll gestaltet.
    Und die Moos selbst sind ebenfalls wunderschön.
    Deine Doppelseite mit der Sommerbeschwörungsformel könnte mir nicht besser gefallen, da stimmen Farben und Gestaltungselemente.
    Du scheinst echt nen Run zu haben momentan! Einfach spitze!

  16. Clean fingers- never! That shows you've made time to play! Love your art journal page- esp. the layers of grass and flowers!

  17. If I just say WOW WOW WOW, would it tell you how much I love everything you've done here? I sure hope so :D Mo x

  18. LOVE your Moo Storage box and the cute little cards are too fun.

  19. Hi Valerie!

    Wow, du bist so produktiv, da kann ich gar nicht mehr mit folgen ;-)
    Die blau-grünen Sommerseiten sind wunderschön!
    Und das Büchlein für die Moos ist unglaublich. (die Moos natürlich auch)
    Und vielen Dank für deine Besuche!

    Herzliche Grüsse
    auf das der Sommer bald kommt!

  20. Clean fingers in a photo?? Not going to'm the same...sigh.
    Love your pocket book and the moos it holds.
    And yes...we're asking ourselves the same question about summer. Your journal pages a so pretty - they certainly feel "summery".
    Hugs xx

  21. Your Moosa are gorgeous, love how you split the face into 3 pieces! The journal is stunning! Gorgeous how the figures let the bg show through and love the trimming in gold too. Summers face is exactly what I would imagine it to be too. Totally stunning piece! ~Diane

  22. Super journal pages so dreamy. BJ

  23. Beautiful pages! Love the silhouettes. And the Moos are so cool, especially loving that one with the girl split between three of them.

  24. Wow these really are stunning Valerie, the moos are really pretty and the journal pages are quite magical. As for clean fingers - not a chance :-) xx

  25. A fabulous Home to hide Moos in.

  26. WOW, was für eine fantastische Arbeit!!

    GLG Doris

  27. great moos... impressive 'leather look'

    I love your 'summer' pages though - they are just so pretty.

    Karen x

  28. You have such talent! I love all the Moos, especially the three of the girl and your summer page is beautiful.


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