Sunday 27 January 2013

It's warming up....

Hi you all, after the extremely cold and snowy days we have had recently, it feels positively warm today - 2°C! By the middle of the week we have been promised spring-like temps of up to 15°C. There's still a thick blanket of snow outside, so I am hoping they are right! I Have been keeping up my long walks each day, and am really proud that I managed to get out in spite of the big freeze, pains and not wanting to go anywhere.

Today I have some notebooks that I altered to share with you. I made these a few weeks back, but never got round to showing them. They are A6 size, with matching book-marks. Two have been decorated with TH's Umbrella man, Two with wooden ornaments from Crafty Emblies, and the last one with pen nibs, fancy cut from the paper, rolled and glazed to make them look genuine.

Hope you all have a great Sunday, take care, and have fun!
Thanks, as always, for coming by!


  1. HI Val, love those notebooks! It's raining here just now, but we are planning on having a lazy day at home with the kids! Keep well, hugs, Sarah

  2. I love the notebooks, too, Valerie!

  3. Fabulous notebooks Valerie all our snow has gone now as we have had lots of rain blue skies today and windy, well done for getting out walking!

  4. Fabulous notebooks Valerie.
    All our snow has gone now but me and the dogs had a very wet walk in the flooded fields this morning.
    xxx Hazel.

  5. These are all fabulous and vintage looking Valerie.
    Trying to send you some of our sunshine too as it's a balmy 8 degrees here after the minus temperatures of the last few weeks.
    Hope it comes your way soon.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  6. Happy it's going to warm up at little for you. Walking will be so much more enjoyable. Love your notebooks - and the fact you made bookmarks! Delightful. hugs, Donna

  7. WOW what a awesome collection of fanfastic notebooks.
    Wish you a nice sunday,
    hugs Anja

  8. What beautiful notebooks Valerie... love the matching book marks too.

    I can't believe the change in the weather this weekend.... we have gorgeous blue skies but its still pretty cold!

    Well done you - going for your long walks (especially when you don't feel like it). I'm hoping to get on my bike this week!!!

    Love Karen x

  9. Fantastic alterations, love your note books.
    Have a good Sunday.
    Yvonne x

  10. Hi Valerie. Called in to say Hi. Super Note Books. Take care and stay warm.
    Hugs Florence xx

  11. Super notebooks and bookmarks Valerie but I'm even more impressed with your walking. I know how difficult it is to motivate yourself to go out. I'm afraid I'm a 'fair weather' person, haven't been out for a walk since the snow came. However our snow has all gone today so I suppose I've no excuse now. Fingers crossed the milder weather stays with us. Xx

  12. I love to be inside painting when the weather is bad. Its inspiring :)
    Your notebooks are so pretty, Valerie. I love the earth tones.

  13. Glad it is warming up - does that mean you are only using 2 hot water bottles?!!!
    Fabulous. I especially adore the pen nibs notebooks and bookmarks and what a wonderful idea to create a co-ordinating bookmark for each notebook.
    Love these - of course I am a self confessed notebook addict, have been so since a child.

  14. Loving your notebooks Valerie, xx

  15. Great book covers Valerie :)
    Von ♥

  16. They're lovely! And such a great idea to do the matching bookmarks.

  17. großartige Notizbücher sind das!

  18. Really beautiful job, Valerie! Good for you for venturing out in the cold. They are promising us those Spring-like temperatures! Hugs!

  19. Beautiful notebooks Valerie, love the matching book marks and the way you displayed them on the easel is fabulous too! The wooden embellies are beautiful and the rolled pen nibs are genius! ~Diane

  20. I've got my fingers crossed for our warm up by Thursday- hope we both get it! These notebooks are stunning- they look absolutely professionally done- the pen nibs are amazing!

  21. I love your notebooks and bookmarks. They would make great gifts. x

  22. I love these! what a fabulous idea!

  23. Not saying anything new here, but I love these little notebooks and matching bookmarks! Great idea and how wonderful these would be as gifts! Keep Warm!

  24. Love the vintage look! cool books, Val!

  25. Wonderful notebooks Val! I love how you made the nibs look real, and have to say I love Crafty Emblies stuff :0) Mo

  26. beautiful notebooks, I love notebooks to begin with!

  27. Try to keep warm my friend! Cant believe how cold it is there. Im starting to forget about the cold now that we live in the south. I do so love what you did to the notebooks, very striking!

  28. Beautiful books Valerie, I love those emblies but the pen nibs are my favourites xx

  29. Hello Val, Just a note from snowy, blowy, cold northern Michigan to let you know that I received your postcard from the International postcard swap. It has pen nibs and a very cool collage of a little girl playing cat's cradle,rickrack, and a spool of thread. Very nicely done. I've enjoyed looking at your blog and recognize your Tag Tuesday artwork. Thank you for sharing your world with me. It has been great fun. Hugs. Beth


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