Saturday 8 December 2012

Snow Business

Hi you all! We are still 'enjoying' plenty of snow here, and very frosty temperatures. Yesterday I had an early appointment with my doctor, and had to battle my way through a snow storm to get there. It was extremely windy, too, and I had to hang onto my umbrella with both hands so as not to turn into an overweight, snow-covered Mary Poppins! Anyway, I made it there and back in one piece, although on the way home I nearly got flattened by a car which tried to take the corner too quickly and slithered onto the sidewalk before being stopped by a hedge, and if I had been 2 yards further he would have got me - yikes!

The first 2 photos were taken from my balcony yesterday as the snow storm was just starting. They are not b/w ones, there was just no colour!

Today I went out for a little walk along the stream next to our house. The sun was shining, so although it was very cold, it was enjoyable.

Sunrise from my balcony

Looking along the stream

Pity you can't see how the snow was sparkling!

The path through the fields

Tomorrow we have been promised rain, and then it is supposed to freeze again - sounds like it will be very slippery at the beginning of the week, I think I will be staying home....

Here's wishing you all a good weekend! Take care, have fun, and stay creative!
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Oooh, it really does look frosty where you are. Nice photos! Hugs, Sarah

  2. I love the last photo and the one with the bank of snow (next to the last). Don't you just love how the snow can make everything so perfect! It hides all imprefections! Great pics.

  3. What lovely photos Valerie, fresh snow is so pretty. We've had it a bit milder yesterday and today so most of our snow has gone but there's more forecast for next week. And thank you so much, your beautiful card arrived today - so I'm sending you back extra special snowy hugs! Take care, Suze xx

  4. You live in such a beautiful place, Valerie. These photos are stunning.

    I'm so glad you weren't flattened by the slip-sliding car, and with the icy weather forecast, staying in really sounds a good idea.

    Keep safe and warm!

    ps thank you so much for your lovely Christmas card which arrived today :)

  5. Your snowy pictures are beautiful, Valerie!

  6. Hi Valerie. Glad you weren't hurt by that car. Beautiful pictures and they would make lovely cards. I love where you live. Take care.

  7. Lovely photos Val, glad you were able to get out for a bit! Hugs, Barb

  8. You really do live in a beautiful place Valerie, but it does look a mite chilly! Gorgeous photographs, and glad that you managed to avoid the car! xx

  9. Gorgeous photos Valerie, it is so scenic where you live! Love the street sign in your sidebar too, I just noticed it. All I can say is good thing there was a hedge to stop that crazy driver!

  10. There is something magical when the world turns black and white during a snow storm. Great shots .. and such a beautiful place to walk, Valerie. Sounds like you are in for some black ice with the rain coming. Stay home and play -- good plan. hugs, Donna

  11. Thanks for the gorgeous photos, yes be careful out if it's slippery... what an adventure you had!

  12. Yikes is right! I don't understand why people don't slow down for adverse weather conditions! Valerie, these pictures are gorgeous, but it does look quite cold! Yes, staying in sounds like a great plan! Enjoy the weekend!

  13. Beautiful, peaceful photos, Valerie. The snow always looks gorgeous in photos or looking out through a warm home. So far we have had no snow but perhaps this weekend. MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL!

  14. stunning photos! Thanks goodness you made it home safe and sound. Yes, stay there until the ice melts.

  15. The view is lovely with the snow and best viewed from inside I'm sure :)
    Narrow escape that !
    Take care Von ♥

  16. Wonderful photos Valerie.
    Take care on the ice.
    Yvonne x

  17. Glad the car missed you! The snow looks beautiful, as does the sunrise view from your balcony!

  18. So pleased nothing awful happened to you Valerie (())

    What wonderful photographs and I can feel the snow's sparkle from here lol.

    Thank you for sharing the pics with us

    Love Chrissie xx

  19. Beautiful photos. Keep warm. x


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