Monday 5 November 2012

Remember, remember the fifth of November.....

Hi you all! I can remember chanting this as a kid, while pushing a *guy* made of straw through the streets. On November 5th they all got burnt on  bonfires in various fields and gardens, and a lot of fireworks were burnt to remember Guy Fawkes, as they still are today.
But my story today only has the date and a bit of stupidity to match.
For some reason, after having had a specially bad night, I decided I needed to do the washing! As some of you know, I live on the 2nd floor, and the laundry is in the cellar.... I put on a work out hose and jacket over my pajamas, filled my big red laundry bag, and dragged it bumpity-bump down the stairs, while holding tight to the banisters.  Got to the laundry. Woohoo, nobody there, so pushed the washing in, switched it on, and set off back upstairs. Somehow I had a strange feeling, the stairs seemed to be getting longer and larger...I made it to the ground floor, but couldn't manage to pull myself round the corner. Then I realized that the steps were pulling at my butt, and I just tried to hold tight....But I had my guardian angel. A nice neighbour,  had seen me wrestling with the banisters, and had dropped her coat and bag and grabbed me,  and was telling me to look straight ahead, take deep breaths etc. Anyway, she very kindly got me up the stairs to my flat, gave me something to drink, and said she would bring the washing when it was done, which she did. I was very grateful that someone was there to make up for my stupidity. I spent the rest of the day sleeping, and as she left her telephone number, I think I will ask for help next time - before I try the stairs alone again!

As you may have noticed, I am still not feeling well; it can only get better! Take care you all, thanks for visiting, and stay safe!


  1. HI Val, good to hear from you again, but lease look after yourself! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Oh dear Valerie, it must be so frustrating for you not to be able to do your every day chores but you must take it easy. At least you now have your nice neighbour on hand, I'm sure she'll be more than happy to do the odd bit of shopping etc for you. Sending big hugs. Lots of love. Suze xx

  3. so glad you have that wonderful kind neighbour, hope you feel better really soon!

  4. You should just be resting, taking it easy and maybe a little reading. You need to heal from the operation. Hope you heal fast. Take care of yourself.

  5. Sorry to hear you're having such a struggle Valerie and still not feeling great.
    Really hope you feel better soon as you must be so fed up not being able to do things so sending you my best wishes and big hugs.
    Great to hear you have such helpful neighbours though which is lovely.
    Take care.
    Fliss xx

  6. I am so sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well. In case you didn't see my email (no need to answer), I sent your sun catcher out today. Take care and be better soon!

  7. Valerie, I know it has to be hard, but sometimes we do need to ask for help! You don't want to end up with any extra "recovery" time! Glad you had a great neighbor ready to help! Take care! Hugs!

  8. Your neighbour was in the right place at the right time to help. Its hard to ask for help but its good to know some one is a phone call away.
    Take care of yourself.
    hugs Yvonne x

  9. I'm glad there was someone there to help you - sometimes we think we are stronger than we are!! Hang in there-praying for healing and restoration for you!

  10. Phew thank goodness she was there Valerie, you have got to promise us that you will not try anything like this again. Sending you hugs and love Annette xx

  11. Thank goodness for your neighbour.

    It must be so frustrating for you .... but you have to take it easy.

    Only attempt what you really must....

    Please get better soon :)

    Much love


  12. Poor you ... so glad that you have such a helpfull neighbour. Look after yourself and take care. All the best, Petra. x

  13. Oh No Val, That could have been a disaster!! Good thing your neighbor was there. no more climbing stairs alone!
    hugs Lynn

  14. Oh my goodness my friend. That had to be scary. So glad your neighbor was there help. Sending hugs and prayers your way.. I do hope you feel better soon.

  15. So sorry you are still not feeling well Valerie and having so many stairs must be extra difficult for you. Nice to know you have a guardian angel and also a real angel to help when you need her.

    Take care

    Sending lots of love your way

    Chrissie xxxxx

  16. Oh my goodness, dear friend... take it easy!!
    Be gentle to yourself. ~xx

  17. Popped in to see how you are doing. Oh my, thank goodness this episode turned out all right. It is so hard to get through a long recovery period. I have found myself doing things that are absolutely silly in the circumstances but I so want to be "normal" and doing "normal" things. Thinking of you and sending good wishes and thoughts. Hugs,

  18. Oh Valerie! You must be so tired of feeling rotten. Happy your neighbour was on hand and now you have her phone number. Guy Fawks day - ah yes ... I remember those days in London ... 'a penny for the Guy'... good memories. Take good care of yourself. We miss you terribly. hugs, Donna

  19. Oh Valerie! Thank goodness your neighbour was there, I hope you get better soon.
    Take care.
    xxx Hazel.

  20. Oh my , my dear friend Valerie! You must take it easy and try to rest and let your body heal! This could have been so much worse! Thank goodness you did have a Guardian Angel looking after you! You must rest my dear!

  21. What a lovely neighbour to rescue you. So sorry to read you are still not very well. Healing can be slow so do take it easy and look after yourself. Hugs Sandra X

  22. What are you like?! Thank goodness your neighbour was there and able to help you out.

    Take care!


  23. Oooh, my heart pounded reading your description. I'm so glad your neighbor was there to help. Please be careful!

  24. Dang the miles between us!!!!!! I wish I could come take care of you!
    Please stay away from the stairs for now. I am praying you get over this hump and get on the mend!
    Love, hugs and prayers for a speedy recovery!!!!!


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