Wednesday 17 October 2012

Alfried Krupp Hospital in Essen

Hi you all. Op went well, now I am in my room being waited on hand and foot, isnt that something?  More when I am fully conscious again!  Thanks for all your good wishes!!


  1. Oops! Managed to miss that you were due for an op Valerie.
    Really glad to hear it went well and wishing you a very speedy recovery.
    Sending hugs, Fliss xx
    PS: Enjoy being waited on as it never lasts!

  2. Excellent news! Now make the most of being waited on hand and foot!
    Hugs xx

  3. Fantastic! Thanks for letting us know. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! xx

  4. Sending hugs and well wishes, Valerie!

  5. Thank goodness that part is over! Glad all went well :)

    Enjoy being waited on.... surely you mean hand, foot and knee!!!!

    Make the most of it.

    Love and best wishes


  6. That is wonderful to hear! Glad it all went so well and that they are taking such good care of you! Good thoughts for a quick recovery! Hugs!

  7. WOW!! I really have missed a lot while I was gone. I wish you a speedy recovery my friend.


  8. Speedy recovery Val. Hope you don't have a lot of pain. Take care and see you when you get back.::healing wishes to you::

  9. I am so glad to hear that all is well. Now just take it easy and have a speedy recovery.

  10. Hi Valerie. I bet you have already sorted out giving others craft lessons!! Seriously, pleased to hear that everything is ok. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care.
    Sending oodles and oodles of healing hugs,
    Florence xx

  11. sending even more good wishes! Get well soon!

  12. So glad it all went well, now just sit back and enjoy being pampered while you can! Speedy recovery!

  13. Terrific news Valerie. Wishing you all the very best and sending you hugs, Annette xx

  14. So glad to hear it went well!! Still sending those healing vibes across the ocean straight to you ♥

  15. Yay! Thanks for checking in to give us the good news! Sending healing wishes!

  16. Great news that all went well, now make the most of being waited on!!

    ps Get well soon :)

  17. Good news that the Op went well. Make the most of being looked after.
    hugs, Yvonne xx

  18. so glad your op went well. enjoy being waited on :) relax and recover well happy relaxed crafting :) T x

  19. Sending you Love & Healing Prayers from your gal in, Southern California!!! ~xx

  20. Glad to hear your op went well and hope your recovery is progressing too. x


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