Friday 28 September 2012

Cissie in Prague and Paint Party Friday

Hi everybody, it's time for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin, and Darcy's postcard Challenge again. My crafty time was a bit reduced this week, as I had to take some time out, thanks to a nasty cold which sneaked in, uninvited, and reduced me to a fevery, shivering, sniffing, sneezing ,tea-drinking, red-nosed wreck. Thanks to all those who left good wishes on my blog, your concern cheered me up no end!  I feel somewhat better now, still sniffy, but the fever has gone, and that's the main thing!

This week Cissie and Thelma are travelling to Prague for a long weekend, as the granddaughter of a distant cousin of Thelma is getting married, and they have been invited. Thelma’s knees are still hurting, but Cissie persuades her to go.
‘You knees won’t hurt less if you stay here. You can sit down at the wedding, and even if we do a tour with the sightseeing bus, you won’t be driving!’ say Cissie.
‘True’, sighs Thelma, ‘But what about Jason and Shannon? Who’ll keep an eye on them when we’re away?’
‘They’re not babies; they can look after themselves for 5 days! Shannon’s expecting, but she’s not ill, and she’s not helpless!’ says Cissie.
‘Anyway, I’m here’ says Queenie. ‘I’ll stay at your place, look after the birds, and keep both eyes on the kids! That’s settled.’
Jason brings them on Thursday evening to Heathrow, along with three large suitcases. ‘Blimey, you’ll be back on Monday! You got enough shmattes in here for 6 weeks!’
‘We are going to a WEDDING’ says Cissie. We need to dress properly, and we have the wedding presents in there, too!’
Jason knows better than to argue, so he pays for the excess baggage, and watches them waddle off with their furs round their shoulders, looking for all the world like two dressed up circus bears.
The flight is uneventful, and they reach their hotel without problems. Of course, they are very hungry after the negligible snack they had on the plane, so they go for a good meal in the hotel restaurant, where the waiter is astonished at the amount these 2 ladies can eat. They wash it all down with the wonderful Czech beer, and toddle off happily to bed afterwards.
On Friday they take a sightseeing bus to visit all the famous places, and do a spot of shopping, as Prague has many, wonderful shops. They are fascinated by the old buildings and bridges, especially the Charles bridge, with its many baroque statues and crucifix. And they see the The John Lennon Wall. Once a normal wall, since the 1980s it has been filled with John Lennon-inspired graffiti and pieces of lyrics from Beatles songs. The wall continuously undergoes change and the original portrait of Lennon is long lost under layers of new paint. Even when the wall was repainted by some authorities, on the second day it was again full of poems and flowers. Today, the wall represents a symbol of youth ideals such as love and peace.The wall is owned by the Knights of Malta, who allowed the graffiti to continue on the wall, and is located at Velkopřevorské náměstí(Grand Priory Square), Malá Strana.

Panorama of Hradcany with Prague Castle and Charles Bridge
Left 1: Queen Anne's Villa
Left 2: Valdstejn Palace
Left3: Wencesals Squate by night
Middle 1: St Vitus Cathedral
Middle 2: Municipal House
Right 1: The Dancing House from Architect Gehry
Right 2: Star Villa
Bottom:Panorama of the old Town Square

The Visehrad Fortress

The National Museum by night, behind the statue of St. Wenceslas

Bridges over the Vltava River

The famous astronomical clock from 1410

The Charles Bridge

The Lennon Wall

(Photos courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)

They take a photo of the wall to send home:

The wedding is magnificent, which for Cissie and Thelma means that the food is fantastic. They enjoy seeing their relations, and the bride is a dream in white.
‘But Shannon looked much prettier’ whispers Thelma.
They spend the rest of the weekend eating, relaxing in the hotel spa and bar, and just enjoying themselves. ‘But I’m still looking forward to going home’, says Thelma. ‘There’s no place like home, and the tea here is just terrible.’ ‘But you’ve been drinking beer all the time!’ points out Cissie. 'You haven't even tried the tea!' ‘Exactly!’ answers Thelma!

For Paint Party Friday I have done some more work on last week's WIP. I didn't get round to painting much, as I didn't want to paint in bed!
I painted over the tree, changed the colours a bit, and added some more texture squares at the top left, which I think gives it more balance. I still need to do the sides of the canvas, but first when I am feeling really better.

So, that was all for today. Hope you all have a happy weekend. Take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. So glad to see you posting again, what a nice surprise. Hope your cold really stays away! Great post today, lovely art work and story! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Glad to see you 'up and about' today Valerie. It's a right pain in the bum being sick. Cissie is looking gorgeous in Prague, she must have gotten her hair done for the wedding?! Your evolving canvas looks fab too - just like the everchanging Lennon Wall! Take care, I hope your sniffles diminish as the weekend progresses! xx

  3. Glad you're feeling better Valerie. A fabulous post - love the photo's and the canvas is looking brilliant.
    xxx Hazel.

  4. Glad you are on the mend...

    Now I want to visit Prague... !

    I like how your canvas is coming along......

    Take care


  5. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I feel like I've been to all the places that your characters visit thanks to the wealth of information you provide each week on your blog - wonderful!

  6. Good to hear you are feeling better Valerie. Loving the characters in your postcard tale, they are a hoot. Your canvas is coming along brilliantly. With all those carefully lain scaps its starting to look like a Klint. Enjoy your weekend, Annette x

  7. Valerie, so sorry to hear you have been unwell and do hope you are over the worst. Thanks also for sticking up for me well at least I think you were. Fabulous post again. These little travelogues are fabulous and if I ever want to do a little traveling I will nip over to your blog for a bit of a refresher. Love your art and the additions of the little square is a fantastic touch. Glad to her you didn't paint in bed !

  8. Valerie, so sorry to hear you have been unwell and do hope you are over the worst. Thanks also for sticking up for me well at least I think you were. Fabulous post again. These little travelogues are fabulous and if I ever want to do a little traveling I will nip over to your blog for a bit of a refresher. Love your art and the additions of the little square is a fantastic touch. Glad to her you didn't paint in bed !

  9. Marie, I couldn't let that naughty Florence get at you like that, and we know you can't help it!

  10. Fabulous story and the artwork is amazing, Valerie!

  11. Super Card! & love all your other work <3

  12. This WIP is really great!
    Would love to know how you got the look of dichroic glass on your painting!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  13. The story is great, love all the interesting photo's from Prague especially the astronomical clock that is fabulous! Love the postcard and the new textured squares you added to the painting look fabulous! Take care, hope you feel better soon!

  14. so glad to see you back , hope you are well,excellent post, beautiful artwork as always, I enjoy my visit here always!

  15. Hope you're on the mend by now, Valerie. Your storyline is one of my favorites...the photos were wonderful as is yoour postcard. Your canvas certainly looks interesting...never done anything like that. It's lovely yet rough!! WELL DONE!

  16. Love that metalic goodness in your painting. Beautiful. I loved Prague. Glad to hear Cissie liked it too. Happy PPF

  17. Thanks for the tour of Prague...granddaughter of a distant cousin, lol, very far removed relative!

    Wonderful work on the mixed media, is it now finished then?

  18. Wow, what a post. Love that Lennon wall! ..oh to go with Prague.

  19. Never been to Prague but your photos and the postcard are inviting. Love the newly refreshed painting you did. So much wonderful texture.

  20. Such an interesting read, never knew anything about the Lennon Wall. Lovely postcard, love the chins. Super canvas with the textured squares. Glad you are feeling a bit brighter after your cold.

    Janet xx

  21. Glad you are feeling somewhat better. Prague is one place that is on my list to visit--it looks magnificent! Always look forward to Fridays on your blog! Have a good weekend and hope you are completely well by Monday!

    Thank you for your visits and lovely comments on my beadwork--they make me so happy!

  22. I always learn so much from their travels - even to the details about which places to have or not to have tea;-) But but I really want to know is... their source(s) of income!:-)

  23. I wish I knew it too, believe me!

  24. Hope you kick that cold soon. I love all the iridescent colors in your painting, and the squares. It reminds me of Klimt and that is a good thing.

  25. Glad you are starting to feel better. Cissie looks great. Loving your canvas, it looks very dramatic. x

  26. I hope you get better soon. I loved your street art photos, I LOVE street art.

    Loving your wip as well. The texture and colours are gorgeous. Stunning.

  27. Hope that cold is on its way out... lots of ea will do the trick... and loved the trip to Prague... Cissie cracks me up... and your WIP is stunning...xx

  28. Your canvas looks great and I love the Lennon wall. Glad you are feeling better, take care of yourself. Regards to cissie and the clan, tee hee.:)

  29. Another exciting post, story, postcard and dynamic art ~ Wonderful! (A Creative Harbor)

    thanks for coming by and commenting ^_^

  30. Now the colors are even richer than last week on your canvas! Your photos have captured such sparkle! Hope you feel better!

  31. glad to see your back and feeling better. love the iridescence... lots of sparkle and shine!

  32. Glad to hear you are feeling better. LOVE your story - the characters have far too good a time I think. I want to be with them. Prague (sigh). Your painting has taken on a lot of character, Valerie. I'm very taken with it. xoDonna

  33. Hope your feeling better.
    I learned something new again from Aunt Cissie. I didn't know there was a John Lennon wall! I had fun looking at all your pretty tags and things.
    I'm going to go to bed and I guess you are just getting up. Have a great Sat.!
    Love and hugs!

  34. So pleased that you are feeling a lot better now Valerie.

    Just loved the story which had so many memorable phrases--I am going to put this one on my wall,'Your knees won’t hurt less if you stay here', to remind me when my knees hurt and I don't want to go anywhere.

    Beautiful postcard and so pleased that you showed a picture of the Lennon Wall--I hadn't even heard about that at all.

    Take care

    Love Chrissie xxx

  35. Great story telling, Valerie! You have a wonderful imagination... :]
    What fun these two are!
    The postcards ad photos you posted, look fantastic.
    Your canvas artwork is wonderful, full of texture and color, I like it very much!!
    So glad to read you are feeling better.
    It took me two weeks to get over my flu, and this is after I got the flu shot... go figure! :]
    Thank you for a fun visit. Take care, my friend. ~xx

    p.s. Valerie, you are very thoughtful to think of me & my quest to find a new home. We are still house-huntng. We will find just the right place... i just know it! :] Will keep you posted. ~xx

  36. I really love the iridescence of your art piece. Awesome!

  37. Morning Valerie. Pleased to hear you are feeling a little bit better. Hope you are fully recovered soon. Fabulous post. Such good fun. Love your canvas. Inspiring as always. Take care,
    Hugs, Florence x

  38. Another great story my friend. And your canvas looks amazing. Love all the sparkle.


  39. Great to see the details on your painting. Love that Lennon-wall!

  40. So glad you're feeling better:0) Always interesting following the travels of your characters. I love your canvas, the colours are brilliant and you used my favourite mask ( ATM anyway LOL) it looks fab with all the sparkle:0) Gay x

  41. Hi there!
    Thank you for your sweet birthday wishes for Kendra! Great PPF post here - another round of inspiration - love those pictures and that glittery texture! xoxo

  42. Oh WOW Valerie your canvases are al ways such an feast for the eyes !
    Von ♥

  43. my older daughter spent a semester in PRague last year. What an amazing city. We visited for a week and feel we only scratched the surface. Love your WIP and the eye, tree, everything. Happy PPF!

  44. hope you are feeling better by now.. a great post this week. great info and pictures.

  45. Glad you are feeling a bit better, hope you continue to improve. Great info and photo and a super postcard of the wall. Love how your canvas is looking.
    Jen x

  46. Pleased you're feeling somewhat better Valerie.
    Wonderful pictures of Prague and another great episode of the story.
    Love the way your canvas is developing too.
    Hugs xx

  47. the canvas is stunning. Hope you are feeling better now. I'd like to see that John Lennon wall!

  48. I agree that the additional texture squares gives a nice balanced feel! This WIP is absolutely gorgeous! I love it! As always the story was fun and I can almost taste all that yummy food! Keep on feeling better! Hugs!

  49. Hope you are feeling better. I have a chest infection thats been hanging around for a month, it sucks taking antibiotics.

    loving your floating leaves..

    great czech images, poor Thelma needs to get that knee looked at.

  50. Yeah, perhaps I can take her with me when I have my knee surgery this month!


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