Friday 20 July 2012

Cissie and the Leprechaun

Welcome to another Paint Party Friday, week 19, year 2,  hosted by Eva and Kristin, and Darcy's Postcard Challenge, week 29,  where our participants are off to Ireland this week.

Cissie and all the family are feeling a bit nerved. What with starting to move, swapping flats, getting the shops ready to open by September at the latest and planning who’s going to sit where and with whom at the reception, they are all worn out. Especially the seating plans prove to be difficult, as they are afraid that when certain people get seated next to one another, it could lead to a minor major outbreak of hostilities. At last, the plans are more or less done, and they decide to reward themselves with a night out. Cissie and Thelma want to go to the Chippie. ‘Noooooooooo, we’re there every day!’ the ‘children’ shout. Queenie then says, ‘Why don’t we go to the folk song night at the Irish pub?’ Shannon and Jason like the idea, as Jason loves Guinness, and so Cissie and Thelma grudgingly agree, although this is not their idea of a night out. They get changed to go, and Cissie emerges from her bedroom wearing a rather tight, green costume, and a green hat with a green feather and a shamrock in it. They all stare open mouthed, and Cissie is gratified. Jason whispers to Shannon, ‘Bloody ‘ell! She looks like that Henry VIII statue at Madame Tussaud’s!’ Shannon answers, ‘More like an overstuffed Robin Hood from Sherwood Old People’s Club!’ and they can’t stop giggling. Queenie thinks ‘Well, how lucky that nobody knows me there!’ Thelma is, as usual, a little bit jealous that Cissie is getting all the attention, and asks, over-sweetly, ‘Is the feather from your budgie?’ ‘No, dear,’ answers Cissie, it’s from Uncle Jo’s parrot!’.

They set off for the pub. The barman manages to find them a table, and can’t take his eyes of Cissie and her green curves….She is not so fond of Guinness, but has one to be a sport, and then changes to Irish Coffee, and the more  she drinks, the happier she gets. They join in with the songs - the foggy dew, the rose of Tralee, The wearing of the green and many, many more. They eat lots of pub snacks – crisps, Scotch eggs, sausage rolls and nuts etc. and really enjoy their evening. Jason and Shannon  move to another table, where some of their mates are, and spend the evening happily singing, snogging and drinking, although Shannon only drinks coke….

They take a taxi home, as they are all rather tired, and the taxi driver is not really happy that they sing 'Whiskey in the Jar'  and ‘The Mountains of Mourne’ all the way home.   ' They must have emptied all the 
jars at the pub, as full as they are!' he mumbles.

The Mountains of Mourne

The Uragh Stone Circle

The Giants Causeway

(Photos courtesy of Wikipedia)

 Cissie is so tired, that she just falls onto her bed, fully dressed, and starts snoring straightaway….She is in Ireland, wandering down a country lane in the gloaming. Then she hears a lilting voice calling her name, and turns off into a little copse, where there is a strange tree, very ancient and gnarled, with a little door set into the trunk. ‘I wonder who lives there?’ she asks. ‘I do!’ says the same little voice. Cissie can’t see anything and goes nearer. The voice seems to be coming out of the branches, and Cissie looks and looks, but can only see a little flash of red and green,  not more. ‘Are you one of the little people?’ she asks. ‘I surely am! He answers, ‘I’m Padraic the Leprechaun, at your service, ma’am!’ ‘Well, could you come down and take a photo of me standing here?’ she asks, ‘Nobody will believe me otherwise’. ‘In Ireland everyone will believe you’, he says, ‘But I’ll take a photo for your folks back home; Londoners only believe what they see!’  
Then Cissie hears more voices, and someone is shaking her. She opens her eyes, and sees Thelma and Shannon, who are standing next to her bed. Cissie needs a few minutes to come to herself, and then tells them she dreamed she was in Ireland, and met a Leprechaun. Thelma and Shannon have a good laugh, and say that it was no wonder, considering how much she drunk the night before. ‘You probably swum over in a glass of Irish Coffee’ they jeer.
Two days later Cissie gets a postcard:

If you are wondering why Cissie looks so much thinner here, just remember - it's a dream! And in case YOU don't believe in Leprechauns, I found this illustration in a very serious book from 1885 called 'The Universe' from Mr Pouchet, and published in London by Blackie and sons....

For Paint Party Friday I am sharing a picture I painted last week, once again a Klee-imitation, painted with acrylics. It still needs a bit of work on it, as the colours are rather patchy.

And here again, with a digital restyling.

That's all for today. Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting.


  1. I loved reading the story today, can just imagine Cissie with the Irish Coffee! Great painting, too! Hugs, Sarah
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. The overstuffed Robin Hook line cracked me up... I could just see it... and love the Klee tribute... and the digital copy as well.. can't decide which I liked better...xx

  3. Great story, Valerie.
    You are a fantastic storyteller... :]
    Your artwork, in the style of Paul Klee, wonderful pieces. The digital work, very well done.
    You are so talented!!
    Thank you for sharing ~xx

  4. Oh to be sure! Sounds like they had a grand time on the Emerald Isle. Great fun Valerie, have a lovely weekend, still no sign of any sunshine here! xx

  5. No sunshine here, not even a hint today....but they have promised us better weather next week - we shall see!!!!

  6. Hope you are feeling better....

    and also that you do get some of the gorgeous sunshine that is here today ... at last :) It makes such a difference to how you feel.

    I love your postcard and story....Cissie is such a fun character, specially loved the bit about the 'gloaming' - reminded me of my lovely nan - she first introduced me to that word.

    I'm wondering if there is any significance to Shannon just having a coke? ... !

    I do love your 'Klee-imitation' painting too

    and.... this is the never ending comment (!), thank you for your lovely thank you postcard :)

    Have a great weekend


  7. I loved the story. Paul Klee is a favourite of mine, enjoy the study. :)

  8. oow I got a little shudder of delight when Cissie received her postcard....fabulous :D XXX

  9. Your Irish story has brought a big smile to my face today. I'm off to Ireland at the end of August for a wedding. I haven't got my outfit yet so perhaps Cissie will lend me her green costume lol.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Sure Hazel, I will ask her to send it to you, she will be delighted. If you meet up with Padraic, give him my best wishes!

  11. My imagination was running away with Cissie in the green costume! How exciting to receive that lovely postcard. Is it magic do you think?

    Janet xx

  12. :0) Another great Cissie saga! Love the postcard and the skinny Cissie.

  13. I like the new look of your site! I am amazed at all the places I get to visit with this delightfully crazy family "of yours". The Klee looks great - I think I like the original best. Those colors really comfort me!

  14. I always enjoy seeing Cissie. :) Great postcard!

  15. Loving your fun story and fab artwork Valerie, x

  16. The hint about the Coke has me sooo looking forward to the next postcard!! Love these Friday tales!

  17. Wonderfully fun and creative story and art work ~~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Another fun Cissie story and also fun artwork. Looks like Klee to me.

  19. lovely irish postcards and wonderful interpretation of Klee!

  20. Hi Valerie,
    Love your story AND your art!!! Sending (((hugs))) your way!!!

  21. Aunt Cissie on a bender is too much! Reminds me of the sights here when there is an open bar at a wedding and all the dressed up Aunties have a few too many and take off their high heels and try to dance!

    Love your Klee inspired piece, to me it looks like fish.

  22. To be sure thats a very funny story and if you visit Ireland you have to believe in the "Little People" and perhaps your dreams will come true.....still laughing with Cissie and one too many Irish Coffee's lol.


  23. a good fun story. love the green outfit. a great postcard.

  24. Fun all the way!!!
    Love Cissie's hat :)

  25. Lovely Klee-imitation painting!
    Paul Klee is one of my favorite all time painters!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  26. Another fun installment in the series Valerie. I loved the comment about Cissie swimming over in a glass of Irish coffee, lol! I loved the postcard from Padraic, (what a lovely name). Love that the detectives reading this are sensing something about Shannon drinking Coke too. Your Klee painting is gorgeous and I love the Giants Causeway too! Take care my friend.

  27. Another great chapter! I love how you tied in the postcard

  28. It's okay to be on a binge once in a while, tee hee...I Valerie, love the colors your used on you Klee piece. Great work as always. Oh that Cissie killis me. :)

  29. Your tales get better and better Valerie and I really enjoyed this one!
    Fabulous artwork and sorry you weren't feeling too good yesterday.
    Have a lovely weekend hopefully with some sunshine.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  30. Love that "Believe in Your Dreams." Great story and again you gave me a good chuckle! Happy Friday!

  31. To be sure its grand that Cissie believes in 'the little people'.
    Another brilliant episode of the on going saga.
    loved your painting as well.
    Yvonne x

  32. Fabulous stories Valerie, I'll bet you tell the best bedtime stories too LOL The Klee art is beautiful and digitally restyling it makes it even more authentic, lovely work!
    Sounds like you will be getting very similar weather to us here in the UK, let's just hope they have it right, have fun, Gay xxx

  33. What a wonderful story again. I enjoyed it so.. I am a bit of a dreamer myself. Great job with the paining my friend.


  34. Cissie's adventures are always such a pleasure on my Fridays. The Klee looks great - I like the original best. Happy PPF

  35. Loved the story and all the artwork. The painting and the digital remake are both awesome!

  36. I love your digital versions, its cool to see how the colors change. It gives it a totally different feel!

  37. My goodness what a night out, it reminds me of the time my Dad and I were in Ireland and he got drunk and was a bear the next day. Cheers

  38. oooh your Klee-ations are very cool! Happy PPF #4 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  39. Love the little story, fab photo's and the page in the book you found is brill, love your postcard the little tree house is gorgeous and your painting is fab
    Lindsay xx

  40. Another fabulous instalment Valerie, I often have dreams where I'm younger and thinner lol. I have the image of Henry the 8th all in green in my head now! I love you postcard and your picture- both fabulous pieces of art x

  41. Hi Valerie. I came back because after reading your comment on my books read post, I was really surprised by ALL the books you've read. Congratulations and isn't it wonderful how we get transported to what and where we are reading? Right now I'm in Switzerland but I came from Ethiopia as the person who is telling the story tells me. Wonderful, just wonderful. Have a wonderful weekend and week ahead. Take care and hope you are doing well.

  42. Too true, Gloria, books possss the magic to take us to other worlds and realms and planes of consciousness, and let us put on new characters and evolve into completely other beings! Enjoy your journey!

  43. Great acrylics piece, especially with the digital color enhancements. I also like what you did with the festive postcard!

  44. Cissie is a hoot, the idea of her in that costume makes me laugh. Shannon only drinking coke eh!
    Jen x

  45. What a fun episode of the story Valerie....I'm always slimmer in my dreams too!! lol
    Hugs xx
    p.s. I love the "blue" version of your Klee painting.

  46. ooo how spooky to get a dream card lol Why is shannon only on coke, is she pregnant?

  47. Another great storyline-- Love all the extra pictures

  48. More beautiful pics and great work you have quite the imagination xx

  49. Valerie, your Ireland episode is one of my favorites. I can just see all of them in an Irish pub with Aunt Cissie all dressed up to match the atmosphere.

    Your story reminded me of a business trip I was on to New Jersey and the gals decided to go out to an Irish pub for the evening. The owners had a talented woman who sang Irish ballads and then asked if someone in the audience would like to get up to sing. One young gal took over the microphone and was so off key that our group broke into a rude laughter. It brought tears to my eyes. However, we had a grand time and I'll never forget our evening at an Irish pub.

    Hope you are feeling much better.


  50. Your travelers advantures just get wilder and funnier I like Chrissie's dream, perhaps one of the little people could stop and help me! XOXO Zoe

  51. Zoe, if I find one of those little people I think I will keep him here!

  52. I so enjoy your fanciful stories and photos of foreign lands and not least, your postcards and really serious well done contemporary paintings.


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