Friday 20 April 2012

Jason on a trip to Romania?

Hi everybody, it's Friday again and that means time for Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and Darcy's Postcard Challenge, where the participants this week are supposed to be in Romania.

Cissie has been trying to get in touch with Jason for several days, but he doesn’t seem to be home. He doesn’t answer the phone, and doesn’t pop by to join her for lunch at the fish and chip shop. She is a bit worried, because he is usually quite attentive, but then she thinks he has perhaps met a nice girl, or gone out with his friends and got drunk, or both….She decides to wait one more day, and then to go and visit him.
But on the following day, he turns up, hungry as a wolf, and looking a bit pale and tired. She decides he needs feeding up, and they go off for a double portion of fish and chips, before buying a large pack of cream-cakes at Tesco’s to take home for tea. Then she decides to ask what’s up.

Where have you been the past few days? I tried to phone you?
Me? asks Jason. I was at home. Last Friday I went to see *Twilight* with some friends I met at the pub. And then we went back to their place for some drinks and a bit of fun.
Cissie refrains from asking what he means by *a bit of fun*, as she is not sure if she wants to know….
Well, and then?
Yeah, well, I was feeling a bit strange. They gave me some drinks, and then I must have fallen asleep. When I woke up I was lying in bed in a room with black wallpaper and black curtains, and I just felt awful. They weren’t there, so I got dressed and went home, had a shower and here I am….
Yes, but Jason, it’s Tuesday today. You can’t have slept all that time!
Well, I don’t know. I was having such strange dreams. Flying over old castles in Romania, skulking around in Transylvania, and partying at an old castle with loads of Draculas. Those dreams were like real! Scary!

(Photos from Wikipedia Commons)

Perhaps you had too much to drink? Or do you think they slipped you something in your drink?
Whatever, I’m happy to be feeling half-ways normal today. Except for the mosquito bites! A couple must have bitten me in the neck, the little buggers!
Jason enjoys his afternoon, and decides to sleep at Auntie Cissie’s for the night. He goes to bed early, and sleeps like a log. He wakes up the next morning feeling better, and decides to go to work and get his shop up and running.
Later on the Postie brings Cissie a card from Jason, posted in Romania....It has been written in red, and rather confused....

Was that Jason in Romania??
More next week!

For PPF I would like to share a canvas I painted last weekend. It is one which I have re-used, so I am showing some different stages of the re-make. I once again used a template to give some structure, before painting with layers of different colours, and adding some Stickles and a TH Die-cut. I have called it *Purple Rain Man*

And last, but definitely not least, I want to show you a lovely book and card I got from Tracey in a little swap we made. I sent her Mozart Balls and tea, and she sent me a hard-backed note book, which I will use to write quotes and anecdotes about beverages in, and one of her beautiful cards. I can only say, that the photos do not do justice to her wonderful work; they are so much nicer in real life!! Thanks a lot Tracey, and enjoy your balls....(an Austrian chocolate speciality for those who don't know them!)

Sorry, this has been a really long post, hope you have enjoyed it. Have a good weekend, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. I'm glad I had my morning cuppa with me Valerie as your post today is very interesting reading.
    Love the Jason story and resulting postcard. Fabulous textured canvas too and love those colours.
    Have a great weekend too.
    Fliss xx
    PS: I remember the Mozart balls from my last visit to Austria - very yummy!

  2. Hi Val, love Jason's mystery story today! R. is sittin on my lap saying, 'Who dat? who dat?' Lovely painting, too, and enjoy your pressies! Hugs, Sarah

  3. All such wonderful photos, Valerie!
    Thank you for sharing a little part of your life with me. :]
    I really like the teacup card you received from Tracey, beautiful.
    Enjoy. ((hugs))

  4. Fab postcard and a great story this week. Brilliant. Love love love your canvas.
    Jen x

  5. Thank you for the smiles on your fun postcard and story. Love your canvas, such fab colours. Enjoy your beautiful gifts. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  6. Always a great read !!! So did Jason go to Romania or was he just out of it for the weekend ?? I love your card. Jason looks fab. A xx

  7. Sounds like Jason had his best adventure yet... but will he ever be the same again???

    Tell Cissie to wear a neck brace!

    Fab fun as always.

  8. I love Mozart Kugeln! :) And I love that textured piece. Great post!

  9. Fabulous instalment of your story...spooky!
    Love your canvas..such vibrant colours.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs xx

  10. loved your Romania story and your beautiful Purple abstract. I know Tracey's talented work and I have had those delicious chocolates!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. oh my gosh I enjoyed every morsle of this post, i want more!

  13. Home Run this week...loved the card and story progress and the beautifully textured canvas!!

  14. Great Postcard ... and all your other work is really nice <3

  15. Lovely creations everyone ~ fun ~thanks for sharing, namaste, ^_^

  16. Love the story... but that purple abstract is just so stunning... Some of your best work I think... and thanks for the shout out... it was a pleasure to do a swap with you and I love my artworks so much I have already framed them and the balls are going down a treat... I have had to hide them in the vegetable crisper of the fridge to stop the other members of the household eating them all... looking forward to the next postcard adventure... and thank you again... so very much...xx

  17. Such an entertaining post today, Valerie! Gorgeous work, as usual :)

  18. Oh my... Oh my... Oh my... What happened to Jason??? Such a good chapter in your story!!! :)
    Great card, love the red finger prints! ♥

  19. Don't apologise! I really enjoyed your long post, enjoyed reading about Jason's rather unnerving adventure.... I do hope he is not anaemic now!

    Your canvas is amazing.... love the texture you created and the beautiful shimmery colours.

    Your swap worked out well for you both.... I have to say those 'Mozart Balls' look stunning!

    Have a great weekend


  20. Oh fabulous work and lovely post! I love your art and those chocs do look yummy! Kim

  21. This has to be my favorite Jason story so far! LOVE the vampires! I love how Jason stumbles from one predicament to the next, never quite knowing what he's gotten himself into. ;)

    Your canvas is gorgeous! All that texture and yummy color! LOVE it!
    Great work, Valerie.

    And what beautiful pieces you received in your swap! Yay! :)

  22. Valerie!!! Purple Rain Man is absolutely stunning! I am blown away by that painting.

  23. Its a lovely post my friend and i enjoyed the story so far about Jason
    very good. Also i adore your canvas its gorgeous
    hugs June x

  24. Your posts make Fridays fun Val! Love reading the antics od Jason and Aunt Cissie. Love your new Structured textured art, looks magnificent! Lovely card from your friend too. Take care. ~Diane

  25. A yummy post Valerie, from the Mozart balls (what's the green bit in the middle) to your fabulous rain man and fun postcard from Jason. Have a lovely weekend. xxx

  26. Loved the card with the teacup and your canvas with the man in rain is awesome. Great job! Have a great weekend Valerie. Take care.

  27. If it wasn't so funny, I would be concerned for Jason, but I suspect that he will just sleep it of and won't have lingering "dracula" effects. Good thing it wasn't Aunt Cissie flying around Romania with a thick head!

    Your canvas is gorgeous! I liked it in ALL its stages.

    The Mozart ball is making me hungry... nearly lunch time here!

  28. I did! I love your gifts (isn't she wonderful?) and that repurposed canvas is brilliant! The textures and colors make me swoon! Have a great weekend, xoxo

  29. Wonderful postcard, love your vampire!!!

  30. A lot of lovely and fun and original posts!!!
    Love the fingerprints on the card and your dracula is wonderful!!!

  31. a great postcard, he looks a bit scary!!! a good read to...

  32. OMG- I LOVED the check in with Jason and Cissie this week! I mean it's always good, but this was an awesome turn to the story! I want to go to Romania with Jason too!
    And that new painting is STUNNING, I always love when you do your silhouette pieces- I can imagine a wonderful grouping of all of them on one wall- how amazing would that be?
    BIG hugs,

  33. Your re-worked painting is exquisite!
    Love the layers of shapes, color, and textures! Fantastic!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  34. Super card. I hope Jason fully recovers from his trip and doesn't suffer any unfortunate after effects.

    Janet xx

  35. Oh My! That Jason could have gotten himself into a world of trouble :0) Your textured piece is out of this world ...I absolutely love all of the colors and textures. I'm on the edge of drooling over it so I really must get control of myself :0)

  36. I love to see how you reworked your canvas. It has such beautiful texture now. I'm getting inspired to get out some of my old canvases!

  37. I just LOVE purple rain man. I am inspired!

  38. I always love reading your story! and your canvas looks amazing. So artsy..

  39. Awesome many fun things! Love the postcard and the amazing texture of your painting! Lucky you with your swap! Happy PPF

  40. Beautiful cards, love Jason's "Story" what next?

  41. Hi Valerie. I could just eat a double portion of fish and chips myself! Especially with plenty of salt and vinegar. Wonderful work. tfs Tracy's work. She sure is a talented lady.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Take care,
    Florence xx

  42. What a delightful card and as usual the story is awesome!

  43. Been catching up on your posts, I missed seeing your fantastic projects.
    Jason seems to have been on a 'trip' of a lifetime this week. Wonder if the post card will jog his memory.
    Yvonne x

  44. Love your canvas, really cool unusual colors and interesting textures!

  45. ohh crikey, how did he get to Romanian then? how worrying lol

    Love, love that texture on your canvas.

  46. Wowzer, that Jason's a bit thick! LOL Even I can put 2 and 2 together and come up with da, da daaa Vampires!!!LOL What wonderful fun Valerie. Your canvas is brilliant, I love all the texture you've got with the embossing paste and what smashing colours! Lovely card and book from Tracey, super intense colours on that tea cup! The chocolate looks pretty special too LOL Gay xxx

  47. Stunning projects. Fab fun post card as always and your canvas is just beautiful. x

  48. I love Purple Rain Man! That is awesome!
    Also, great Romania card! Your story is always a joy to read!

  49. Lovely, lovely! Thanks for sharing your photos too!! Have a wonderful and creative week!!

  50. Valerie... so much eye candy here but I just can't take my eyes off your textured canvas.... it's amazing!

  51. Jason!!!! What have you done??!!

    That textured canvas is just wonderful, Valerie. I love the texture (of course!), colours and sparkle. Brilliant!

    Wow, Tracey's tea cup is stunning - the colours are so clear and bright. Wonderful.

  52. Beautiful gifts, fabulous story and postcard I do hope you are going to publish these wonderful tales. The canvas is stunning what a clever and talented artist you are.


  53. Your postcard travel stories are so much fun! What an imagination! i love the card face itself, too. Your layers art piece is really vibrant, so beautiful! Thanks also for sharing Tracey's' gifts to you. Happy PPF..although it is taking me forever to get around to see everyone's' art.


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