Friday 30 December 2011

Paint Party Friday Week # 42

It hardly seems possible that this is the last PPF in this year; where has the time gone? Thanks to Eva and Kristin for hosting this challenge.

I have made a mixed media canvas for this week, using photos of me taken at various times, and pictures of London. I grew up in London's Docklands, more or less in Jack-the-Ripper-Land, and the predominant colours were grey and black, which I have used in my painting. Many of the buildings were not only soot blackened but also scarred and damaged by the *Blitz*. I cut away part of the photos I have used along the bottom of the picture, in order to make them merge better with the background. The pictures show places with which I was familiar during my childhood and school time. We lived very near to the Tower of London, where we often played as kids.

Hope you all have a great day. Take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. These, as you must be aware Valerie, are AWESOME pages. They speak volumes and are so very well done. Take care ... I'm hoping you will have a great creative day. hugs, Donna

  2. Love your canvas, Val, it looks huge! A great idea to work it round all those photos. Have a good day, and take care, hugs, Sarah

  3. Those are brilliant canvases, Valerie. And thanks for sharing a glimpse into your childhood. :) Happy New Year to you and yours! May it bring you everything you wish for. :)

  4. Oh fabulous, Valerie and how interesting to read the story~Wishing you a very Happy New Year!!!

  5. Wow Valerie, this is really fabulous. Love the photos and the contrast of the book page cut outs. Have a good Friday. Take care. Suze xx

  6. What wonderful work - and all the more special because of the personal connection.

  7. These are fabulous journal pages, Valerie! Wonderful to hear the story behind them too :)

    Happy New Year!

  8. WOW when you do powerful art you do powerful this is so evocative. Nothing like this today all bright crisp new and sharp and some might say soul less. Think Spring, think daffodil's. XOXO Zoe

  9. Lovely creation ~ very creative ~ unique and awesome ~ great story also ~ thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF ^_^

  10. Valerie Your Mixed Media Canvas Piece Is Great! It Tells Volumes of a Life. Very Interesting Work.
    Your Admirer & Friend, Tee
    Wishing You All Things Good In The New Year!

  11. I LOVE this piece, so very reflective and SO very YOU! Also, how perfect for the end of the year...just LOVE it!
    Happy New Year HUGS,

  12. Love the way your palette and brush strokes perfectly echo the buildings. What a terrific piece of work.

  13. I am in awe - so many images that work so well together! You added a great touch with the text shapes to guide the eye around the pages! I loved visiting London last year so much I can't imagine how awesome to have grown up in that city!

  14. Awesome canvas, I love how you blend so many things to make the whole work so perfectly.
    Yvonne x

  15. Your mixed media canvas has so much to see in it. I really love that you've taken closeups of various parts. Happy New Year! Faye

  16. How wonderful, a collage of memories to take with you through the years, and an artwork for us to enjoy.

  17. Wow!Amazing work Valerie. What a wonderful way to record your memories.
    Hugs xx

  18. Absolutely awesome artwork Valerie and very evocative too.
    Sorry for my lack of comments lately (limited computer access) and hoping you had a lovely Christmas.
    Wishing you all the very best for 2012 which I hope will leave you well and doing lots more wonderful artwork.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  19. Val this is really a wonderful piece! Happy New Year and Happy Paint Party Friday! #2 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  20. Valerie this is definitely one of my favorites of your work. I love it and the fact that you have included "the real thing." Awesome, just awesome. Please enjoy your Happy New Year and may your wishes and dreams come true. Nice to have met you through PPF! Take care and enjoy.

  21. love what you did with all the photos val, well done, happy new year...

    maria xx

  22. Hi Valerie. Fantastic art work. Love how you have created the background and blended the buildings in. Also love your tags from the previous post. Hope you are ok.
    Take Care
    Florence xx

  23. These are amazing. I keep going back to see what else is on the page. Wonderful!!
    Happy 2012

  24. wonderfully creative piece!
    your blogs back ground looks charming and when i look out my windows that is pretty much what i see!

    wishing you a lovely New Year, each and every day ~

  25. I like the collage, I know London I've visited several times, and I like am regret of their grey gives me a feeling of cleanliness and freedom. Happy new year

  26. beautiful and fun too! Happy New Year!

  27. Beautiful mixed media canvas! I love the pictures of you during various stages of life! Have a wonderful New Year!

  28. Impressive piece! Love it!!!!
    Have a Happy new year full of marvelous creations!!!

  29. This is great! like the color scheme a ton! It is amazing the year is over---wait, don't we all say that every year? Where do they go!

  30. I can't say why but this is fab Valerie!

  31. What an intriguing piece! Fascinating!

    Hope you have a wonderful and creative 2012!


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