Tuesday 27 September 2011

The day afterwards.....

Hi Everybody, I am not feeling so good today. Got a sore mouth and a swollen face, and plan on spending the day on my recliner reading and snoozing. I have some soup ready that only needs warming up, and plenty of cool drinks in the fridge, so should manage.
Thanks for all your kind comments yesterday, they cheered me up a lot, Take care of yourselves and thanks for visiting!


  1. Sorry to hear you're not feeling great Valerie and really hope your relaxing day does the trick.
    Take care and pamper yourself.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  2. Morning Valerie, oh dear, what a horrible day for you yesterday, hopefully that's the worst of it over with now. Have a snuggly day under your blanket, try not to dribble your soup too much (that's my attempt at trying to cheer you up!). Take care and big hugs. Suze xx

  3. Sending more hugs and sparkles Valerie.
    Just rest and read.
    Take care of yourself.
    Hugs xx

  4. Take care, Val, I wished I lived nearer then I would come and pamper you! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Hi Valerie. Hope you are feeling better soon. Take care.
    Sending healing hugs.
    Regards Florence x

  6. Well, I wouldn't be much good to you, but we could be in the same room and suffer together! Hope you can baby yourself a little today. Sending good healing energy your way. hugs, Donna

  7. Oh poor baby, nothing worse than tooth pain; just relax and pamper yourself, and lets hope this will finally solve your tooth problems...Big comforting hug to you. xoxox

  8. I'm so sorry to hear that you aren't feeling to well today Valerie, but a day of snoozing and reading sounds perfect!

    Sending hugs and sparkles for a speedy recovery.

    Carole xxx

  9. Hello there Valerie, OOh!! not nice but as long as you take it easy and look after yourself I'm sure you'll feel better soon. Don't forget to take some painkillers (if you can), hugs Gay xxx

  10. Valerie
    Take good care of yourself.
    We will be ready and waiting for you when you are feeling much better.

  11. uh, oh...so sorry to hear...hope you feel better soon! Sending sunshine and hugs your way! Pop Art Minis

  12. Well, rest up and feel better soon!!!

  13. By tomorrow you should feel a little better! Take care and get lots of rest!

  14. Sending my love and *hugs*!
    Take is easy today :]
    Wishing you well...

  15. you sound well prepared Valerie, take care!

  16. Hope you are feeling a litttle better and you had a restful relaxing day. Yvonne x

  17. Hi Valerie,
    I hope you are feeling better today....I sure know how it feels...I was really wiped out by my whole escapade at the dentist too....Sending get well (((hugs))) your way,

  18. Sorry you're not feeling well, snuggle up and catch up on your reading.


  19. Hope you're feeling better soon. :)


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