Friday 3 June 2011

Paint Party Friday and some more challenges....

Good morning everybody. As you know, yesterday I woke up really grumpy, and today is not much better. So I distracted myself by keeping myself busy, sort of crafting like crazy, crop till you flop, paint till you faint, scrap till, now! Scrap till you yap!
Anyway, it helped to get through the day.
For Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin, I am sharing another *dream* picture, then this was a face that was watching me in a dream. Just floating about and looking, and only the head and the blue and silver hair, no body....

It has been painted with tempera colours.

I have made a small canvas - 4x4", which I am entering into 2 challenges;
*The written Word* at the Three Muses Blog and *Alter a canvas* at Alter it Monthly

The canvas has been covered with criss-cross strips of an old book, and painted with gesso. I added some TH tissue tape and a rub-on flower to give the background more depth. The text has been die cut. The book pages that I used are from the 18th century, and have lasted over the centuries, the book in the background is a parchment bound book from the 17th century; the written word has the power to last.

Then I decided to alter a little chipboard frame I was given recently, 3x3". I have used a picture of the London Eye, an eye - stamped and watercoloured, and some London Images (Stamp by Artemio) for the *Just for Fun* *I spy with my little eye* challenge.

The London Eye image is from Crafty Individuals. I have placed the frame on a picture of a London Street to put it into context.

And while I was watching a totally stupid film on TV - there was nothing else worth watching! I altered a little tin. It was a peppermint tin, which I painted with white paint, and then sanded a bit before stamping the music notes and the Mozart head on it. I painted over it with TH clear rock-candy crackle glaze, and rubbed a little colour into the cracks to make them show better, but it was hard to photograph. I am making a mini song book for a friend, which will be placed in the tin when it is finished.

Well, I think that was enough for today. I need to do my weekend shopping and a tiny bit of h*******k to ward off the chaos that will result if I do nothing!
Havea great day, take care, and thanks for looking!


  1. Thank you so much for entering your canvas in to alter it monthly.
    Z :)

  2. Wonderful work! I love your painting style.

  3. Ohh Valerie thanks this is great. I love the tin and that mozart stamp.
    Also I have got your fab swap envelope today ... its gorgeous, have taken photos. ... thanks my friend i am thrilled
    hugs June x
    ps yours will be with you next week, hope to post it today

  4. Wow, you were busy! Hope you soon feel better. Here is chaos, the kids are all sick! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Oh my goodness, you have been so busy creating wonders to share, don't be grumpy babe. go celebrate this is fantastic!!!!

  6. Hello Grumpy
    You have done some incredible work so you should be really pleased with yourself. I love your self portraits. Happy PPF, Annette x

  7. You have been busy Valerie. All fantastic pieces. So creative.
    Regards Florence.

  8. Where to start, if you create marvels like these on a bad day i'm tempted to wish you more bad days! Gorgeous your dream face is amazing as is everything.

    Your eye piece for us at Just for Fun WOW great play on the word eye it is fabulous thank you for sharing with us XOXO Zoe

  9. Woman with pink hair I love ... you're an artist who aces many things at once ... is incredible. Un abrazo

  10. Good Morning Ms. Grumpy ... have you thought about tea with the Grump at the post office? Perhaps in your mood you could find out her story :o) ... I know .. be quiet, Donna! Love the play on words and piece on London. Setting in the London street is perfection. Your dream paintings ... need to drink with you over those. A book could result from that series. Simply fabulous. The music book in progress is lovely although Mozart looks like his lips are pursed a little. Tense perhaps? Are you able to get Mozart Balls there? Suddenly I have a craving. Truly, I am sorry you are Grumpy. No fun at all. I'm sending the Healing Faeries ... they have a tickling protocol which sometimes works for me. xx and hugs from Mexico, Donna

  11. You can buy Mozart Kugeln in every shop, I always try to walk by with my eyes shut!

  12. Fabulous artwork Val. Like the little tin but really love your dream painting.
    This one of the few blogs I can comment on so keep the posts coming!lol
    Hugs for a great weekend. xx

  13. you are so wonderfully creative and inventive. i really love the mozart tin!

  14. Wow - busy. Not sure what I like best - the dream woman is very strong and I like the tin and the words too. ♥ Rosie

  15. Valerie

    The face from your dream reminds me of a stained glass window. I could see this being interpreted in this media.
    The first canvas uses a quote which I especially like and it is also the quote that Amnesty International use, isn't it?
    London Eye canvas .... clever and fabulously arty.
    Finally Mozart - love how you use your time. If I am watching television (not a huge fan I have to say) I like to have a project on the go at the same time otherwise I view it as wasting precious crafting time. I can see you are the same.

  16. wow wow wow all incredable works of art, love them all and thank you for entering your fab canvas at Just for Fun :)
    Von x

  17. Wonderful miniature works of art. The eye one is very clever.


  18. Ummm....WOW! Your painting is gorgeous, that canvas is inspiring and the chipboard frame piece is amazing!!!! Yay for you all around!

  19. Wow all 3 pieces are fab , you have been busy :-)

  20. So many gorgeous works of art, Valerie!

    Hope you're feeling better today :)

  21. Maybe there's something in the air this week- 'cause I've been grumpy too! I LOVE all of these- especially the lady in blue...she is so compelling and I love the way you composed the shapes around- just gorgeous!
    PPF Hugs!

  22. Sorry to hear you've still got the grumps Valerie and hope they don't ruin your weekend.
    Really gorgeous and varied artwork her, just love all of it.
    Hope all the comments manage to cheer you up a little.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  23. Wow these are all amazing, love the lady with blue and silver hair. Hope you feel better soon.

  24. Such productive work. Those blue are just mesmerizing. ;)

  25. Wonderful! I love the beautiful blue colors! :-)

  26. Looks like an amazingly creative day!

  27. Don't be grumpy, be happy!:) How very creative you are Valerie, I love your style. I really like that eye looking at the cars. Excellent. Happy PPF!

  28. i love your dream piece.... a wonderful face to have watching you.

  29. I need to channel my grumpiness like you do -- into art! These are all wonderful! Your dream lady is stunning. I LOVE her, Valerie!

    Your altered canvas is awesome. Love using old text and book pages in art. :)Your frame ROCKS! I love everything about it. And the Mozart tin. I'm still shaking my head at your ideas. So creative!

  30. Wow, this is ALL so gorgeous, Valerie!!! Beautiful pieces, indeed! And your friend will LOVE the tin...what a special gift!

  31. Hi Valerie, lovely work again, I've been looking at your recent blog posts and creations. My favourite is the Passion for Fashion canvas, it's really beautiful.

    Sorry to hear you are feeling grumpy, the bad mood of the post office lady is rubbing off on you! Hope the crafting helped ease your mood. Glad you like my TH stamping, I did think it would be a change from Tilda for you, lol. CoB

  32. Wow! Valerie You are one Very Creative Gal!
    Your Beautiful Dream Picture in that amazing blue is Unbelievably Fantastic!! Just like you! Hugs,Tee

  33. I thought it was going to be "scrap til you nap", lol. You've gotten a lot done for a grumpy person! I like all of these, especially "The Word" canvas.

  34. Love the dream face, looks like stain glass.
    And the peppermint tin, what a "crafty" idea... I like it!!

  35. Wow you really made some awesome pieces today! I love the eye!

  36. wow! What a creative flurry of goodness..hope you are feeling better now :) Happy PPF!

  37. Some very cool stuff there. Love your painting it is quite lovely x

  38. Gorgeous painting clever fun!
    Thanks for both!!

  39. WOW you sure are very productive when you are grumpy - lol.

    Thanks for playing along with JFF this week with your fab interpretation of the London Eye.

    Sam xxx

  40. Very cool painting and other artwork!

    What a very productive week you had!

  41. Let me add my thoughts to the very long list of comments on your work. You've thoughtfully featured the written word, and given us all something to think about. Well done!

  42. Fantastic movement in her hair...really lovely painting!

  43. hope you feel more cheerful tomorrow! You seem to remember a lot of your dreams and do such a good job depicting them!

  44. Lots and lots of good work here. That should lift your spirits...The painting from your dream is...well, dreamy☺

  45. you've been amazingly productive this week and I particularly like your altered words canvas - very cool idea.

  46. You continue to amaze me with your talents and the volume of art you create every day. Keep it coming, I need all of the inspiration I can get, and you truly inspire me, Valerie.

  47. Wow, you have been busy. I love your work and your stamina! Can I have some please? ;-)
    Salute, and happy ppf

  48. Hard to believe you are grumpy! With all of this beautiful art work I would never have guessed the state your in. Hope you get out of the Moody Blues although that lovely gal is , well lovely!
    Happy PPF....

    P.S. I posted the package you sent me on my blog the other day, the one previous to todays. Have't shown the hidden goodies inside but will be tomorrow. Thanks again Valerie, lots to play with.

    Annabelle :)

  49. I really like the mosaic quality in your blue haired girl. It is very dramatic. Love it!

  50. My goodness youve been a busy gal, I had to laugh at your Scrap till you .... comment, LOL.
    now I just wish I had your energy!
    Awesome art!!!
    hugs Lynn

  51. Wow, you've been busy creating and I love it all! My fave is the stained glass looking face with the flowing blue hair. It is just so cool! Happy PPF!

  52. Wonderful pieces this week. That face is amazing. Does look like stained glass. Just beautiful. Great job with the other pieces, too.

  53. I love the dream painting. and the blue hair!! My painting this week has blue hair also :)

  54. your pieces are very creative!! happy PPF!

  55. Wow you are way busy!!!!! Love everything you have done!!! Such creativity!!! Bravo!

  56. Love your painted ladies, the frame, the canvases... my oh my you've been busy! Hope today is another good day.

  57. Very thought provoking art work, Val, created with sensitivity. Kudos to you.

  58. More Lovely work Valerie - love the canvas of your beautiful Dream Lady. Glorious colours.
    The Written Word, The Tin and the London Eye, more excellent examples of your creativity. Sorry you have been feeling grumpy though - not as creative as you so I use my son's punch bag in the garden :):)

  59. Wow, I never wake grumpy (excuse me - see my DH he would not agree LOL). Aside from joking it certainly works for your mojo as you have produced so much lovely artwork. I especially like the play on the word "eye" with your using the London Eye also in your composition. Very clever, and very inspiring. Plus it is a lovely piece. Can't stop looking at it.,
    Thanks for joining us at JFF - Hugs, Neet x

  60. i love the blue body just a face. very dreamy...that's also a great idea with the tin! it's so fun, i would love to have one of those displayed in my house! happy ppf

  61. Very creative pieces of art!! I came here looking for your "eye" piece.....and what a pleasure to see not only it...but much more creativeness!!!


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