Friday 13 May 2011

A Late Paint Party Friday and some scrapling tags

I thought I would not be able to post today; Blogger seems to have had major issues today, the posts from yesterday are still AWOL, and I am wondering if they will turn up again!
But today is still Paint Party Friday, so here my efforts for this week. I wasn't feeling good this week, was very down, and painting and crafting are two of the things that help me in such situations.
Putting paint onto paper, however you do it, really is relaxing.
I made 2 paintings on Tuesday, which I randomly stamped with black ink, embossed and treated with perfect pearls, and used them to create die cuts, which I have used in my work this week, which was great fun. (See earlier articles from this week)
And then I made these three paintings. No subjects, just layers of colours. I am still thinking about whether to leave them as they are, or to use them for making embellishments again.

Yesterday evening I painted a canvas before I went to bed. Just lots of layers of colour, I seem to need this at the moment, and this will of course not be cut up. But I still think it needs something to finish it off. Time will – hopefully-tell. Anyone got any ideas?
This week I used a method that I developed in my childhood, and which I now I call *recurring artistic retrograde development*, or, more simply said, the 5 S method – splodge, smudge, smear, spray and scratch!
But it is fun, and it just does me good. Have a try!

And I also managed 3 tags yesterday. The team at *Just for fun* want us to use scraplings this week, so I used three paint cards Yvonne sent some weeks back, and turned them into bright and sunny children’s tags.

These are something quite different to the things ! usually make, but I think we all have to leave our comfort zone sooner or later!
Have a nice (Remains of the) Day, take care and thanks for looking!


  1. Yep its good to see blogger back isnt it... think we were all getting withdrawel symptoms hehe. Hope you feel a bit more uplifted today Valerie.
    I love your paintings just the way they are and yes it does do wonders to sit and splodge and paint. I have been spraying today lol something i also enjoy ... Those tags are very cute and very different
    hugs June xxxxxx

  2. HI Valerie
    I couldn't agree more - no matter what type of paint or how you apply it, it is one of the most relaxing ways to create.
    Those tags are soooooo cute.

  3. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling at your best this week, your painting must be very therapeutic for you, I can just imagine you smearing & splodging! In your canvas I can see either buildings or (Arizona type) rock formations at the bottom with something trying to break out of an angry cloud above. Your tags take me back to my childhood, I'm sure I have scraps like those in my mother's loft! Wishing you a happy weekend. xx

  4. Love the idea of making embellishments out of painted backgrounds! I'll have to have a go at that! Great tags too Valerie!
    have a lovely weekend!
    hugs Alyson x

  5. Loving your scraplings and your splodges and smearings. One question did you do this with a palette knife Valerie? Take care, hugs Annette x

  6. Well, I couldn't find the palette knife last night but there were plenty of knives in the kitchen drawer, so I used them - one for each colour, brilliant! And now they are all clean again thanks to my dishwasher!

  7. Hi Val, couldn't get on here all day, but now I have got my daily dose of Valerie again - good! Hugs, Sarah

  8. Hope you are feeling better again! Your paintings and tags are beautiful - great colours!

  9. Oh wow, I love it all, Valerie!!! and happy to be able to come and say "hi!"

  10. Hey Valerie! Hope you are feeling more up now, I'm sending smiles from across the big pond :)

    Your paintings are so rich and lovely! I new you would do awesome things with the paint samplers!


  11. oh I love the splodge, smudge, smear, spray and scratch method!
    I like to do that myself and in fact that's how I found my ducks on papers for today's ppf. I see the tops of buildings in your sssss pages and also like cars speeding by so fast you barely catch the glimpse of them. Great work and looks like it was a lot of fun. Have a great weekend. Smile Valerie as a smile increases ones face value.:)))

  12. I, too, find putting paint down very relaxing. Almost meditative. Try making a painting out of these layers of color. Just go with the flow. :)oh, and I love the red one. Brilliant!

  13. Your paintings are spectacular, Valerie. Very intuitive. If you look on my blog heading, I did a "Mexican Sunset" in encaustics ... similar, si? The tags are so much fun .. it's nice to have a break into something new. Glad blogger is back .. I was having with drawl symptoms. Hope you are feeling much much better today. Sending the healing faeries! hugs from Mexico, Donna

  14. I've had a down week too and like you, nothing makes me feel better than creating! I love your splotchy paintings- great color and texture, and I can see how they'd be wonderful for releasing tension! Also your tags are fun too, amazing all the things one can do with re-purposed papers:)
    Happy PPF (finally;))

  15. I love your painting, the colours are so vibrant, you seem to have had fun doing them. Your scraplings are gorgeous, the children look so cute. Yvonne xx

  16. I've never heard of the 5s method before and I LOVE it! I'm going to apply it in my "dry idea" times....looks totally fun. And using those bright colors is so uplifting.

  17. I love your 3 paintings. You really have talent! This looks like fun.

  18. I love the coluurs and vibrancy of your paintings - you asked for feedback so here goes. The first two I felt there is no where for my eye to settle. I sweep back and forward enjoying the colours but wanting some focus. The last one is my favorite because of the tonal range there is somewhere to settle. I settled on the black then found my self distracted by what ends up being random colour above because my mind goes landscape and then ...??? This is NOT criticism. It's loving critique! It this is too much let me know and I will desist! Love Rosie

  19. Rosie, this helps me a lot, thanks!

  20. I've also had a down week. I love your remedy for that. Splashing down paint always seems to lift the spirits. Even if you end up painting over all of these I love what you've done. My favorite is the first. Love that splash of purple!

    Wonderful work, Valerie! Just seeing your colors and your work has made me smile. Happy PPF!

  21. I could just hang some of those paintings on my wall right now...great colour, I love them.

  22. I love your layered paint canvases! I agree that it can be so soothing to paint like that. I love making backgrounds and sometimes I can't bear to do anything more with them.

    I had a down week, too. I should have tried to fit more painting into the week because when I did paint, I felt so much better.

    Happy PPF!

  23. Love your little tags! Perhaps they could become full blown paintings? Fun to see all your paint color combinations and interested to see where they wind up. Happy PPF!

  24. Hope your weekend picks you up, and if not, I think you should paint more! You certainly create great works during a down time, so I can't wait to see what you do when you're feeling better again! I think we all suffered in the blogger snafu with you. You're second painting reminds me of a sunset - which I'm particular too. It's kind of cool as is. And I LOVE your tags. Uber adorable! How can you not smile when you see them! I'll stop by again next week to see what you are up to!

  25. Your paintings are so carefree and spontaneous - I love that! Those tags - the little children on them remind me of ones I used to see as a child myself but I can't remember where - were they from a storybook perhaps - anyway they've made me feel all nostalgic for a memory I can't quite recall!

  26. I love your abstracts, they are beautiful!

  27. I really like the 5S effect! Lovely!!

    Thanks for being patient re PPF! I hope your and our posts will turn up eventually!

    Hope you feel better!

  28. very pretty and love the vintage images :)

  29. I'm loving your 5-s method and those paint chip tags are so sweet! Yes, it's always fun to try something we don't normally do and shake things up a bit.

  30. Hi Valerie, I attempted to leave you a post yesterday but Blogger wouldn't cooperate and send it on. I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the background papers you made for your die cuts. They are stunning. I must use your idea.

    . . .

    I also like the bright colors you used on your canvas. It will be fun to see what you do with it. Your tags are darling.

    No crafts for me today; spent the entire day working in our huge yard. Still not finished with some of the cleanup but there is always tomorrow. I'm really tired tonight and plan to go to bed early.

    Tomorrow the city is sponsoring a free "shred" day where we can take private documents and have been shredded for free. I have three boxes of old bank statements and other documents that I need to get rid of. I also need to shop for groceries so probably no crafts tomorrow either.



  31. The paintings look very relaxing to make and I like where they're goin'! We may all need to relax after blog posts vanishing...luckily I got mine back, minus comments. oh well! :0)

  32. I love the freedom in your paintings, the bold colors and vibrant, alive, feel-good art! Thanks for sharing...and I hope you feel better now. Hugs, Ily

  33. you know how to use color!!!
    Fantastic paintings!!!

  34. I love these paintings! Isn't fun to just put layers on a canvas. Last Sat. I just painted around 10 canvas. Just prepping them with color. I love the tags. Very cute!

  35. What a spectacular painting! Those layers of color are just stunning! Wonderful! ;)

  36. Wow! A paint party... my favorite! :]
    These painted papers are fantastic, and the tags are beautiful!
    You are very talented, indeed.
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful talents.
    Take care of yourself *hugs*

  37. I'm in awe Valerie! These are all absolutely stunning and the layered painting idea is really fabulous. Must give this a go.
    Fliss xx

  38. I shall be practicing the "recurring artistic retrograde development" technique soon! I love how that sounds!!! Yes, I think I can splodge, smudge, smear, spray and scratch; although I have to admit I have not tried it yet! and how can a person be without paint chip cards to work with...I have a pile that a sit and go through if I need to them...great post!
    cheers, dana

  39. Gosh Valerie so many comments go you!. I love your splodges of paint colour can only make you feel better can't it. Love the paint tags the flowers are this rub ons they're really nice

    Love Dawn xx

  40. Hi Dawn, yes the flowers are rub-ons from LaBlanche, she has a wonderful assortment!

  41. Great Layers Valerie! Very relaxing process. The tags are too cute also. Happy PPF to you!

  42. Slowly playing catchup such a shame to think how much has been missed or lost. Not these though paintings all of them are exciting just want to stroke them. Your scraplings are certainly different and very cheerful hope all this helped give you a lift :) Thank you for joining us at Just for Fun XOXO Zoe

  43. BEAUTIFUL! Your work is amazing! You are one awesomely talented woman! :)

  44. Great scraplings and wonderful texture paintings Valerie :)
    I'm still hopeing my posts and comments come back :(
    Thanks for joining us at Just For Fun

  45. Hey Val,

    Those are vibrant warm colors and to think you used knives....must give that 5s technique of yours a try sometime. Lovely tags as well....maybe try doing your 5s technique on Birch bark....tags ?

    Looking forward to receiving the mini book.

    Take care and happy creating, Annabelle

  46. Great paintings and the tags are adorable.

  47. love your paintings! the colors are great!! and what a great idea to use paint chip cards as the tag base!!!

  48. Great colours for your paintings.

    Love your scraplings too

  49. Love all the color! And the 5 S method is such a fun idea! ♥

  50. Such vibrant colours in your paintings, wonderful.

    Not heard of using scraplings as tags before, but they seem to work well, after all, they are just scraps!!!

    Thanks for playing along with us again this week on JFF - Sam xxx

  51. Spotting a canvas with no intention of drawing anything is very relaxing, beautiful work. Saludos

  52. Hi Valerie love your 5 S technique very effective ! Your tags are gorgeous that paint card idea is very clever. Beautiful images and stamping as usual.


  53. I am definitely going to give your 5S technique a try - the results are amazing! I love all of the colors you're using... beautiful. I hope you feel better soon :)


  54. blogger certainly has had us all on our toes these last few days thats for sure .
    Youre canvas's are gorgeous what stunning colours they are , wow cant stop looking at them , and the tags are a delight, now those little children remind me of proper old fashioned scraps they are beautiful images . Thanks for sharing

  55. Love your paint techniques. Hugs, Neet


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