Friday 15 April 2011

Paint Party Friday and a Mini Book from Mini Book Thursday!

Well, it's party time again over at PPF, and this time it's about what inspires us to paint. I am showing a picture I made in 1995 and then I will tell you WHY I painted it.

Now, here's the story:
I was in town for my Spanish lesson. I always went by tram, because I could travel almost door-to-door this way without having to search for hours for a parking space in the town centre.
On the way back, I just managed to get onto a tram in the very back compartment. It was quite full, but I found a seat near the door. There was a group of tramps at the back, behind me, all rather drunk and very loud and boisterous. Suddenly one of them, a young man, reeled over to me and grabbed my shoulder and demanded that I take a swig out of his bottle. I said *No, thank you* and hoped that it would end there. It didn't. He got really maudling and then aggressive. His mates thought it was funny, and the other people in the tram all moved backwards, away from us. One man wanted to help, but his wife held him back. Then the drunk squatted down onto the floor beside me, and grabbed my leg, At that moment, the tram braked for some reason, I hit out at him with my left hand, caught him on the chin and he flew backwards and landed at the feet of his mates, more through the sudden jerk of the tram than my punch. But they were all extremely impressed, and thought I was some sort of super-boxer. At the next stop I got out and ran up to the front and got the driver to come back with me. He threw them all out, including all the people who had just stood there and watched, but not tried to help. When I got home, I painted myself as Super Woman, and this picture has been hanging on my wall ever since. I love the strong colours, and the motto *Nemo me impune lacessit*. This is the Scottish royal motto, and translated means something like *No one harms me without being punished* or *Who dare meddle with me?* I think for me, painting is very often a result of strong emotions.

Yesterday I made three mini-books (for Lenna's swap) on one day. I used some of the nice things I bought from Alyson, and some of my stash, and had a whale of a time cutting, sticking and playing with all those nice things. Here are the pics of the first book, the others will follow tomorrow.

So, thanks for looking, and have a great day. Happy holidays for those of you who are starting into their Easter breaks, and a good weekend to you all! Take care!


  1. What a story! I can only imagine how scary that situation would have been and shame on the people who stood back and did nothing. I'd love to have seen their faces when you decked him!

    As for your wee books - these are just beautiful - so detailed and ornate. I love them. Have you explained somewhere else in your blog how you make them as I'd love to learn!

  2. Loving your books Valerie - hope to start mine this weekend.
    Scary story - I hate people who just stand by and do nothing. They got their just deserts.
    Hugs xx

  3. Scary story with a great outcome - good for you!

    Super super super little book, a lot of work has gone into it. I too am hoping to start mine this weekend.

    Wishing you a sunny weekend,


  4. Yeah, Ladies, it was scary! And I HATE such cowardly people! Nicola, I will be putting the other mini books on my blog tomorrow and then I will tell how I made them!

  5. Hi Superwoman! what a story and how scary it is sad how some people will stand back to scared to get involved really made me smile that the driver threw them off as well. Just how many languages do you speak! you must be very talented.

    Adorable little book such a pretty cover and all those lovely pages and embellishments, love it. XOXO Zoe

  6. Wow! What a story! That must have been scary. You are a superwoman by just standing up for yourself. The books look adorable, too. :)

  7. Oh Valerie, what a story, I know your heart must have been pounding at the time but it did make me laugh - "don't you mess with me, laddie!" Great wee book too. xx

  8. It is a sad fact but people these days are scared to get involved with sort of thing for fear of repercussions! You are truly a superwoman!
    Love the album you did a great job and I look forward to seeing the others!
    hugs Alyson x

  9. My goodness what a story! I bet they are still talking about it today! The books are beautiful.

  10. What a nightmare of a story, Valerie! I'm sure at the time it was terrible! Love your picture!

    The altered book is another WOWSER!

  11. What a great left hook you have super woman..... Your book as always are so pretty Valerie. Have a great weekend. Annette x

  12. Yeah, thanks Netty, 35 years teaching make you strong!

  13. The mini books are so pretty and I love the painting (and the story behind it) thanks for sharing

    Love dawn xx

  14. Ha Ha ... you are one 'gutsy broad' ... can I say that on a public site?! Love the superwoman painting, so very symbolic. Your book is incredibly beautiful. I want it. I'm throwing mine in the garbage and starting over! Hugs from Mexico, Donna

  15. Donna, you always make me laugh. I LOVE the thought of being a *gutsy broad*, especially as I am mostly a real cowdy custard! Don't start your book again, it was great!
    Hi Dawn, nice to see you, too!

  16. Interesting story! A Super woman you are and inspiration truly does come from the oddest sources! :-)

  17. Your MINI BOOK is beautiful! Happy PPF!

  18. Beautiful book! I love the cover!

  19. You go SUPER WOMAN! Yes, but have been very scary indeed....Good fo you - to have popped him and shame on the people just sitting there!
    Love the painting how inspirational to keep it by your side. Thanks for sharing the story!
    Your books are lovely, too! have a great friday! xo

  20. Those mini books are gorgeous! And yes, you ARE superwoman!

  21. Your mini books are fabulous and I love the painting of you as Super Woman and the story behind it.
    xxx Hazel.

  22. I love the story behind your painting. Wait, I don't mean that I'm glad it happened. I'm glad that you turned it into a positive memory through your artwork. The mini book is fantastic.

  23. Awesome painting! What a terrible story but you gave it a positive ending with the Superwoman image. I love that everyone who SHOULD have got thrown off the tram!

    And BEAUTIFUL mini-books! Gorgeous detail on those. Happy Paint Party Friday!!

  24. What a great story and wonderful painting to go with it! Excellent. I love your book pages, great work. Happy PPF!

  25. very impressive super woman, so glad that was empowering for you! I hate that people just stood around. Cool piece of art as a reminder.

  26. I loved reading your tram story, Valerie, must have been so funny when he landed at the feet of his mates after you punched him. What a well-timed jerk of the brakes! He wasnt gonna mess with you again, lol.

    Great books that you made, such pretty papers and decorated so nicely. Cob

  27. Oh my what a story. You are superwoman, you protected yourself and fate added the quick tram stop to aid you. Keep painting with an attitude...take care of yourself, gerri

  28. Great work again Val! Love your painting and the book. Hugs, Sarah

  29. scary story, but lovely mini books, superwoman!

  30. Beautiful mini books and a wonderful story of courageous strength.

  31. Your books look just lovely! And I love the story of your superwoman picture! Definitely something to cherish, the picture and the memory!

  32. Love your painting, and your little book is a dream, whoever gets it will be very happy! Hugs, Barb

  33. Your little books are gorgeous.
    Good for you, to come home and do the painting, a real positive thing, it must have been so worrying for you at the time.

  34. Great painting of you as Superwoman, what a horrible experience to have though. The book is gorgeous.

  35. Yay Superwoman!!! Such a scary story, but I'm very proud of you for your bravery :)

    Your book looks great - such interesting bits throughout!


  36. Oh my! What a story! And your painting is such a great way to express how you were feeling.
    Your book is lovely. I am in the swap too and would be thrilled to get one of your creations.

  37. Oh, what a great story! You are indeed Superwoman. I'm glad the nasty man got what he deserved. Well, he probably deserved worse, but at least he got thrown out of the tram. Plus being knocked to the back of the bus by a woman must have damaged his ego lol. I love the picture and also the motto!

  38. Wow! Good for you for taking up for yourself!! I do hope you carried some mace after that escapade! Happy PFF! all your work is so very lovely!

  39. How very scary that must have been, good for you getting a punch in and shame on those who didn't help you. Art can be such a great release of emotions. I bet you slept better after you painted it! bravo!!

  40. Really enjoyed the story behind the painting. Think you captured it perfectly! The book is lovely too.

  41. WOW- what an incredible story! I can't believe not one of those people would help you, btw....I don't know what this world is coming to! Lucky for you, you apparently have super powers!
    And how FUN to illustrate it- great drawing!
    I liked your book too- the color and texture combinations you chose are beautiful!
    Happy PPF (a day late ;))

  42. I can see why you keep her up!

    Great story and a lovely, continual inspiration and affirmation of your strength!

  43. Good Post! Gorgeous Mini Books! And a Great Lady! Thanks for my Daily Dose Of Inspiration!
    Hugs, Tee

  44. Fabulous work! I love her..she has a strong presence and wonderful energy! beautiful post..everything is gorgeous!

  45. A little sad how the world is and scary. Good for you in surviving the ordeal, not easy and could have been worse.These days we must be very, very, careful.

    Love your depiction of super-gal, that you were without question.Lovely little books as well.

    Annabelle : )

  46. LOL! Gotta love that story...and the motto. I love the little book!


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