Thursday 18 March 2010

The CREATIVA Craft Fair in Dortmund

Phew, what a day! Big queues for parking, even longer ones to go to the loo, masses of scrappers and crafters, and....and.....STASH, STASH and more STASH as far as the eye could see! The outing to Dortmund was something B and I had planned a long time back, and were both very much looking forward to. Once we had passed all the hurdles - getting there, finding a parking space, walking back to the *Westfalen Halle* where the fair took place and getting in, we were almost knocked out by the sight of soooooooooo many lovely things. We both love stamping and nice papers and cardstock etc, so there was really something to look at there. We only managed to look at a few of the exhibition halls, as after a time you are just not able to take in anything more. We did manage to spend a lot of money in a short time, and came away with lots of new stash and even more inspiration and ideas for new projects. We were both rather knocked out afterwards, my feet felt as if they were smoking by the time we got back, but it was worth it. Nothing can keep scrappers away from stash. Must go, need to start playing with my new things!


  1. Wow! Fabulous stash Val - some really yummy stamps there!
    Sue xx

  2. Thanks Sue, I can't wait to get my fingers on them. First I must go out for my walk and then................

  3. Glad you had a wonderful time Val, I have been drooling over all that yummy stash! Can't wait to see what you create with it!
    hugs Alyson x

  4. Thanks Alyson, my fingers are itching, too!!

  5. Wow! What a haul! Love those stamps! These will keep you busy!!

  6. How scrummy Valerie, welldone you on a job well done! Those inchie stamps are fabulous, I havent seen anything like those before! Everything else is gorgeous too of course...have fun playing!
    Sue x

  7. Hi Val, You lucky lucky lady getting to visit this fair. Those stamps look fab. Look forward to seeing what you produce with them.


  8. Thanks girls. I have already made the first tags, I love having new toys to play with - who doesn't??

  9. oh val, what lovely stash, love the look of the stamps, never seen then before, have fun playing...

    pleased you had a good time, hope your feet have have cooled down by now...

    maria x

  10. Thanks Maria, my feet are better today and I have had a lovely time playing....

  11. So glad you had a wonderful time Val it hard to imagine something so big I bet you were sore after going Oh my what a wonderful lot of new stamps you have I love them all and inches wow so many yummy alma xx

  12. Thanks Alma, my feet were sore, but it was worth it!

  13. oh wow valerie, those inchy stamps are fabulous, i havent seen them over here. they are gorgeous, im drooling. the charms are yummy and those ladies are gorgeous.
    deffinately worth sore feet.
    gina xxxxxxxx


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