Tuesday 16 February 2010

Another BIA Album

On Saturday I did a workshop at *Bettypepper*, our theme was recycling - this time, loo-rolls. We had a nice afternoon flattening them, then covering them, decorating them, cutting tags and other decorations with the Big-Shot etc. Although the basic materials were the same - each participant got a *goody-bag* with paper, embellies etc - the albums all looked different at the end. The 4 hours went by very quickly, was nice to scrap in company, and Bettina supplied us with doughnuts (because it's carnival) and coffee galore, so all were happy. All in all a pleasant workshop with plenty of work while talking shop!


  1. I love the idear of doing a workshop using recycling as a theme and how wonderful it all looks when completed, such an inspiration alma xx

  2. Hi Val

    Love loo roll books. Have done two, one was given away and the other is still lying on my desk as I'm not that confident that the person I made it for will actually like it! One day maybe!!!


  3. They are lovely, I don't know who thought of the idea, but I think it's marvellous. What a lot of waste get's prevented, too.

  4. Another great BIA album Val and that sounds like a fun class.
    Sue xx

  5. Hi Sue! Yes, it was *gemütlich* mit viel *gute Laune* . How are you?

  6. brilliant as ever, and I am def going to have a go, its only recyling what would be thrown away so can't do too much damage. lol
    I love your wordings. xx elvie

  7. Elvie, that is exactly the right spirit! You will make something lovely, I am sure. Just keep going and put everything together and see what happens, it's an adventure!

  8. Beautful, as always! Well done, T


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