Monday 7 September 2009

An early start....

Last week I went to my friend B for a crop. We settled ourselves comfortably in her well-stocked craft-room (why do we always think that others have more than we do?), and each had to set a challenge for the other one, and it had to be something different from the things they usually do. I gave B a mini chipboard album to cover in bright Xmasy colours - not her favourites, and she challenged me to do a Layout in black and white about what I wanted to be as a child. Grey and silver were also allowed as deviants of black and white, so we both got started. I always wanted to be a teacher, as far back as I can remember, I never thought of doing anything else. I used to line the neighbours kids up, and get them to sit on the stairs so that I could teach them *important things*. I did not let myself be discouraged by first problems (kids who cried, wanted to go back home, started to shove each other about etc), this was a just a mild foretaste of things to come. Altogether I taught at different secondary schools for more than 35 years, and although I was happy to retire, I can look back on many happy times and experiences, and do not regret my early decision.


  1. fab layout val, i love all the detail, on the brick walls,and the notice board. brilliant!
    gina xxxxxxxxx

  2. it's lovely val, well done (fingers crossed this posts)...

    maria x


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