Hi Everybody!
Hope your week is going well. My computer and mouse are having hissy fits all day, everything is taking twice as long as it should! I hope I manage to get this post done and dusted. And my apartment needs dusting, too, got a visitor coming tomorrow!
This is a hybrid page made with a face I painted, a rusty photo taken by me, and some digital flowers and birds. Some people are rather disparaging of hybrid or digital art, but it is a lot of work and often takes as much time to make as a hands-on page. I love making things like this as it opens up many new possibilities to be creative. I am linking to Matilde's birds chllenge at AJJ, and to Rain's Tad, blooming flowers:
Today I have some pre-covid pictures to share, when wse visited the neighbouring town of Neuss, a town foundcd by the Romans way back when. We visited a flea market and walked through the crowded town, it feels so strange now to see people close together and not wearing masks:
If you look hard you can see me in this pic:
More flowers for Rain:
The figures on this building move and 'march' about every so many minutes:
Some funnies / thinkies:
I'm glad I managed to finish the post without further problems!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!