Sunday 20 January 2013


Hi you all, good evening from freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing Rhineland, brrrrrrrrrrr! It snowed again nearly all day, and when the snow stopped we had ice rain, with chaos on all roads and motorways - lovely weather to stay at home and play! 
I have made another tag for Simon Says Stamp and Show 'Lace Love' challenge. I have used a cardboard tag, partly peeled, gessoed and  embossed with Utee gold, into which I have stamped. I used my fave umbrella man again, but this time he is carrying roses home - perhaps he had a tiff with his wife and wants to show he is sorry! I have used some scraps of sack-linen, paper and lace as matting.

At Artful Times they want to see time on an ATC, here is my take on the theme. I distressed the card with ancient linen and vintage photo, then used various stamps from Paper Artsy to randomly stamp the background in Vintage Photo DI. The quote has been written using a template.

That's all for today! (Did I hear a sigh of relief?)
Keep warm, take care and thanks for visiting!

Saturday 19 January 2013

My most used stamp(s)

Hi you all, hope you are enjoying your weekend. It is very cold here still, but we didn't have any more snow today. But we will be in for some surprises in the next few days - we have warm, wet air coming from the south, and icy cold coming from the north east, and they will be meeting more or less over our heads, so we must expect snow, freezing rain and icy roads. Good excuse for me to stay home and get crafty!

At Out of a Hat Creations the ladies are asking us to use our favourite stamps, or stamps that we use most. I have such a lot of faves that this is no easy task, but there are a few stamps which I use a lot for background stamping, and I have used them here. I messed up a piece of canvas I was painting last week, the colours would not behave as I wanted. When the paint was dry, I stamped it using my script, diamond, clock, swirls, and face stamps - all from LaBlanche, using embossing ink and white EP. I stamped randomly in all directions. 

Then I used my dies to cut different things - words, umbrella men, and some bigger pieces to use for tags. I cut some little birds with a Martha Stewart punch to use up the smallest leftovers. As the canvas is rather rough, the embossing is uneven, which gives a great distressed effect.

And I made these two tags using some of my 'bits'. 

For the first one, I cut a tag from cardboard which I distressed, gave it some golden edges with Utee and added some lace and some of my embellishments. I am also entering this tag into the Simon Says Stamp and Show 'lace love' challenge.

For the second one I used the distressed background, with some coordinating embellishments for a quick tag.

I had great fun playing, as always!

Have a great weekend, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Friday 18 January 2013

PPF - just playing with paint

Hi you all, it's Friday already and that means it's time for  Paint Party Friday again. I have been playing with colours again, splashing, spritzing, spraying and just having fun and watching what happens. I made another piece, too, but didn't like it, and it has now been stamped and cut up to start life anew as something else, but more about that in my next post.
This has been painted onto a sheet of water-colour paper, 60x40 cms. I used a fine-liner to outline some of the splodges. I had fun painting!

Here's wishing you all a great weekend, have fun, stay safe and thanks a lot for visiting!

Thursday 17 January 2013

Alpha Challenge & Altered Notebook

Hi you all! It's still very cold and icy here, it keeps snowing, and I am trying to keep warm! I am enjoying watching a family of magpies behaving like vultures eating all the food on my balcony. They get very annoyed if other birds come too near, and squawk and flap around; they keep me entertained!

At the Craft Barn there is an 'Alpha Challenge' running. The alpha this week is 'V', and we can alter dictionary pages or choose other means to show the alpha. I first thought of doing V for Valerie, but I was afraid people might think I am getting big headed, so chose V for Victoria - the Queen of England from 1837  till 1901. I made a collage, with a dictionary page - where she is mentioned - as background. I used different images of her, stamps - including the famous 'Penny Black -, a post box with her monogram, a Victorian lady and two stamped 'V' monograms. The one at the top was stamped into molten Utee extra thick EP, and the other one has been stamped onto a scrap of brown miri card, using a Tsukineko glue-pad and perfect pearls. The stamp is part of a beautiful set from LaBlanche.

I have photographed my page on my book of the Kings and Queens of England.

Here I have used a bought spiral-bound notebook from the discounter. I removed the covers, painted them with 2 coats of acrylics, and then crackled them- After that I did some random stamping in Stazon timber brown, and distressed the crackled finish with Inka Gold. The little girl has been printed onto transfer paper, ironed on to canvas, and cut out. I gave the cover 2 coats of clear varnish.

This is the inside cover with an ex libris

The little cutie close up

The back cover

Inside the back cover

So, that was it for today! Have a good day / good night as the case may be, take care, and thanks for coming by!

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Tag Tuesday and more.

Hi you all! I think I need to start thinking of some elegant titles for my posts; every time I start a post I forget all the ideas I had! It's Tuesday again, so time for a new tag. Last week it was the letter 'A', which means this week is 'B'. I think it could be 'C' next week....

My theme is B for Botany. I kept the colours simple, mostly in the brown/cream range, and the flowers look dry and brown - it's winter. The butterflies are a little reminder that spring will come sooner or later!

And I have made a shadow box for the 'Things with wings' challenge over at ABAC.

The box has been covered with strips of paper, painted with bronze and gold acrylic paint, and the edges have been dipped into gold glass glitter (Say that 10 times quickly!) I filled the background with some flowers and a leaf in turquoise, and bedded the larger head, with stamped and fussy cut wings in it. The gold thistle was left over from Christmas decorations. The large wings on the smaller head have been  cut with TH's dragonfly die from paper which has been hand painted and stamped. The heads were made in a mold and polished with Inka gold in copper. 

Here I have 'framed' my shadow box, together with some other strange, winged creatures.

Have a good day you all, keep warm or cool as the case may be, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!

Monday 14 January 2013

More Challenges

Hi everybody, hope you all had a good and restful weekend and are ready to start the new week. It is still very cold here, and I woke up this morning to a white, white world - snow again! But when it is too cold to spend a lot of time outside, it's good weather to stay home and craft.... I have been practising stamping the past few days. I couldn't do any stamping for weeks as my hands were so shaky, but slowly I am getting back to doing things again. I still drop a lot of things on the floor, and have problems picking them up again, but it is much better than it was a few weeks back, so that it really good.

I have made this hanging for the Fashionable Stamping Challenges where the theme this week is planes, trains and automobiles. I used a square of cardboard, which I ripped, painted with gesso and decorated with  Ultra Thick EP in gold. For the background I distressed a piece of speciality stamping paper with DIs in antique linen and vintage photo, and did some random stamping with various steampunk stamps using Adirondack espresso. 

I mounted the card onto my cardboard, with some matting made from scraps of other suitable papers, and 2 die cut and distressed cogs. I added some lace, which makes a nice contrast to the 'masculine' images, and two more images which were stamped, fussy cut, and mounted with foam squares. I tied it all up with string, and added two metal cogs instead of beads.


It was fun to make, and I am happy that I can use my stamps again!

Have a great day, take care, and thanks for coming by!

Saturday 12 January 2013

Challenges & More

Hi you all! It's freezing cold here, but we had some SUN today, so in spite of a thick frost on the fields it was possible to go for a walk. And I have some good news today - I won the drawing over at Simon Says, which means a 50$ voucher - whoopee! Thanks to those who alerted me to my win, Terry and Maura. I was on the blog to look at the theme of the next challenge, but never looked to see who had won. It was a lovely surprise for the weekend!

At 'Artful Times' the current challenge is to use 2 embossing folders. I have made a wall hanging using cardboard, which I distressed with gold ink, and lots of ultra thick EP in gold, into which I also stamped with a LaBlanche background stamp to give some texture. I embossed some scraps of gold paper, using folders from TH and Spellbinders. I printed the image of the girl onto a transfer, and ironed it onto a piece of canvas, frayed the edges and distressed them with DI in Antique linen and vintage photo. I distressed all the 'matting' with the same inks, and layered them onto the cardboard. I tied the 'package' with string, and threaded two of my handmade textile  beads onto the ends. That was it! I am also entering this into the challenge at 'Simon Says Stamp and Show', where the theme this week is 'Embrace the old' - using up old stash, or other things already in the cupboard, or making something 'vintage'. 

The second piece is for the challenge at 'Out of a Hat' creations. This week we had to choose a row from a bingo card, and I chose the row with bling, hat, bow and stamp. All stamps used are from Catherine Moore. I have let Araminta - my bird-lady - star in this one again. She is wearing her best dress, which has been stamped, paper-pieced, coloured and varnished. I gave her a white bow, and she borrowed her Dad's best hat. The chair is also stamped, as is the little branch at the top, and the flourishes. The bling is on the flowers. Araminta thinks she deserves the title of 'Miss Cabinet Card 2013'.

And lastly I have managed to do the first three pages of my calendar for this year, and it's not even the middle of  January! I have decided to use things which I have already made, as there are always plenty of things flying around.

For January I used a piece of paper on which I did some fun stamping in layers, one over the other, some embossed, some layers hardly visible.  I love playing around with things like this. All stamps here are from LaBlanche.

For February I used my umbrella man postcard, as it is often a wet month....

For March I have used a scrap of marbled paper made some time back, matted on red and gold, and mounted onto a piece of dark red card with some gold background stamping to frame the picture.

Well done if you stayed with me to the bitter end, the post somehow got a little loooooooooooooooooooonger than planned!

Enjoy your weekend, take care, and thanks for visiting!