Tuesday 25 May 2010

3 more tags and another canvas....

Wow, it was nice having a three-day weekend here, the weather was good, and I had plenty of time for crafting. Made some more distressed tags - what else? and another canvas to display them. Used all my favourite Tim Holtz colours again - wild honey, forest green, stormy skies, victorian velvet, crushed sage and brushed corduroy. After distressing, I stamped the backgrounds and then ran riot with all the embellies I could find. The wings have been stamped, cut out, painted with clear rock candy crackle varnish and then inked before doing the edges with a gold-leaf pen. The canvas was distressed with the same colours and then glazed with mod-podge. Was great fun to make, as usual!

Sunday 23 May 2010

3 Tags and a canvas

Well, I still can't keep my fingers from making tags. Used 3 large manila tags - which I bought here in the lovely craft shop in Bad Honnef- and distressed and stamped them in the usual manner with lots of lovely TH distress inks. They have been decorated once again with everything-within-reach. The wings have been stamped, distressed, treated with crackle paint and then cut out by hand. The blue-grey key and keyhole, on the right card, are TH die-cuts, which have been distressed with *stormy skies*, and then treated with crackle glaze before putting on a thin gold border with a gold leaf pen. The canvas is 30 x 24 cms, and has been distressed with matching colours & glazed with mod-podge before using some gold leaf round the edges. I have left the gold leaf rather rough to give it a worn look. Then I fixed the tags to the canvas, added a few prima flowers and some TH metal foliage, and a metal key and key-hole. I'm not quite satisfied with it yet, so may still do some alterations.

Monday 10 May 2010

Oops, I did it again....

Well, this has been a distressing week, one way or the other, but in spite of health problems I couldn't keep my hands off the inks and tags, and this was the result. They are somehow different to my usual ones, the colours and motives have changed a bit, but that's the nice thing about tagging - watching them *grow* and develop. Thanks for looking!

Saturday 8 May 2010

Sunrise, sunset....

We had some lovely sunrises and sunsets this week before it started to rain and snow again, and as we have lovely views to the *Drachenfels* and the Rhine from here, I just have to open the window to get such lovely pictures. Made me think of that lovely, albeit melancholy song from *Anatevka* (Fiddler on the Roof):

Is this the little girl I carried?
Is this the little boy at play?

I don't remember growing older
When did they?

When did she get to be a beauty?
When did he grow to be so tall?

Wasn't it yesterday
When they were small?

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as we gaze

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

What words of wisdom can I give them?
How can I help to ease their way?

Now they must learn from one another
Day by day

They look so natural together

Just like two newlyweds should be

(Perchik & Hodel)
Is there a canopy in store for me?

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

Saturday 1 May 2010

Distressed again.....

Well, I have been trying to fight the urge to make more tags for some days. Today the urge won. Not that I have been lazy lately, made quite a lot of pretty cards for friends and a little thank-you booklet, but it was all nothing for my TH-distress urges. Now I feel better....Thanks to Gina who sent me the TH die-cuts and filled up my supplies here in exile.

Monday 19 April 2010

A boat trip to Unkel

Yesterday there was a strange appearance in the sky - the sun! After so many cold and windy days it was good to get out and feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. We decided to make use of the good weather and take a little trip on one of the Rhine Boats to Unkel, a tiny town on the Rhine with an abundance of beautiful, old, half timbered houses. We were lucky to be able to *cruise* on the *Rhine Princess*, a new ship whose virgin voyage was on Easter Sunday. And it was possible to sit on deck and enjoy the fresh air and the sunshine without freezing. In Unkel we sat outside a café and enjoyed ice-cream, cakes and coffee to strengthen us for the journey back home, this time on a ship called *Beethoven*, which was also very comfortable, when not quite so luxurious as the first one. All in all, a sunny day in nice company, a little holiday from the grey weather reality of recent times.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Ladies' Night in Pseudonym.....

People who know me may not be disposed to believe this, but last night I actually went *out*. And I don't mean a visit to a friend's or a scrap shop, but to a club-discotheque here In Bad Honnef. Of course, I didn't want to. But some other gals had decided we should all go to Ladies' Night, and put the pressure on till I agreed to go with them. We all got a bit dolled up and went out at 8p.m., not really knowing what to expect. We knew it only cost 3€ to get in, and thought we couldn't expect too much for that price....But we were wrong. Nice surroundings, good music, very friendly service, and the price included 4 free drinks. Only for ladies, the men had to pay the regular prices. Perhaps they will be able to enjoy equal rights one of these days! The selection of free drinks was good - wine, beer from the barrel, mineral water, cola, juices, tea, coffee, sekt - there was something for everybody. We spent an enjoyable 2 hours there, listening to the music, chatting, dancing and behaving a bit like teens out for their first night on the town....All in all, the place is well worth a visit & very good value for money, so if you happen to be in Bad Honnef on a Monday evening, make tracks for *Pseudonym* ( www.club-pseudonym.de) and enjoy a nice evening....And they don't mind if you decide to spend more than 3€.