
Wednesday 1 May 2024

New Challenge at AJJ - Poetry Double

Hi Everybody!

 Welcome to May. With the new month, it's time for a new challenge. This month at Art Journal Journey  we have something a little different for you. We have one new theme, but instead of one host, we have two. This month Valerie from Bastelmania- that's me - is one of our hosts, and our second host is Erika from BioArtGal

I am really excited and  much looking forward to hosting this month's challenge together with Erika. We live in different countries, far apart, but can work together, and that's great! We thought it would be fun to host and post together, and our theme this month is


Don't be scared by the theme of poems. It doesn't have to be anything special or super complicated. You can choose a poem or short verse  or limerick or whatever poems you like. You can compose your own or choose works from famous people, the main thing is to have fun. Make your poem part of a journal page, and that's the way to go! My first piece is very simple, a little poem about bees, as a tribute to Erika who cares for her bees:

And a life without bees would have serious complications for all mankind.
You can read more about it here  and in many more articles on the net etc.

All photos are by me:

I am looking forward to seeing your poetical blog pages, whatever the theme!

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a fabulous tribute to bees. A beautiful poem and an equally lovely watercolor painting to enhance the beauty of the poem. I was also very impressed with the beautiful photos you took that brought attention to the bees in your area of the world. This is a great tribute to yours and Erika's theme at AJJ, dear Valerie.

  2. We definitely need to take care of our Bees as they take care of us!!
    Beautiful page Valerie, I love how you used Bees dedicating them to Erika because of her love and care for them. A very pretty page in both pictures and words and wonderful photo's to work along side your post.
    Happy Crafting and enjoy your host time.
    Take care Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Hi Tracey, so good to see you here so early in the morning! Glad you like my page and theme ! Have a wonderful May! Hugs!

  3. Hi Val, good morning! Your new page is beautiful and the photos are absolutely fabulous. Bees are so important for the survival of humanity. Take care of yourself and don't overdo things, I am glad that you are being partnered by Erika, have fun together. Hugs from us all, Sarah

  4. Hi Sarah, thanks so much! This is a theme I love, and it's great to be partnered by Erika!! Hugs to all!

  5. What a fabulous start to the month - your page has a lovely calm look to it! I love all of those bee photos along with your page! Look after the bees! hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks so much, Chris! Looking forward to seeing your entries this month, hugs!

  6. What a wonderful way to start this theme of poetry, Valerie. The tribute to bees is both timely and necessary and the piece you have created is very beautiful, showing not only bees but other pollinators. I was happy to see Soldier Beetles in your photographs too. I am sure that Erika will be delighted with this tribute to her hives, especially since her bees seem to have successfully coped with winter. On my walk yesterday there were numerous bees of several different species nectaring on dandelions, those much maligned plants that are so important. Do you think the day will ever come when we will stop massacring them? If flowers were people the annual assault on dandelions would be akin to genocide. Good luck with your poetry theme for the rest of the month. I am sure there will be many fine submissions. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David. I thought it would be a good idea, as our bees urgently need help, and I wanted to give Erika a virtual pat on the back as she is doing her part to saving the world with her hives. There are always lots of soldier beetles here, and almost always on yellow flowers. At the last place I lived I fought a lawsuit with a neighbour who tried to get me to remove my dandelions, which I didn't. And I won, whch was great. He moved out.... I didn't miss him, nor did the other neighbours! He was one of those who is only happy when complaining about others! Hugs! xxxxxxx

  7. That should say “maligned” and not “malignant.”

  8. I absolutely love your bee page Valerie. It came out wonderful. And all those bee photos are fantastic too. I had a new batch of bees arrive yesterday, and I couldn't put them in the other hive since it rained hard and thundered most of the day, so they are sitting on my kitchen counter getting a little sugar spray for food. Today should be the day they get into their new home as the weather won't be so wet. Happy May to you, and I'm looking forward to see where we go with our poems this month. Thanks again for inviting me to join you. Hugs-Erika ps-I am loving your new header too.

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you like it! I hope the new bees will be happy in their hive when you can put them out, and not cry to be sat on your kitchen counter again and be nourished with sugar spray, sounds delectable! Happy May to you and yours, here is warm and sunny so we are off to a good start! Looking forward to having fun with our double hosting, hugs, Valerie

  9. Wonderful page and tribute to bees. Your photos are amazing especially the last ones with the bejeweled raindrops

  10. Thanks CJ. Photos like the last ones are pure chance, and so beautiful!

  11. I absolutely love this page and your theme of poems! How fun to be able to collaborate with your friend too! Love your ode to the bees as I love seeing them in my flower garden! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thanks Vicki, so glad you like our new theme, it's fun working together! Looking forward to seeing what you make! Hugs!

  12. The old meaning of May Day was the day to celebrate spring and flowers blossoming. Your post is perfect for this! Of course the bees celebrate flowers every day.
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, we even had sunshine today, and it was really warm, so nice! Happy May, hugs!

  13. I love your poem and your pretty journal page, as well as all of your outstanding photos of the wildlife! Happy first day of May!

    1. Thanks, Carol, happy May Day and have a great, new week! Hugs!

  14. Hi Val, love your poetical page, so beautiful, and you are right about protecting the bees. They are so important! Hope you are feeling better! Take care, hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks so much , Martha, enjoy the rest of the week! Hugs!

  15. Ack! No thank you to bees! I have been stung so many times I avoid them.

    1. Bees are mostly peaceful , but I am not a friend of wasps!

  16. Thank you for the lovely comment on my post and we are now in some sort of routine so fingers crossed.Fabulous journal page and love all the Nature pics and the truth is no Bees then no us!
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol! You are so right with your last sentence, I hope people soon learn it! Hugs!

  17. How I love your header this month. So evocative. Just ideal for this months challenge with Erika.
    Your journal page is perfect for the inspiration we all need for challenges. I love the fact you have used watercolour, to portray your message. The effect of the flowers and the message re the bees comes across so gently as a result.
    I am wearing my bee pendant and ear rings at the moment and today we have chased two wasps out of the bedroom. Even wasps do not get killed in our house although we are not fans of them.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps hope you are feeling a little better each day.

    1. Glad you like my header. I used one of my books for the photo, and added the flowers and title digitally. Lately I have been doing some water colour painting again. I don't like wasps either, but they usually go out again of their own accord. Have a great day, hugs!

  18. I always love your photos and each and every one of these is a beauty. Your bee page reminded me of Erika. I still haven't seen any around here yet this year -- but I'm sure it will be soon!

    1. Glad you liked the bee page, it was a tribute to Erika and her bees. Hugs!

  19. Lovely photographs ...
    Can you believe May is here!
    Wishing you a happy month ahead.

    All the best Jan

  20. I love the close-up photography! The bee poems made for a wonderful read. Huggs, Me.

  21. What a nice poem for Erika and her bees!
    While I don't really "get" why two hosts this month, if that's what y'all want to do then more power to ya! Talking about a two-fer, if y'all would allow Anything Goes as an alternate theme every month, I would be a happy camper. Jut sayin'. ;-) XOX

    1. We just wanted to share. Each host chooses their own theme. I love anything goes, too! Happy weekend, hugs!


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