
Saturday 22 July 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's to a happy weekend for us all. I'm planning on resting, reading, painting, eating, chatting atc. Sounds good to me! 

I made this very large painting (A1) way back in 1995. I was in a painting group, and we each got a quote to paint. The original quote, from Luciano De Crescenzo was: ' We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another'. Somehow this appealed to me, so I made this huge painting using acrylics and diluted acrylics. I don't think I would paint it like this today, but it is as it is - perhaps I will try a new one, as I don't really like this one anymore. As I haven't shown this before I am linking to Alison's 'come fly with me' challenge at AJJ:

And some more photos from 10 years ago, this is the third installment, and all some of my fave places:

This is a lake nearby:

The stream next to our house - with Canada Geese for David:

Men working in the stream, clearing away garbage and some of the plants so it doesn't get blocked up:

The Fire brigade ship:

Stairs leading to nowhere - they used to lead to the old mill. They were made from window supports taken from the castle ruins many, many years ago:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Happy weekend to you Valerie. It sounds like you have fantastic plans. Those angels/winged people are really fascinating to look at. I wonder how flight would work with one wing. But I like them a lot. And it can be fun to look back 10 years. We get to enjoy the lookback. I hope your weekend is a good one. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks so much, Erika, you have a great weekend, too! Hugs!

  2. What a beautiful sentiment and a perfect interpretation.
    Have a peaceful and restorative weekend, hugs, Deb

  3. Stairs leading to nowhere...too bad. Lovely art and good thinkies -Christine

    1. Yes, I was disappointed when I first noticed that! Hugs!

  4. Interest angels.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  5. Eine sehr schöne Idee von dir und zum Nachdenken, weil wir bauchen andere und nicht alleine zusein.Farblich auch toll!
    Deine Fotos sind auch toll von früher genauso die anderen Szenenbilder!
    Hab eine geruhsames Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank und dir ein schönes Wochenende, liebe Elke!

  6. Hi Val, good ❤️ morning! Quick comment, love your painting, we're off out now . Hugs, Sarah

  7. To piękny cytat i pięknie go pokazałaś na obrazie. Zielone skrzydło to nadzieja a nadzieja pomaga w życiu. Po latach chyba każdy zmienilby coś w swoich dziełach. Zamierzam spędzić weekend dokładnie tak jak ty. 😊

    1. Thanks so much Lucyna. I'm glad you understood about the green wing, not many people do! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  8. That's a wonderful one-wing painting you've done and it really makes one think of how much we need one another in this life! This is such a wonderful post of photos and funny stuff for a great start to my weekend, thanks for sharing! Have a great relaxing weekend yourself!

    1. Thanks Carol, we do indeed need each other, and the older I get the more I appreciate those who lend a helping hand. Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  9. An Angel with one wing just doesn’t seem right somehow. After all, they are creatures of divinity, and surely perfection under those auspices would be guaranteed. But if they are to be flight-deprived in this manner, then your picture does them justice, Valerie. I think it must be quite awful to invest the time and effort into creating a large work such as this only to decide you don’t like it. But, I suppose there’s always a chance for that to happen. Geese on the bank of a river, on the other hand, are always guaranteed to please. Thank you for including them. Yesterday we visited friends at their country place and there was a little flotilla of Canada Geese on the river which runs alongside their property and it was really quite lovely. For an artist like you there would have been a perfect opportunity to paint a pastoral scene to fill the heart with joy. The image is firmly fixed in my mind, however, and that will have to suffice for me. We had lunch en plain air and she made a fabulous meal of pitas and tzatziki, cheese, Greek style chicken, rice, Tabouli, and lovely rosé and white wines. Sometimes when it’s summer time the living is easy to quote Mr. Gershwin. Tony Bennett died, as we all must of course, but the world has lost a great talent. Enjoy the weekend. Hugs and kisses to and the charming Heike - David

  10. Hi David, who knows how angels are built these days, with late deliveries, shortag of parts and rising costs! I often don't like things I make. Either I paint over them or cut them up to use in collage work etc. That geese by the river is one of our fave sights doesn't completely surprise me....I'm sorryy to hear that Tony Bennett died, he was a great crooner, and will be sadly missed. Your meal at your friends' in the country sounds delicious. If you go again, please ask if I can go with you! Happy weekend, BIG hugs xxxxx

  11. It sounds like you have good plans for the weekend Valerie.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful angels with my AJJ theme, I love them.
    Great photos and funnies too.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Glad you like them Alison, have a great weekeend! Hugs!

  12. Your page and quote are so beautiful. Enjoy your weekend.

  13. Sounds like the perfect weekend.Love the one winged Angels all dependent on each other.Love the pics and funnies
    carol x

    1. Thanks so much, Carol! We are all dependant on each other. Hugs!

  14. This is beautiful, I love the drawings of the figures and all the vibrant colors they have (the blues and the greens). wonderful art as always.

    1. Thanks so much, Quinley, have a great weekend!

  15. Aw, that last meme is so cute, makes you want a dog. That big painting fits the quote beautifully.

  16. I like the funnies.
    Enjoy your weekend ...
    We have strong winds and rain!

    All the best Jan

  17. What a great idea to use your angels at Art Journal Journey, Lovely photos and great funnies, love the can opener cat hugs , Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! Oh yes, cats are like that! Have a great week!

  18. Love the angels and that you painted them a while back. I never think about recycling my stuff into new art. Guess I don't do enough digital, I mostly use it for sentiments and combining digi stamps IF they're in .png format. More and more I wish they were. That sounds like a great schedule for the weekend and I hope your pizza was yummy and friends were fun. Is that your house in the photo with the parked bike? Hope the skeeters still aren't biting. Take care! xoxo

    1. Hi Aimeslee, I love working with digital prohemgrammes. now have hundreds of my backgrounds, faces, figures, drawings etc in my graphics programme and can merrily re-organse them and change colours etc. It's fun, but a bit addictive. No, that's not where I live, I'm about ten minutes away from there and don't have a bike anymore as I can't keep my balance. No more skeeters. I'm happy to say. So now I'm off out to eat Pizza with my friends, more next time!

    Link up with a smile HERE


  20. Hi Valerie, loving the weekend post. The funnies are brilliant and great artwork too. Had a busy weekend so a bit late calling in but I'm sure you will excuse me xXx

    1. No problem, nice people are welcome at any time! Hugs!

  21. OK -- I was loving it all. Then I got to Tabby Road and now I'm all but on the floor laughing! I needed that!

  22. I am glad you showed us this painting again. I love the idea of the one winged angels and you have captured them perfectly in the style you have employed in this painting.
    A very thought provoking piece.
    I don't know how you find those funnies but the dog pee'ing made me laugh out loud.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, it'sy anice thought having someone there to support you. And yes, that funny was very funny!


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