
Monday 24 July 2023

T sTands for Time flies

Hi Everybody! 

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. I had a restful Satuday, did some crafting and painting  in the afternoon, and just had fun!! On Sunday I went with 2 friends, Heike and Anna to Pizeria Roma. We all had delicious meals, and drank our usual non alcoholic beer, and then cappuccino afterwards. Then we  came back to my place, and yes, we had cappuccino again, made by me this time. And we had time for a good natter  before Anna had to drive home.

And for Alisons's come fly with me challenge at AJJ I have an 8x8" journal page.I painted the bird, and placed it on a watercoloured background. The frame is from Serif, it was even a freebee!

This evening we wil be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, and I have lots of drinks in my pictures.And here the pictures from our visit to the restaurant. Anna is holding her beer, and mine looks huge as it was near the camera:

And of course, Heike is saying 'Prost' to you all:

And I can't have a post without coffee:

Here I have some more earrings to show you:

And some thinkies/ funnies

My balcony garden is still doing well:

That's all for today!
Have a happy T Day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. Beautiful flowers and plants on your balcony Valerie. I love that you have friends that you can go out to grab a meal with or a coffee. I love your art-do you ever frame any of your pieces? Have an awesome new week-hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. It's good to have friends who live nearby. I have a lot of my art framed here in my place, and a lot of friends have framed pictures of mine in their homes. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Lovely art.
    Lovely friends to enjoy a coffee and chat.
    Lovely flowers on your balcony.

    This is a lovely post.
    Have a good new week.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, and today I have a vase of lovely flowers in my home! Enjoy you week, jan!

  3. Lovely garden and fun thinkies. Looks like a fun time out with good friends too. Love the earrings.

  4. Love all the garden photos. Awesome.

  5. Looks like a great time you ladies had. Love the little cuppa too! And that painting of the girl watering the tree is AMAZING! I would do that. That's a great deal of fun. Have a great new week. Huggs & Bugs, Me.

    1. Thanks Ida, I'll take the huggs but not the bugs, I've got enough skeeters of my own! Have a wonderful week, hugs!

  6. I LOVE your Bluebird, I really do!
    I also love your dish of sedum.
    Have a great week, hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. Is sedum the name for the succulents? Have a great week!

    2. Apologies Valerie. Sempervivum, not sedums.! Commonly called House leeks.

    3. Thanks Deb! I am not a good gardener, but I am trying! Hugs!

  7. Hi Val, beautiful art again, such a pretty bird! And if you see those Nutella earrings again, could you get some for our S, she would love them. Have a wonderful day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I will look for those earrings, and then send them! Hugs!

  8. Das ist doch wieder ein wundervolles gemaltes Bild und in diesem Layout komt es fantastisch raus.
    Schön dass du so ein tolles entspanntes Wochenende hattest mit deinen Freundinnen!
    Hab ein schöne Woche und hoffentlich nicht zu stressig!
    Liebe Umarmung Elk

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke. Ja, das Wochenende war schön, aber ich habe mehrere Termine bei Ärtzte etc this week. Das schaffe ich mit Links! Hugs!

  9. Lucky you to have lunch with two lovely friends, Valerie. The picture of a Heike reminds me that I have research to do in the curious evolutionary adaptations that have occurred in humans, especially in the subspecies found in the general area of Düsseldorf, Germany, where an appendage resembling a large glass of beer emerges from the right hand. Not only is this a characteristic feature, it usually contains a delicate and flavourful amber liquid. An alcoholic component has not yet developed, but it might happen. In fact there is some evidence that the human might even have discretionary control over that. This seemingly cumbersome addition to the digits seems to present no impediment to other functions, since the best known example of this phenomenon, the said Heike, is always well-dressed, bathed as far as can be known from pictures, with a huge smile indicating pleasure with life. It is all quite remarkable. Were I close by I would hasten to observe this phenomenon, and give her a hug. I will be sure to let you know if my research turns up other information. Hugs and kisses from your curious friend, David.

    1. I think nobody has yet tried to fathom out this mystery, dear David, so this could be your chance of fame and fortune, take it! I am sure you would enjoy the hugs, anyways! At the moment it's thundering and we have torrential rains. It never rains but it pours! Today I am having a lazy Monday! Have a great, new week, hugs, Valerie xxxxx

  10. Good to see you meeting up with friends though I don't know how you manage to drink all that, they are whoppers! I absolutely love the girl watering the tree, it brilliant. Wishing you a happy week. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Thanks, Angela, it's half a litre, and it's a lot to drink. But as I never drink enough, it does me good! Have a great day, hugs!

  11. That’s a beautiful bird Valerie. And I’m glad you surrounded it with flowers because it definitely belongs in a wonderful
    Garden. You sound like you had a super weekend. And you definitely enjoyed your coffee too 😀. I also like these earrings. You have some fun ones. I hope your week starts off in a good way and you have a happy T day too. Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks so much, dear Erika. And today I am tired. And it's raining really hard with thunder and lightning! I hope you have a great week, too! Hugs!

  12. I used to have a cappuccino maker, but I discarded it when it broke. I miss it. These days, I just drink Cold Brew coffee by Stok, which is nice on a hot day. Very refreshing! But I'd love to have a cappuccino again.

  13. i love bear:) but expecially the dark one;)

  14. I think it safe to say your a free spirit, rather than out of control.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  15. So fun, your afternoon with friends. I love days like that! And your balcony garden takes my breath away!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, have a great, new week. Hugs, Valerie

  16. Your little bird would be right at home on your balcony. such beautiful flowers. Glad you had a restful and fun weekend. Happy T Day

  17. Oops. The anonymous comment was from me, CJ

  18. YOur balcony looks very beautiful, Valerie. Those Balkonkastenhalter are so familiar - even after more than 20 years. I had exactly the same ones. Very practical since you can adjust them to the width of the banister. Lovely art as always. Can you still sleep well after all that coffee? I usually have difficulties sleeping if I drink coffee after 2:00 pm. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Ah yes, everybody has them. Mine are old and rusty, but still okay to use!

  19. Your journal page is stunning, Valerie.
    I loved seeing the flowers on your deck especially the potted succulents!
    Looks like you had a great outing with your friends. I am loving those Nutella earrings!
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate, the daughter of a friend of mine is in love with the Nutella earrings, too! I will get them for her and send them.

  20. Your piece, and garden, is beautiful. Love the book earrings:)

  21. All winners today! I am notoriously finicky about earrings but you had all winners today! Aloha

  22. I was reading along and fell asleep in my computer chair. Guess I was wiped out.

    Your bird is beautiful. I know how much you love birds. Adding that frame was brilliant and made the bird seem so much more elegant. Thanks for sharing this at AJJ using Alison's theme.

    You three ladies had wonderful drinks. Loved seeing you with the non-alcoholic beers and later your cappuccinos. Was nice of you to invite Anna and Heike to your place for cappuccinos. Thanks for sharing these with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    Your balcony flowers are beautiful. I think they add so much color and warmth to your balcony. Loved the thinkies, too, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, it was a fun day. Happy T Day!

  23. Your journal page is so pretty with that delicate little birdie and all those wonderful flowers! Your photos are always such fun to sort through and right about now I could really go for one of those tall cold beers! It's so hot everywhere! Take care and have a great week ahead!

    1. Thanks Carol, that beer is really great on a hot day, nothing better! Hugs

  24. Lovely artwork of little birdie and I like the frame too. Everything makes a great artwork! So pretty flowers from your balcony garden. I really enjoyed those photos. Happy to see that everyone enjoy drinks together to celebrate. Thanks for sharing all these with us. Happy T-Tuesday!

  25. Beautiful journal page, Valerie. Lovely bird and so many great details and great framing. Super cool drink pictures too. So fun to have drinks with friends. Sounds like you had a good week.

    Fun earrings, coffee, funnies, and flowers. Your posts are always a delight! Happy T-day and hugz

  26. Your art today is simply beautiful. I love that blue bird and then the face with the slightly open mouth. Glad you are out with your fiends. I really like how the non alcohol beer is served, such nice bit glasses. Your garden looks fabulous too. Have a great day today.

    1. Thanks Nicole, it's good to be out with friends!

  27. Your balcony garden is delightful. I got a kick out of your memes. The pizza box does seem to indicate we are in trouble, doesn't it lol

    1. Indeed. If we need that comment we are well on the to extinction!

  28. What a gorgeous bird, and so beautifully framed. Your balcony garden is amazing! Estupendo as they say here.
    Isn't it great to go out with friends and have a good natter.
    The memes are good. That pizza place must have been sued by someone who choked on a pizza box, lol.
    Sorry for the late reply. As per usual I don't have time on Tuesday.
    A belated happy T-Day,

  29. As always, fab photos and thinkies. I love the gable end wall painting, there are some talented people about doing things like this. The ear rings are fab - love the Nutella ones especially, and the thinkie about 'my mouth and brain' is so true.
    Your journal page - well, what a lovely watercoloured background you have made. It is perfect for the frame and the delightful little bird you painted. A truly pretty page, thank you.
    Hugs, Neet
    ps hope you don't mind, you got a mention in my blog post

    1. Ooooh, I must go and look! All publicity is good publicity!

  30. I love your bird painting Valerie. It's a beautiful page.
    An interesting post with lots to look at as always :-)

  31. I really like the page you made for AJJ, Valerie. I'm a sucka for square pieces, I think it's my Muse's favorite base shape heehee. Your balcony flowers are splendid! And I'm so glad you could enjoy an outing with your friends. XOX

  32. Thanks so much Aimeslee. I hope you are doing well! Hugs!

  33. I love seeing your balcony plants . Your bird page is beautiful Valerie. The mural with the girls watering the tree is fabulous, Belated Happy T Day with all of those drinks, hugs, Chrisx


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