
Friday 21 July 2023

Flight, Flowers and Faces

Hi Everybody!

Another week  has raced by, and I got next to nothing done . The next week has to be better! (???) Today is Nicole's FFF and Gillena's AFFF But first I have a piece made for Alison's Come fly with me challenge at AJJ, made with the help of AI,  and a few added embellishments. AI is something I find very fascinating but also very scary: 

My heads:

Looks like I forgot to comb my hair. This was taken back in 2015. Funny, I have the same shirt on today!

This was also made years ago:
A collage with photos of my late husband and me as babies:

This was made in one of the Lifebook taster sessions 2 years back from a lesson with Cinnamon Cooney, I LOVE her ideas:

This was also from LB:

And some faces as funnies and thinkies:

Has he got a bad conscience!?

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Once again lovely creativity. I like the cow, actually I dream cow quite often. I been painting flowers, and thinking about the leaves.
    Coffee is on and stay on.

    1. I love cows, they have such beautiful eyes!

  2. Beautiful art Valerie I loved everything-Have a good weekend hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy, have a great weekend, take care, hugs!

  3. All kinds of wonders today. I love the AI piece. I did my guest post with AI:) You're right. It's both fun and scary. Cute piece of you and your HH.
    Hugs, Sandra

    1. Thanks Sandra, have a great weekend, hugs!

  4. Your AI piece is lovely, but in general I don't think AI is a concept I favour. Hugs Deb

    1. I Don't like AI either. I had a session some weeks back and made 12 pictures, it was fascinating but very scary, I think it will make a lot of problems and trouble. Hugs!

  5. Cheers! loving your art and always love your photos!!!

  6. In response to your visit, I do believe you. Love your reminiscence of days gone by. Most of the images I am now doing are created by AI. It has a problem with hands though.(six fingers or misshapen fingers) Ai is scary when you consider what is possible with it.

    You have a wonderful sense of humor.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Thanks Jim. I had a rather awful childhood, and I needed my sense of humour to survive. Glad you enjoyed my reminiscences! Hugs!

  7. I love your AI inspired journal page for Alison's theme at AJJ. It is wonderful and you put my participation there this month to shame. Your faces are wonderful. Always love your heads. However, I REALLY, really love the cow. Have a fabulous Friday and rest of the weekend, dear friend.

    BTW, laughed at your wearing the same top in the photo that you have on today. I do that a lot, too. If I love a particular outfit, I hang onto it and wear it often.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, Cinnamon and her colourful art are alwas so inspiring! I wear my clothes as long as I can. I don't care about following fashions, I do my own thing! And I just love that wonderful royal blue!

  8. Hi Val, good morning 🌅! Just a quick comment, have to work today. Love your AI art, but AI is def. scary! Enjoy your day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great weekend, take care, hugs to all!

  9. Luv all the fun art and quotes and photos.
    Have a good weekend Valerie.
    Happy you linked up to AFFF


    1. Thanks Gillena, have a great weekend ❤️ hugs!

  10. Your funnies are so funny but also so very true to life (and me). How on earth did you find the photo of the baby and the dog, both with the same look on their faces, uncanny how one is a reflection of the other.Brilliant!
    I love the cow and must look up the artist behind the inspiration, Would love to do colour on things like you do.
    Love all the heads and was so pleased to see you wearing a top from a while back, I have so many tops and things that DH thinks I over spend, he doesn't realise just how old some are,
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I just had to put those two pics together, they both have such guilty expressions! Cinnamon Cooney has loads of free lessons and videos on youtube, they're really worth looking at! I don't see why I should throw away things that I like, and most things do last a long time. I had some long, wide dresses 10 years back, and this year they are in again, yesssssss! Hugs!

  11. ...Valerie, this is a fabulous collection! I think that we all have bad hair days. The psychedelic cow is wonderful and your collection of humor is a great way to start the day. Be well and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Tom, I love colour and humour! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  12. What a great post Valerie. So much fun art. I'm loving the latest "garden" piece for AJJ. ANd it's always nice to see some other art too-including your new header. Very nice. All of your funnies today were super and could apply to me, except the pup chewing. but I've been there with a few dogs we have had in our lives. Smile. The book lady looks like a few places in my house-smile. I hope you have a productive weekend-or maybe relaxing. Either way, enjoy it. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! When my dog Scruffy had her 7 puppies they chewed, ripped, and peed on everything. We had to buy some new furniture afterwards. But it was such a wonderful time! The book lady eminded me of myself and my living room! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  13. Getting things done is overrated anyway, Valerie! Relax, enjoy, be indolent if you wish. There comes a point in life where you have earned that privilege. This is a great post full of interest and appeal, right from the header to the last image. The one about when your mother calls you by your full name really made me laugh! And there you are back in 2015 looking gorgeous as ever, hair askew, beer in hand, a smile on your face - and you are still wearing the same shirt today! I hope you washed it before putting it on again! Your psychedelic cows always amuse me. And your faces are intriguing. I hope that you and Heike have plans for merriment and fine dining. The weekend is almost upon us. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Ah David, it always does me good when i read your funny and snarky comments - thanks! I alwas think I must do something, and you're right, why? Reading, painting, going for walks, looking at the flowers and birds is so much better! That's so true, full names were always a sign of trouble, love the face of that kid, and the dog has the same expression! Yes,I washed my shirt before putting it on! I try to keep my things for a long time, and when they are not wearable any more they go the old clothes collection where they get reused for something or other. But I think I have changed a lot since then! On Sunday we will be goining out again for dinner as long as it doesn't get so hot again. Have a great weekend, take care, hugs, Valerie

  14. I just love your posts with all the great art work and fun things to chuckle over! I'm loving that collage of you and your late husband - what a great piece that is! Keep smiling and have a great weekend too

    1. Thanks Carol, you have a wonderful weekend, too!

  15. It always surprises me when I see that an item of clothing that I still wear and enjoy is ten years old ---or older!

    1. I think some clothes almost become a part of us! Hugs!

  16. Lovely art and fun thinkies Valerie!

  17. I love your selfies, your beautiful eyes. More, please. Those memes made me laugh, especially the one of that poor dog, guilty as charged!

    1. Thanks a lot. That dog is really something!

  18. Great series of faces ~ love the doggie one ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks so much Carol, the doggie is really funny!

  19. Ich liebe deine Kunst sie sind aussergewöhnlich und auch mit deinen Kinderfotos so süss und dich zu sehen so hübsch Valerie.All die anderen witzigen Fotos genauso.
    Hab ein schönen Freitag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke, dir auch ein schönes Wochenende! Alles Liebe!

  20. I love all the art and faces you've posted by my favourite is the Gay Cow!

    1. I'm glad you like my gay cow! Thanks for the smile, hugs!

  21. I love your banner and all the wonderful art. The first 2 are so delicate and pretty. I love them. Some of those funnies really hit home. LOL Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks Nicole, have a wonderfu weekend! Hugs!

  22. I love your summery page for my AJJ theme Valerie. Lots of beautiful art, and lovely photos of you. Great funnies too :D
    Happy Friday!

    1. Thanks Alison, have a great weekend, hugs!

  23. Hi Valerie, I'm a bit late getting round today as we had to go out and then I tried to get a bit of gardening done until it poured down with rain again and before you know it, it's everybodies dinner time ans well....I'm here now, Loving the art work and it's always good to look back at some older pieces. I often get some of my best ideas from some older projects that I've done years ago. Nice pics of you too and love the funnies. There are several of the funnies that I can relate to. Have alovely creative weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Lovely people are never too late! I often look through old work and copy some of the good ideas from way back when! You have a great weekend, too,hugs!

  24. Lovely colourful art and aww I do like the guilty looking dog.

    Have a restful weekend.

    All the best Jan

  25. Hi Valerie, hope you are feeling okay!
    Well, I have extremely negative feelings about AI in art. I can't hardly look at your AI makes, even though they are pretty colors. I guess it's a crossed line for me. I prefer some actual product going on the paper, I guess, lol. Now, I do love that mermaid and that cow is a Framer for sure! I'm totally down with that Joan Didion meme quote. Hope you are able to really start enjoying a bit lazier life. I know you see it that way now. I was there once. You never knew me in my pre-Arthurs life. I was the Supreme Multi-Tasker. It was hard going from a Type A to a Type B but I had to and now I'm finally so thankful I got to taste the other side! Hard passage through though. Hope you have something delish lined up, too. I'm craving ice cream but can't have it, boo! XOX

    1. Hi Aimeslee. Yes, AI is a very sticky thing, and I fear it will be very dangerous and deceptive in the future. I like that Joan Didier quote, it speaks to me! I have cut down on the amount of things I try to do each day, but it is still too much, and I find it very hard to stop when I should! I always had to multi-task to get everything done and it's hard to break the habit. I need to get to bed earlier, too, and then limit my book-reading in bed to perhaps half an hour ad not to read til 3 am! Sooner or later I hope it will get better.... No ice cream or cake for me today, I had strawberry creamcheese cake yesterday, wow! Sorry you're not allowed icecream! And tomorrow I'm meeting up with 2 friends and we're going to pizzeria Roma for dinner - yummy!
      Have a good weekend, hugs xxxx!

  26. Oh my goodness, where to begin. This is the post of all posts ... everything hits home and either sparked a memory of made me LOL. You are on a roll, my friend :) I haven't tried using "AI" again, but it looks like you have it mastered. I should go back to it and see more of what it offers. Yes, and I agree I am afraid of what "AI" means to our futures. I chuckled when you said you are wearing the same shirt as you did in 2015. I never throw a shirt away and I have some that I have had since the 90's ... maybe even before. Your Cow is my favorite. I have a friend who embellishes her art with colors and I love her art. I keep thinking I want to try it, but somehow it never happens. Your Funnies and Thinkies are the best. I can relate to every one of them and my daughter has that same reaction when I call her by her full name. LOL, you are the best Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea, glad you had fun on my blog! I wear things I like as long as they hold together! One of my blog friends said she loved my Gay Cow, and I couldn't stop laughing! Hugs, Valerie

  27. I love the flowery pages - AI can be quiet worrying if you think too hard about it. I love that you are still wearing favourite clothes from a few years ago - I still have some from before we moved here and that was 2012 - they're a bit big on me now so I have started adding darts, hugs, Chrisx

  28. Your creativity doesn't know any limits and it's so inspiring, Valerie! This weekend I didn't do anything else but having a potluck party with my German class that included Erdbeerbowle, and playing with watercolors. I call this a splendid weekend. Cleaning and all these other chores can wait. Have a good week ahead, Valerie!


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